Interview 1293 – James Corbett on The Gary Null Show

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Interviews | 24 comments

James Corbett appears on The Gary Null Show for a detailed conversation on the history, function, and future of The Federal Reserve system. James and Gary discuss the history of the Fed as detailed in Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve, dissect the Fed’s role in creating the financial crisis as it exists today and point to the real solution to this crisis.


  1. That was typically inquisitive of you, Pablo, to ask where does that number come from. I’m not surprised it comes from the white house, makes sense after all. They are the one directing this thriller, it’s their asses the data should be pulled out after all.

    Mike Maloney does a good job with his “Hidden secrets of money” on the topic of demystifying the matter bankers like the keep as murky as possible. Because only an economist which sold his soul to the devil can understand, not us plebs.

    • I’ll put that on the playlist for tomorrow.

      I’ve been busy these days on following the local scene. The government is trying to push through a real estate tax, which is an extremely sensitive topic, even if we already pay 50+% tax. There’s a lot of mud slinging going on, all the establishment whores are showing their goddamn faces and people seem to be more agitated than ever.

      They have also recently made some law changes soothing evictions and foreclosures, so the plank has been oiled and is as slippery as it has ever been. About 10% of the public have their bank accounts blocked, thanks to the prowess of the “financial agency.”

      A few years ago something similar passed in Serbia and people are apparently paying a lot to keep property that was rightfully theirs to begin with.

      Now, is this the straw that broke the camel’s back?

      • If I do construct a ship, it will be used to house all of these technocratic whores and send them on their marry way. While I do appreciate the importance and value of travel, this is my goddamn country too and I’m not running from these bourgeois assholes.

        • Same deal. Load up globalists on the space craft and launch it into space. The vehicle would be cheap, without any returning or security equipment nor sustenance devices. Why should we HAVE to go anywhere?

    • When I worked in stocks (which is why I have no soul today, since I had to sell it to get my licenses), I was interviewed by a bank to manage their funds. The interview started for me to run a single bank, but ended with an offer to manage about five of them. It’s been a while, so the numbers are vague now. Banks are the worst place to buy stocks (and all are horrible, what with bots and people like I was) because they always put their losers in their customers accounts and keep their winners. Oh yes, trust your local multi-national banker. Jim, in Fluoride-a still, and still out-running the zombies! Yay, yay, yay!

    • My first job as a stockbroker was selling stocks that didn’t exist. If you ever watch the movie “BoilerRoom”, listen to the director’s commentary. I was the person they described in that one. Much worse than the movie characters. Went legit later, but it is all so horribly felonious that I left the entire field.

      • Jim,
        Thanks for the skinny.
        ha!…I remember in the late 80’s getting taken over time by an options broker and eventually losing about 18k. I was so naĂŻve.
        Gold was having a run up during this time. Newspapers were the common source for information. Dog gone…I remember one of my last trades… I told the broker I wanted to buy ‘heating oil’ and forget the gold. I felt like heating oil was gonna go high. We argued and argued. He finally persuaded me to buy gold options again. I would had made 100k on the heating oil. Instead, I watched my funds fade away.

        One thing about ‘trading’ which is ugly.
        When someone loses money, someone else gains.

        • Yep; once you give a broker that check, it’s their money, not yours. We used to have a saying: “3 people stand to make money on any trade: The firm, the broker, and the client. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.” Even if we didn’t have the regs (which protect the companies and investment firms) and we got rid of the SEC (which is deliberately mis-used to give the appearance of integrity, without any substance), and even if we got rid of the trade-bots (which have made the market even more of a lottery), I wouldn’t invest in it. Simply because I would rather invest in myself than in someone else. A well-managed, aggressive portfolio will net you about 14% per annum. I can get better results than that by investing in myself. Now maybe if I were a billionaire….. But then again, I would just skip Wall Street and just buy the company like Warren Buffet does. Wall Street has always been a con. But today, it is a nightmare. For years I used to get the Investors Business Daily. It was a very good newspaper for stocks/bonds and the like. A few years ago I picked up a copy of one and it was pure filth. Just political garbage and all the fine reporting thrown out the window. They even took out my favorite section, which was the “Who got busted” section. Hmmm, wonder why? Glad you enjoyed; Jim

    • De Vrije Media has some really hot stuff on their playlist.

  2. Hola Pablo! Those numbers sound so scary, but what are they really? Just numbers. And numbers, like names, will never hurt me! I think the problem is that people believe we will need to rely on those who caused the problem to solve the problem. And that we will have no choice about the matter. I find that hilarious! Of course we have a say. This doesn’t have to be slavery; it could just as easily be freedom. Cheers, your friend who is a bit winded from outrunning the zombies, but is still ahead of them! Jim

    • This is true, but in a collapse of their fake money; many more people would be awakened. It only takes a small percentage to make a huge difference. Mostly because most people have always been asleep at the wheel and just sleep-walk through life.
      I am curious about one thing in this banking scheme. There is an agency called the Currency Stabilization Agency, which is part of the Treasury Department. It was the one initially funded through the confiscation of private citizen’s gold by the great con artist FDR. From what little I know of it, it is supposed to set the agenda for the FED. In a sense, the bankers DO work for the government; though of course they profit mightily from the debasement of the currency. Does anyone here know anything of this agency? Adios, Jim; who is still trying to get his zombie kill of the week in fluoride-a!

  3. I love it when James Corbett is interviewed by others.
    It gives him a chance to share important information to a different audience, and I always walk away with some gems.

    It really doesn’t matter who does the interview. The message is what is important to me.

    In the past, Gary Null has put out some good videos/documentaries/information.

    • I am reluctant to say this about Gary Null…

      I would want someone else to tell me. So I am telling a story.
      Here is a story…
      A couple summers ago in the hot, humid 100 degree heat of near east Texas, Gary had a health retreat. $2,000 cost. The retreat was designed to regain health in addition to revealing new found secrets by Gary Null about health and curing cancer. Joyce Riley attended as did people from all around. One lady sold her truck so she could go. People took off work to go.

      In the promotion of the event, it talked about all fresh organic foods and nice accommodations (bamboo sheets and aesthetic rooms). Mineral baths.

      Some folks who arrive, despite their reservations, find out that they will need to get a room at the town’s Best Western.
      It gets ongoingly worse.
      The food was canned beans and other canned items. No fresh foods.
      The mineral bath pool was being refilled with a garden hose from City water.
      Ate outside in the heat. No talking allowed during meals.
      The first day’s talk was stuff about the frauds which everyone knew, so many were disappointed.
      And his talks continue in this vein, but with lots of bullying and strong intimidation if anyone shows any negativity (because people are questioning all the bullshit). Gary Null threatens to ruin the life of anyone who says something like what I am saying here.

      Another aspect to all this… Around prior to this time, Power Hour Joyce Riley had recovered from a cancer-health issue. Evidently, an electronic device which helps with the atomic-scale vibrational alignment assisted Joyce in her recovery. (I own a small pen-size version of the device.) Gary Null had given others the impression that he was the primary source for this “secret”, for this application. But that was a deception. He had only rented the machine.

      There were other bullshit type things which occurred. Some people confronted Gary about this stuff. One of Gary’s aides said that Null was so upset by confrontations that he stayed in a fetal position for much of the evening.

      • About my above statement. I hate making statements like that. It is hard for others to verify. It is like gossip. If I am lying, it could cause undue harm.
        So please, don’t rush to judgement just because I tell a story about another person.
        I recommend filing it away, like you would file an electric bill.

          • Thanks HRS,

            I find it interesting that James’ PODCAST isn’t showing up on Gary’s website (or maybe I couldn’t find it). I wonder why?

            Gary seems to have good guests and topics and wonder why his behavior you highlight is different vs. his public persona?



      • If that story is even 50% true it’s a terrible affair and a black stain on this man’s resume. And I wholeheartedly doubt you’d spike any part of a story like that. So icky stuff is on Null.
        2000 a pop makes it totally believable.

  4. Bankers didn’t exist in Roman times, its a mod label often applied (inappropriately) to ancient money changers. The ancients were well versed in each of the three basic money lending modes – interest free, simple interest and compound interest. Only loans issued with compound interest repayment plans are usury. All ancient communities recognized the socially corrosive effects of compound interest, and the Roman statutes forbidding it (called de usura) date back to the 4th century BC. Besides the building of the famous empire, beginning in the same century, the chief feature of the history of the Republic was the constant struggle to enforce the anti usury laws against the ingenuity of wealthy citizens with spare cash to loan to ignore or evade them. Really this was a struggle within the ruling classes between the normal folk who wished to see reasonable and socially responsible legislation obeyed and the psychopaths focused on profit at any cost. But in any case the famous hostility of organized Christianity to usury for nearly two millenia was fundamentally rooted in this very old and notable Roman legislative effort and is one of the defining foundations of western civilization. Quite in abeyance today because current political and economic structures rest on the bedrock of usury in the service of gangster cliques invested with hereditary control of money creation privileges.

  5. While James’ research and publications on the US central banking cartels are interesting and informative, more could be done on two important features of the early period ; how and why pro central banking foreigners like Gallatin and Hamilton acquired the influence that they did (especially Hamilton in view of his extreme youth and inexperience). Secondly the permanent embedding of private bank money creation privileges at the state level. This seems never to have been challenged though it was obviously pretty important in how Americans came to understand money and tended to legitimize usury and money creation privileges as the normal prerogatives of small private cliques among them. Even in the current federal reserve system the state bank of New York has always held a preponderating influence ; it was one of the earliest banks in the US and with a Roosevelt or two among its founders.

    There may be links here with James Perloff’s notable research focused on the US based terrorist groups which fomented the American Revolution without any genuine cause of grievance, as one important effort (though only one among many) to turn all the New World colonies against the European monarchies which had established them and organize a new international power structure based on usury, private money issuance, business & trading corporations as civic entities and misinformation (above all the selling of terrorism and rule by hereditary gangster cliques as democracy).

    • Can you provide some links for further reading into these points?

  6. Hola Pablo!

    Here is another debt clock

    I consider the ‘US UNFUNDED LIABILITIES (GAAP)’ [bottom middle] to be a bit more realistic than the published 19.9T [top left] that we all hear from MSM. For the 107T data point, the source apparently is the US Treasury. But I also feel this 107T is too low and most likely much higher than this!

    You can hover over the other values and see their individual sources.

    Anyway you slice it, it’s all BAD NEWS.


  7. It drives me crazy every time I hear it. 100% of our money is debt. Not 90%, not 97%. 100% of our money is debt. There is not a “sliver” of debt free coins out there. How do coins come into circulation in Japan? Do they drop the debt free coins out of helicopters? In the U. S. the mint makes the coins, then sells them to the FED at face value. The FED sells them to commercial banks at face value. The only way one can get coins is to go to a commercial bank and give them checkbook (debt money) in exchange for the coins. So coins are still just another representation of debt money. There is no such thing as debt free money.

  8. Why on earth did you only say that peer-to-peer technology that makes the banks irrelevant exist? (around 41:xx m:s) Why didn’t you just name that technology: Distributed ledger technologies or blockchain technologies in other words crypto-currencies (and smart contracts) implemented for instance in bitcoins and etherium. You yourself accept bitcoins as payment…!
    And because there will ever only exist 21 mill. bitcoins it cannot be manipulated and inflated as ordinary fiat money.

    • Uh, don’t know much about bitcoin, but I do know it has already been manipulated. Somebody cornered the market on it, drove up the price, and then dumped them. Happened a couple of years ago. Anything can be manipulated. That’s the core of progress!

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