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via FaithAndLiberty.ca: “It’s a perfect day to focus on Hopium, as we welcome back our special guest, award winning investigative journalist, James Corbett.”
Increasing flu cases in Japan putting hospitals under strain
Episode 466 – Japan Rising (Tokyo World Crisis Summit presentations)
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon
CDC Opens New East Asia and Pacific Regional Office in Japan
Interview 1807 – Exploding the Malthusian, Anti-Human One Health Myth on CHD TV
Episode 404 – A Brief History of Hopium
At the very least he did pardon Ross Ulbrich who did not deserve two life sentences and 40 years.
I think your right that anything good happing is better then it not happening. If they stop fluoridingbso much and ban some food additive poisons it’s better than nothing.
Did you hear about the Jan 6 people the prison is refusing to release? That’s crazy IF as reported. We really are hitting the end of what little rule of law there was.
Because I am me 🙂 I am going to point out that ulbricht did BELIEVE that he was ordering hits on people… I had to lol when I read the book about him and he was dickering with the fake hit men about price because his last fake hit was cheaper. I mean , I want a guy talking online about getting sex with a fake 12 year old to go to jail too even if the “kid” is just a cop.
I think they went way over the top on the sentence but paying to whack people is not the mark of good character lololol.
Was that actually true that he was ordering hits on people? I researched it years ago and it seemed like they just made something up so they could take him out, even though he was never really charged for that, and you may be 100% correct. And if it is true then yeah people are a little too high in Ross haha.
If I recall right the book was “American Kingpin” by nick Bilton. I could be wrong but I am pretty sure that’s the book… it was a pretty good bio and went thru how he was trying to get people taken out for various reasons and was being catfished by (iirc) the FBI.
He was sent picks of one guy who stole from him (and flipped) who was fake water boarded then “killed” by his handlers posing as killers …. Mean while he told his GF who told her BFF what his side hustle was – which is a loose end Tony Soprano would not have left ‘untied’ after they broke up.
What made me lol was that he was
A) demanding real ID of his workers
B) asking questions in stack overflow in his irl email account about how to do his thing
C) used his irl email to post fake questions about the site “is it good” on a shroom forum
D) lived in the US in a hipster city and used coffee shops and library’s Wi-Fi to run his empire.
The book also showed the courupting effect of that much money- cops stealing bitcoin from the PC and a (iirc FBI) guy who was working the case trying to sell information to him.
It was like a tragi-comedy…. Dude def had some jail time coming but the gov went way overboard on it…. Also I am not convinced that he was really tracked down by the one weird guy who read everything three times because someone told him to as a kid imo they prob had some other NSA level tech way to track him an reverse engineered a trail after they knew who he was.
Really good book
Yeah that is all very interesting, I only ever remember reading about a small part of that. Thanks for posting. It has always been crazy to me how much libertarians care about freeing him, as if it was the most important matter pertaining to human freedom, as opposed to something like 9/11 truth, a topic none of them would ever touch (“A missile did not hit the Pentagon, so you are wrong”).
I think the idea was that the marketplace was a pro liberty concept so it lined up with their ideology.
He probably owes his freedom to his mother who advocated for his release.
Her advocacy and compelling story appealed to me. A young intelligent American hipster getting life in prison for making an online drug marketplace seemed like an abuse of power and a waste of his potential.
It’s not like he was proven to be involved in a pedophile ring or covering that up like some in high office in the government.
I thought he deserved a second chance. And Trump as corrupt as he probably is made good on his promise.
Corbett had a podcast about the case. His mom was pretty compelling and made a strong case that they couldn’t prove he ordered the hits and the prosecution corruption.
If all that is true, then he should have walked on the attempted murder charges.
I should do more research on the case though. I know it was a fascinating case.
I tend to believe he didn’t order hits. He didn’t strike me as a killer. And he had an exemplary record in prison.
I mean why do these pedos in government walk free and not him? So I am satisfied with the pardon.
Here’s the link for the podcast about the case from Ross’s mom perspective:
Of course his mom will be biased but she did make a compelling argument.
Ordering hits to me does seem out of character for him even based on intelligence alone. I think people would have to be stupid to order a hit man from the dark web. So this intelligent guy who made the online marketplace thought he could solicit murder and actually have it carried out? It doesn’t make sense.
I didn’t read the documents carefully but I thought it was understood that they couldn’t prove he ordered any hits on people, that it didn’t come from his account.
There was also a lot of corruption by the prosecutor as well. So if it’s true they couldn’t prove he ordered any hits and the corruption in the prosecution of the case, then that’s a problem.
If they couldn’t prove he ordered the hits or it was based on fraud, then that is a bad conviction. And even so lots of people have ordered hit men on the internet and walked away.
He has consistently denied doing that. I don’t know him but if the prosecution was corrupt then I can’t trust a liar so he should walk on the attempted murder charges.
On a side note, there was a “rentahitman.com” or something like that a joke website and people were actually trying to use it! Mostly disgruntled husbands and wives.
My point is that I have doubt that he ordered the hits on people or at least the prosecutor lied so I can’t trust their evidence. So he gets a pass on that. It’s one of the American values I really believe in. A fair trial without corruption. That is a basic right.
But who in their right mind would think one could rent a hit man online, even the dark web? Who is going to commit murder when they can easily just take the money and run? I would assume Ross would know right? I mean there’s a huge difference between buying drugs and soliciting murder. I would presume the guy is intelligent enough to get that. It just didn’t seem in character with what he was doing IMO.
Mental Outlaw did a quick cover of one of the “hits” …. He did pay to have a dude whacked so even if he didn’t actually get what he paid for he still WANTED to have someone killed.
The thing that puzzled me when I read the book is why he let his GF and her BFF live when they knew his secret identity. I guess he did not have the stomach to do it when he’d have to see the faces.
As to hiring a hit man online I don’t think it’s all that outlandish TBH… people buy all manner of weird things and they had that case that got Solider of Fortune sued out of business where a guy was hired off the classified adds to kill. Like I said the dude got a massively unfair sentence but he really did think he was hiring killers which to my mind is as evil as actually hiring killers. Mens rea is a real thing in law and morally
But they never charged him with it according to a cursory glance at the website his mom set up. So they couldn’t prove it and he wasn’t convicted of paying hit men or murder for hire. So his sentence was for setting up a drug marketplace.
He also denies trying to pay hit men. Speaking from a practical standpoint, the idiocy of buying a hitman online is baffling to me. Because there are so many scams, why would anyone actually believe it would occur? It’s a crime that carries the death penalty possibly and also has no statute of limitations and someone could just steal the money instead. What keeps the hit man accountable?
I would understand an IRL hit man service that maybe someone got a name on the dark net but doing that kind of thing without vetting the person would be extremely stupid IMO. I would even guess that most of these Dark web hit services were scams, just my opinion though, who knows.
I haven’t studied the case extensively so I’m not an expert on the details. I will do a little research though because it was an interesting case.
In most cases trying to hire a hit man is wrong, for sure. Especially if the other party has not harmed you or your family.
I’m just not convinced he did that. If he did do that and no one died, maybe he gets a second chance and he will put it to good use?
If more than one person had access to the account he was using including the government (this has been claimed) how do we know he did that?
If he wasn’t even charged, they had weak evidence. So it’s a matter of who one believes.
This is all just window dressing, a feel good high, before they bring us low. The highest high before the lowest low.
If you think Trump was installed to do anything good, you are kidding yourself. Trump is an arch Zionist, it astounds me how few people understand that which is the bedrock of his entire existence.
I don’t need Adam Green to point this out, but he does a great job in filling in the blanks for those who need it.
To put a finer point on the matter, here is a great pod cast about Abraham Lincoln. What is most noteworthy is not only how history has been shaped regarding one of our “greatest” Presidents, but whom he served while in office.
Yet, no matter how the evidence mounts up, all too many will cling to the idea that conspiracies are perpetrated by random groups, yet the fact they are all Zionist in origin is rejected.
I would love to hear some examples of major world events did not have a Zionist contingent at their core…you can start with WW2 and 9/11, Ukraine, Covid, Hollywood, Central banking/Wall Street…
America, a nation that will literally deceive itself to death.
Great video as to understanding how the powers that be use our weaknesses to destroy us.
In almost every endeavor, people will embrace what which is pleasing, while reject truth. Yet, things like religion, that which is highly personal and absolute in their implausibility, are nevertheless, that which is considered the highest truth. Question religion and the masses quickly react with the Pavlovian response. Blind faith is what the West is all about. Every single establishment which has been carefully constructed around us is a artificial. Covid demonstrated this in spades.
This channel is no different, put up a conversation about aliens, people come out of the woodwork, but Zionism, something that permeates every aspect of our word, crickets.
From not watching TV for 50 years, in 2016 when I was gifted free cable by a landlord I had no idea who Trump was, nor a lot of other stuff. He was pretty charismatic and certainly presenting a far different apparent agenda then Hillary. Plus youtube was filled with lots of interesting folks now gone from the web.
This time around was obviously much the same going up against the machine again. However I am concerned with the possibility that all isn’t what is being offered.
1. Too much “god” stuff is being pushed. In this case, religion, the “opiate of the masses” seems quite true.
2. Too much connection to Zionist Israelis. The Kasarian/Ashkenazim stole the land from the Palestinians and have kept them in the world’s largest prison.
3. This announcement yesterday of some billionaires pushing an AI agenda as a good thing in harvesting people’s health record “to help others with the same illness” is a bad sell.
Of course the Kabuki theater of it all…the return of the King going against Cackle Harris, a vacuous leftist shill was just too much IMO. Much of his staff are tied to the same narrative of god/country/get the bad guys. When of course there’s no guarantee any of it will get done.
I’m old, I hope the younger people can wake up and rise above the madness.
I like that song, Caught in the Dream. Its calling to be electrified . Hope you won’t mind.
Back in the day in Hollywood my resources were great for singers, engineers, musicians, etc.
But at 6000 feet in the AZ mountains 50 miles from the nearest town it is just me on a 30 year old cassette using a 35 year old Sony mic.
Can’t tell you how many times I arrange bass, drums, guitar, etc. on a song in my head when I am writing a song or making a demo of it.
Dats life 🙂
Good luck,
Something I ler’nt from Molly Ivins…
” ‘Gummit Regulations is almost never imposed from above by a power- crazed government, but is almost always a consequence of some trade or industry begging to be regulated. The purpose, you understand, is not to protect consumers from the malefactors of whatever line of work it is. It’s to protect the folks already in that line of work from other folks who would like to muscle in on the action.'”
Bottoms up. Who came up with ” we , up here…” Don’t you know the south pole is up.!
Corbett is now on Facebook.
I’m going to order his book to find out who he really is.
Did Mr Corbett write a book and I miss the news ? or are you trying to manifest it into existence?
Morning Duck.
No, and yes, to your questions, in that order. I’m just trying to manifest a book out of that Japanese Maple leaf.
A book is an anchor to which the ship must sail around with. A promise of a book is ?? How would you explain it.
lol. I’d like to see a book he wrote too. You had me going there for a bit
I just love reading stuff and listening to stuff that ,in some way, rinds true. I can’t remember what Caitlin Johnson has done or been accused of in the past but this was as interesting a proclamation of truth as I could ever care to have, gives me hope the phantom of dystopia will be truly unmasked.
And on an aside, Are the Zionists looking for a instant recognizable gesture to brand the movement ? Say like Usaine Bolt did after the Olympics?.
The gang sign. I would say the middle finger would be the Zion gang symbol but who am I to criticize culture.
I could just look at Canada and have endless material to work with.
At the very beginning of the Odysee Channel rendition for this “FaithAndLiberty” interview, this catchy beat was played:
“Who Is Bill Gates?” by KODOMOSAN
[Used in James Corbett’s documentary: “Who Is Bill Gates?”]
On Odysee, the Corbett interview starts around 1:06:00.
At the end of the interview, this was played…
“IP Freely (Screw YouTube)” by KODOMOSAN
Ross Ulbricht is free
The NSA whistleblower James was trying to recall might have been Thomas Drake.
I once Tried Chatgbt (?) to transcribe a Speech. There was no punctuation or Inserted paragraphs. It was a totally useless exercise. In fact as i write this comment on an iPad, i keep getting Capital letters where none should be. I love my Garden and AI is of no Use there. Same goes for predictive Text – Most annoying.
I have not tried it myself, but I am with you regarding the garden.
One thing about AI I am finding very annoying is that some people in my life like to look at social media feeds (instragram or whatever) of cute animal videos and pictures of picturesque homes in nature. They often ask me what I think of something they are looking at recently, and the image or video is very high quality but they are depicting things that make no sense with regards to physics or structural architecture (owls flying with baby owls riding on their backs or houses with rock chimneys going up three stories and a window on the second story right where the chiney flu would be etc.) I tell them they are fake images, and they get mad at me (some are almost totally visually indistinguishable from an actual image and very touching animal videos so I understand how they get invested in them) but it is frustrating, and I now often refrain from commenting on the legitimacy of the images to avoid arguments.
I think about how that type of interaction will ripple out in more dramatic ways in the future with deep faked footage of people doing shady things, or nice things, and all the potential for totally fabricated false flag events etc.
I do not use or interact with AI voluntarily but more and more of the programs on our computers and internet and banking etc are infused with AI as part of their interactive framework, so it is getting harder and harder to avoid (without going full Amish).
I see the people around me that are engrossed with the AI hype, loving how much less work they have to when writing articles or doing permaculture designs. I think they are allowing their brains to atrophy.
Your words really resonate with me @G. I’m in software development and it seems like almost everyday i hear a colleague talk about how we’ll have no jobs in 5 years bc of AI. Well obviously thats not something I could disprove but I’m highly suspicious the technology is as advanced as we’re led to believe. Writing quality code is actually pretty difficult so if AI stuggles just to transcribe speeches (as @Fupi suggests) you can probably imagine the difficulty it has writing executable software. Although i haven’t expiremented with it yet much myself, i do closely follow a number of developers on youtube who have done reviews on various AI tools and overall they seem unimpressed. Assuming it spits out syntactically correct code that compiles (which doesn’t always happen) the chances of it being written in an extendable/readible way (and most importantly) without bugs is pretty much non existent. They claim it will be a practical tool for developers when the time required to fix its mistakes is less than the time it takes to write it yourself and we haven’t reached that point yet (their words not mine). If its not yet reached a point where its even a usuable tool for developers I’m certainly not concerned its going to replace my job anytime soon. The strange part is everyone seems to think otherwise. It really seems theres a narrative/agenda to make people believe AI far more advanced than it really is. Maybe I’m wrong about all this… that’s always possible ☺️
But yes, the garden (and in my case also the pasture) is a sanctuary where i can fully remove myself from all forms of tech. I can’t imagine my life without having that escape. Hopefully by the time the AI takeover does happen i can be in my little sanctuary full time… 🤷♂️
Hey buddy! How are you? You have a chance to try any of the recipes from my book since we last connected? 🙂
Ya I dunno about coding or software AI capabilities, but people doing basic garden designs get these programs to spit out pretty looking images that they sell to customers (pretending like they worked hard to make the design). Most people fall for it, and sometimes the designs have idiotic features in them like massive shade trees designated to go right beside your front door etc.
Not sure about how advanced AI is, but these images like i`ll link in the youtube channel below are annoying to me.
I get people that love nature watching that stuff, and they get all excited and ask me if I have ever seen those birds to that or whatever. I tell them no, cuz that is not a behavior those birds engage in, and that it is fake, and they get mad at me! Oh well. I just think about how this stuff is gonna warp kids minds that are in cities and never really see wildlife or forests for real. They will watch this made up fairy tale imagery and form their view of reality based on that.
Regarding how advanced these AI things are or not, wouldn’t it be funny if AI chatbots like that Gork (or what ever that new Musk one is called) were actually just an army of people sitting on computers in Malaysia or India, answering peoples questions, pretending to be “AI” haha
Yes here is to planting the seeds for nurturing sanctuaries in the natural world to thrive, so we can find peace, nourishment and inspiration the old fashioned way and unplug when everyone gets entranced by skynet.
Cheers buddy
Hey there my friend,
I’m good thanks for asking. Sorry for the delay, somehow over looked these in my inbox… your book is fantastic. Unfortunately I haven’t tried many recipes yet, mostly just the sourdough starter. To be honest the book was a gift for a family member who loves to garden and cook (although I do have the electronic version). She does love the book also. I’ll find out if she has any favorite recipes.
I know what you mean regarding the cheesy AI content. I have a close friend who uses it to create songs and poetry. He gets really excited about it and i guess its neat generally speaking but tbh they never seem very genuine or authentic. I feel like music (made by humans) will always have tiny imperfections (if you will) which makes every song and even every instance covered of a song (even by the same artist) unique and distinct. I don’t know if its these tiny imperfections are whats missing in AI music that make it seem so fake but for some reason it just seems obvious its not created by a real person or being orchestrated by a real person and is hard for me to relate too and enjoy… Regardless, I do think the more we rely on AI the less we’re developing our own cognitive abilities so personally I don’t see much good coming from it in any form.
“…were actually just an army of people sitting on computers in Malaysia or India, answering peoples questions, pretending to be ‘AI'”
I actually think this is incredibly probable and wouldn’t surprise me.
Your last thought is so spot on. You always have such a good way with words! 😉
Take care! 🍻
Here is another one people keep sending me fake videos from so you know what I mean:
There are tools such as this. I found it worked quite well for what it is. Probably, there is a lot of interpolation going on so it is able to provide something that reads coherently, while accuracy will be sacrificed.
Thanks for discussing the political theater show in Canada.
Many here are hoping that Pierre Poilievre is gonna be some kinda savior figure.
Many are idolizing him saying he is gonna fix our problems for us.
Perhaps he will do all he says and reign in corporate corruption and stop squeezing everyday people so hard with taxes for big pharma and war profiteering (as our government is now) but if he does all that he has promised, to be honest I would be concerned for his safety.
One thing I do not hear him talk about is the lithium mining. So it seems he will be on board with the E-vehicle “sustainable development” cartels, otherwise I imagine he would be publicly stating his solidarity with the indigenous people up north that are resisting these corporate thugs.
Or maybe I just have not found an interview where Pierre discusses lithium/cobalt mining and battery manufacturing, anyone here have any thing on that front?
Thanks for this discussion James, I appreciate you pointing out the “free trade” and “security partnership” scams.
Thank you for your response. I agree that one needs to be ultra discerning when looking at what‘s created on social media, even mainstream media when the likes of the BBC have been found guilty of faking images. Last year, or maybe 2 years ago now, there was a fake video of flooding in Dubai that went viral. It all looked amazing but was totally visually faked. Watch out for the Ministry of Truth!
Ah yes I think I remember that fake flood video, and now people keep sending me these clips of what they think are perfect holograms of whales flying around in the sky over Dubai, but I suspect it is more likely that the videos themselves are just deep fake CGI stuff.
Imagine when they launch the next false flag, they could use a relentless stream of these fake videos to warp people’s minds and get them all frenzied up to beg their government to save them or whatever.
Beware the Ministry Of Truth indeed.
I don’t see this as a ‘hopium’ problem but rather as a ‘lack of imagination’ problem.
Allow me to explain.
Yes, to be sure there is a sizeable percentage of the population (probably a majority) who believe that if only they voted harder everything would turn around and be puppy dogs, rainbows and apple pie.
But if somehow people were given a third option at the ballot box (and of course it was explained to them what that third option meant before going to the ballot box):
1. Vote for Joe Blow
2. Vote for Joe Blow2
3. Dismantle the voting system/democracy in favor of …
I think you’d be surprised at the number of people who would vote for 3.
Yes…. But they would replace democracy with fascism or communism.
Honestly at this point plenty of people would be happier with an actual King as long as he didn’t act like he hated them and was half way able to provide a good economy
The third option is already present, but not counted. It’s all the people who do not vote.
If anything, people who do not vote (if it’s for any reason other than lazyness) need to be more vocal about it. Friends regularly, and jokingly, ask me whether I voted, and I like to explain why I do not vote. The reasoning has to, of course, be in a soundbite format.
And, I would say, that is a crux of the matter. People sit in front of the teevee and are immediately ready for a straight download of information. While for you and I it takes hours just to lay the foundation, while our subjects are combative and refuses to listen.
Just a few weeks ago we had a presidential selection. It was an absolute certifiable obvious joke. But no, people still played their roles. The red guy almost secured the selection in the first round, 49%. In the second round he beat the blue guy almost 3:1, vote counters say.
This is good for the blue team (maybe they wanted a tighter score), because the whore monger in chief pm can have the his little skirmishes with the red president to entertain the plebs.
What’s trully nauseating is that some alternative candidates who speak openly against the system blame this on … wait for it … people who do not vote.
JC (Jesus Christ not James Corbett) almighty, deliver us from this rampant stupidity.
mkey says,
“I like to explain why I do not vote.
The reasoning has to, of course, be in a soundbite format.”
You said it.
It makes things tough for us. By their nature, soundbites omit contextual information.
No wonder the broad public has foggy brains. It is loaded with cloudy ideas after digesting all those soundbite dinners.
I think that MEDIA (i.e. mediums) play a role in this.
During the age of radio, the listener was trapped. If the listener wanted to listen to the radio, he had to hear the full narrative.
Oh, the media is obviously 100% responsible for this. The whole of media, hours per day of scroll fapping included. Better to abstain from media and be completely uninformed and cognizant of it, than to regurgitate fragments of sentences as memorized and trying to pass it off as knowledge and understanding.
Yes ‘the medium/media is the message’ …
and that’s the reason I also abstain from it now.
One of the main reasons I value the CR so much is because James is brave enough to hold his nose and filter out the MSM garbage (90% +) so I don’t have to. 🙂
The police posing as anarchists at Montebello Quebec were Surete de Quebec, not RCMP. They were exposed because they neglected to change their police footwear.