Interview 1939 – JFK, Solutions and Psychology on The Ochelli Effect

by | Mar 20, 2025 | Interviews | 28 comments

via Today Charles Ochelli of The Ochelli Effect interviews James about the JFK files, #SolutionsWatch, the weaponization of psychology, REPORTAGE, and much more.

UPDATE: Since this podcast was recorded, the JFK Files have been released! . . . Kind of. But not quite. More coverage to follow. Stay tuned . . .


UPDATE: JFK Assassination Records – March 18, 2025 Release

Mary Farrell Foundation statement on the release: “The release does not include two thirds of the promised files nor any of 500-plus IRS record, nor any of the 2,400 recently discovered FBI files. Nonetheless, this is most positive news on the declassification of JFK files since the 1990s.”

The Ochelli Effect 3/16/2025 – James Corbett

Charles Ochelli on The Corbett Report

Back and to the Right: The Pendulum Swings Again

One Month Later, Trump’s Interim Grade on JFK Files: D Plus

President Trump, Where Are Those Long-Secret JFK Records?

Propaganda Watch Series on The Corbett Report

Solutions Watch Series on The Corbett Report

Episode 472 – Announcing REPORTAGE: Essays on the New World Order

Dissent Into Madness – Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Kate Ledogar – Here Come The Meat Bastards

Michelle Horsley: What are you… AUTISTIC???

The Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression: still promoted but still unfounded

Buy James’s New Book! –

Amazon Secretly Removes “1984” From the Kindle

New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

New World Next Week 10th Anniversary

How to Search the Young Global Leaders Club – #SolutionsWatch

The Trade Wars: You Are Not Prepared


  1. Mr Corbett is one of the best sources of info on the web on real politics. He also is just about the only person I listen to that I actually trust believes everything he says and isn’t trying to push an agenda in his reporting.

    I really look forward to his take on mental Health – personally I think psychology was a science created by creepers and weirdos for financial or perverse ends and I gave up studying it because it appetizing attract such people to this day.

    Autism rates are massively higher- however the majority are now functioning at a lower rate than they were 20 years ago. Whereas it used to be your traditional weird kid there are now a mass of low functioning autists.

    I often wonder if these LF kids are actually “traditionally “ autistic or if there is some other thing being labeled as autism the way the various kinds of dementia often get lumped together.

  2. Regarding the shift in audience he asked about at the beginning, I noticed a few dozen people unsubscribing to my substack when I recently called out Musk and Trump war profiteering, transhumanist shenanigans and pro-oligarch policies recently.

    I got some angry emails from people telling me I am so jaded and should support super hero Trump and his sidekick “because they are really gonna drain that swamp this time!! just you wait and see!!”

    It was nice to be able to do a bit of separating the wheat from the chaff on my substack via that method recently 🙂

    Looking forward to the Dissent Into Madness series.

    I had those big pharma goons try to pathologize my dissent and come at me when I was a kid and refused to comply in school.

    Some weird fascist lady i had as a teacher in grade 3 liked to torture kids by getting them to say self depreciating/degrading things while standing in front of the class if you did not do your homework.

    I refused. She gave me detention.

    After several recesses being stuck in a basement writing lines instead of playing outside I got fed up.

    I conspired with my fellow detainees one recess to organize a walk out and do a jail break to run outside and play tag on the playground. Managed to get 5 of of 7 kids to join me.

    They made it a huge deal, called the school board and scolded me for my revolutionary anti-detention tendencies.

    The teacher teamed up with the school nurse to try and drug me into submission by telling my parents I had mental disorders.

    Thankfully my dad still had some of that 60-s/70-s “stick it to the man” sub-culture fire in him at the time. He stormed into that school and told off that fascist teacher and big pharma pill pushing lady to back off real quick. They threatened to suspend me for even more days for walking out of detention and refusing to do their demeaning line writing and public humiliation rituals (unless I got their school drug pusher to analyse, and likely drug me with ritalin or whatever). My dad said “Good! He`ll have more days to spend with me in the forest and we will learn a lot more than he ever would here!” haha good times.

    In all seriousness though, it could have gone very differently if my dad well less rebellious against authoritarianism back then.

    I worry for the kids now in how the brain washed people in the education system might team up with big pharma and target them to be drugged to make them less “vaccine hesitant” or alleviate their bogus diagnosis of “climate change peril” or whatever.

    • I doubt very much that trump or anyone else is going to drain the swamp- some people I listen to are upset that he won because they hoped that a Democrat win would speed up the slide into chaos…. Other people are sad he won pretty much for the same reason- “people are buying back into the system”

      At the end of the day both sides of accelerationism are wrong IMO because

      A)The masses can’t be relied upon to “wake up “ enmass in any meaningful way- they still have white liberals in South Africa which is an example of how people can shove their head in the sand even when their seeing things fall apart

      B) An actual full on collapse of the system will created a mass movement of frightened people demanding greater totalitarian control then we see today by a long shot.
      The Russian civil war did not end well for the people who thought they could stay out of it, and actual chaos will not end well for anyone as far as I can see

      I don’t care if people agree with me, I sure don’t agree with everyone else, but people doing their own thing and becoming more self sufficient is a lot easier to do under the current system then one where you also have a ton of crazy people to deal with. It will be horrific when it happens.

      That was a cool story about your dad, your right most parents today are pretty lazy and live the free day care school provides. It won’t end well for their line IMO

  3. The line from “The Who” song is “Won’t get fooled again” and it’s a bit sarcastic in the sense that at the end of the song, after the scream of all screams, it ends with “the new boss is the same as the old boss”. Indeed, “We” did get fooled again, and again, and again. (Albert Einstein’s definition of Insanity was to keep doing the same thing expecting different results). Yep, we should know better, however the minds of the masses are, and have been manipulated for as long as there has been governments.

    The song was written in the 1960’s likely about Nixon replacing Johnson. How are things any different today?

    I would like to throw another philosophical line out there, “The more some things change, the more other things stay the same”. The fight between good and evil has been going on for a long time. At times evil has the upper hand and at other times good is able to keep evil at bay.

    Perhaps it is best to think of this life as a test to see if one is morally competent to exist as a spirit. If only those who have proven themselves to be of good character can enter the after life as spirits, then that will be the time to relax, eh!

  4. The assumption these days of having political social behavior insight without any true exploration of one’s consciousness, not theories or postulations, is much like fish in a bowl believing those flakes of yummies that float down are from “god.”

    Life is far grander, mysterious, and deep then most can absorb beyond their conditioned cognitive and confirmation bias belief ‘bowl.’ Thinking material acquisitions and sheep skin status signifies superiority is much like the fish that dominates the ceramic castle in the bottom of the bowl. Who cares except for the other damaged fish in the ‘bowl.’

    Through conditioning, society has developed “rating” systems from the effort of clever and brilliant psycho and socio paths, who have maintained control, even on alternative sites. This leads to perceptual distortion and inaccurate judgment of others for not being in one of the right “schools” in the water.

    As I have pointed before, Csanyi and Kampis of Hungary talk about self organization of living systems as REPLICATION, occurring at all levels:Molecular, Biological, and Social.

    Every system has its own way it forms and expands and holds its self together. With humans, a replication of IDEAS is essential, first in forming, then maintaining social systems.

    The ancient male-dominator system burned, razed, and destroyed books, temples, holy sites, libraries, tribal ceremony and ritual for thousands of years in the name of “God” to purge all ideas, memories, and life understandings of the prior expressions from the collective mind of the people.

    And thus, for most “alternative” sites, any discussion of metaphysics, multi-dimensions, spirituality, inner powers, etc. is trivialized with cliche’s and anger absent the knowledge that some things are easy to make fun of but it doesn’t mean they aren’t important.

    We have been engineered into a perception prison of belief and held in place by shackles of fear. And unless one can sit alone for a 1/2 hour or so in quiet thought, they haven’t knocked on the door of being “awake” let alone have gone through it.

    I met JFK as a ‘Young Democrat’ in Concord, California when he was on the stump. I “knew” something much bigger after his murder happened and I left the pop culture world.

    A big difference for me after 50+ years of no TV, Movies, etc. was just how cliche’ and contrived so much of “life” had become for people. And how, with the use of the electronic dope, people narrowed their discussions and interests to what was sold on the screens.

    To get beyond some nonsense, one has to embrace the truth that it is nonsense. No matter how many likes or upvotes, or cash, or adulation one gets, if you don’t go within, then you will go without.

    WHO ARE YOU (song)

  5. The powers that be control all the platforms, they just tighten the noose enough to continue limiting the reach of the truth getting out to too many.

    They will continue to allow some free speech because they use these sites to study our thoughts/reactions and makes sure no real movement starts to coalesce.

    Just like these JFK files, which I am sure have been filtered for general consumption, they will study our reaction and use hasbara thought police to insure no wrong think goes unchallenged.

    But they certainly don’t want people making money off free speech or exposing their malfeasance, even if you are not hitting on who “they” are.

    • Rexleonum

      “….They will continue to allow some free speech because they use these sites to study our thoughts/reactions and makes sure no real movement starts to coalesce……”

      Start your own movement then.

      Or build your own system of survival off their grid as much as possible.

      And if your correct why do you keep telling them how well their doing? Your just encouraging then…..

      • LOL, “start your own movement”, your ability to not comprehend reality never ceases to amaze.

        For the extremely hard of thinking, if you start a movement THEY do not support, you ARE DEAD, period.

        • “…,if you start a movement THEY do not support, you ARE DEAD, period…,,”

          If you really think it’s all over why don’t you just go snort coke and pay for blow jobs until you die?

          Why are you wasting blow job time warning us about the inevitable??????

          Do you expect a reward in hell for evangelizing?

          People like yourself ARE doomed, because you’re weak and refuse to do anything. That’s fine, you jumping out the pool will be generally good for the rest of us. But please don’t judge everyone by your own nilhistic standards.

          Mr Corbett lives- is he “just a distraction?? To the likes of you YES, but there are plenty of people who have a decent chance of making it thru. – for example poster G here who I think is a LARPer has a decent chance, because he TOOK ACTION, and even if I think he’s Silly he at least isn’t pathetic.

          Do better man!

          • Just because I do not believe in what you choose to, I am not your enemy. People can have differing views and coexist.

            Stop thinking you can bully others into your delusions, you can’t. There is no need to be the though police, your need for validation is tiresome.

            • Rex Leo num

              Wiyh you always singing the praises of the unbeatable zionists masters and whining about how it’s all over you are not MY enemy- your basically the enemy of anyone who is on the fence about acting to save their life and protect their family.

              You don’t ever answer the question of WHY if your convinced nothing can be done feels the need to CONVINCE OTHERS to also loose hope…. It appears more like you need to convince others to fail so you feel better about your own short comings.

              Personally I don’t really care if people agree with me or not, pretty sure very few people do- but none thing I don’t go around doing is trying to convince people to give up hope of making things better.

              Honestly, I’ve been in the crap a few times when it looked hopeless but here I am still alive and moderately happy. I can assure you that a fight is already lost if you decide it is.

              Any way- I thought you didn’t read my posts anymore? 😉 lololol guess I was correct

  6. Not sure why anyone would just blame Biden for inflation, then it was certainly occurring under the first Chump administration. There are many things that cause inflationary conditions, a red hot economy would be one way, but runaway governmental deficit spending would be another, as well as implementing tariffs. Zion Don did the last two during his first term, thank goodness he slapped those tariffs on Ireland.

    Every trillion Chump spend relieving the self-inflicted wound that was the Covid bailout/stimulus, cut right into the value of the dollar. It always amazes me how short sighted people are, if inflation occurs during Biden’s presidency, well it must be Biden’s fault, no context needed. Understanding of course that Biden was installed, as was Trump, and both men have as much control over running the government as Big Bird has over Sesame Street, none. It is all theatrical.

  7. JFK, like 9/11 and Epstein are momentous events that are executed, then used for decades to manipulate the masses. Anyone who thinks this governemnt would release anything that undermines their agenda, is truly delusional. If ANYTHING is released, it is because that is what they wish released. Leaks are not leaks, they are just information released that the powers that be want you to think is credible, because governments, have no credibility. Just look at Assange, a real enemy of the state would be dead long before the NY TIMES or the Guardian released his first leaked document. Of course the real clue to the theatrical nature of the the whole WikiLeaks psyop, other than its catchy name, was the omission of Israel in these “leaks”, always a dead giveaway to its pure propaganda in nature.

    All these events have OBVIOUS Zionist roots, yet that one group is always left out of the discussion. These “communities”, that some how take ownership of the “real story” behind these events, are also controlled.

    It is like 9/11, all the so called research, when at the end of the day, the HOW is the least important question, the who and the why are. By all measures, Israel faired rather handsomely from 9/11, as they most certainly did with the assignation of JFK, being replaced by Zionist traitor LBJ, who quickly reversed all of JFK’s policies on Israel.

    All these events end up being cul-de-sacs, taking up all the oxygen focused on the how, so we never get to discuss the why. They love tying people into pretzels, not knowing which way is up. After a while, the general public, which already has a short attention span, simply moves on.

    They know our psychology far better then we know ourselves, and they exploit that fact. We are literally being distracted to death.

    • “….After a while, the general public, which already has a short attention span, simply moves on….”

      While I disagree with most of what you write THAT is IMO correct.

      Probably 10 or 20 % if people actually have the desire and capacity to actually think about things in depth which is why a full franchise democracy is basically a way to hide who is really in charge…. Even the least aware peasant could work out who was responsible for bad things when he knew who his boss was.

      Video “why rich people want democracy “

      • It’s ok to say “Jews” because Zionism is just one of many manifestations of the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, (as detailed by E M Jones in his book of that name).

    • The JFK papers are just being used as another endless distraction. If anything of substance is revealed in the papers, you can bet it has been placed there for a desired effect.

      These Zionists are playing 3D-Chess, moves within moves. Take for example Trump’s tariffs, on their face many buy into the nonsense this is about MAGA, yet tariffs would hardly benefit America in our current situation. It is not like there are American manufacturers that can step in to take advantage of these increased Chinese goods. Oh no, much too late for that. The same forces that offshored American manufacturing, is now looking to do the same to China, but for a different reason.

      These tariffs are about many things, none of them are to benefit Americans.

      On the American side of the equation, these tariffs serve to make it look like Trump is actually doing something for Americans, when in reality, such tariffs simply serve to be yet another tax on Americans. So, some pro Trump propaganda and some additional costs to Americans: a win win for the Zionist globalists, but they don’t stop there.

      On the Chinese side of the ledger things get a bit more interesting. We see these tariffs being used to justify many companies pulling out of China. It seems the Zionists are moving to trigger another world war, this time centered around China. They are pulling the economic rug out from under China: The housing industry, the banking and now these tariffs effecting manufacturing on every level. By destroying China’s economy and throwing it into a depression, they will see their only option is war. There is a reason the Zionist powers that be have insured China remain nationalistic, while they pushed multiculturalism on the rest of the world. They need China to fight their war, just like they built up America a century before for the same purpose.

      These tariffs are a great excuse to pull jobs out of China, and they can blame it on Trump/America.

      Their 3D-Chess moves are pretty easy to understand when you drop the ludicrous belief that these major world events are just random events with no plan behind them. I often wonder why it is so hard for people to think there is a united entity pushing us towards a NWO run out of Eretz Israel, when everything points to exactly that.

      But unlike others on this site, I don’t think my opinion is the only option, it is simply the one I see the most evidence for, even if it is also the most horrifying option.

  8. Below is a link to an interview with Scott Ritter (Weapons Inspector that did all he could to alert the so called authorities and the public that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq)
    Anyway, in the interview linked below he is sounding the alarm about Ukraine and just how close the Biden Administration took us to Nuclear War.

    I think Scott Ritter would make a great guest for the Corbett Report.

  9. Below is a link to a great book ”
    JFK and RFK’s Secret Battle Against Zionist Extremism: The Documentary Evidence
    by Ken McCarthy

    I have already purchased two copies (which I loaned out) and I am about to order a third because it contains excellent reference material in the form of copies of recently released Classified documents. In the last 60 pages or so ken discovers who was likely the only person that could have framed Sirhan Sirhan and covered up the evidence. After all the LA County Coroner determined that the cause death was shots fired into the back of the head at point blank range, while we know that Sirhan Sirhan was about 10 feet in front of RFK. There were gun power burns and a man hired for temporary hotel security holding the smoking gun. This is not an easy scene to cover up, however the Zionist Director of Counter Intelligence for the CIA from 1954-1974, James Angleton was able to pull it off.

    I think Ken McCarthy would make a great guest for either The Corbett Report or The Ochelli Effect

  10. Hey Flex,
    You might be right but seems is a long way from fact. The ? mark redeems you from any possible bias blowback. Having known of Chuck for a while I might have agreed 13 years ago but not today. So put me down as a no on your survey .
    As far as going backwards 15 years into Reportage, James may be the non listener. Many told him to finish the book years ago… Chuck is a most underrated of phylosophers. I would buy your book Chuck. I bought Cor’Betts book. I’m sure I fall into some category as yet to be defined, other than rank insubordination . But than I’m a General and don’t have many above putting me in a category.

  11. What a fun interview! Alliteration at its finest!

    The controlled opposition question is one I answer in a similar fashion: I decide what to ‘believe’ based on facts and logic, and subject to revision with new facts and logic. I don’t decide who to believe. If someone’s trusting me to think for them, they shouldn’t!

    However, I do employ ‘discrepancy analysis’ between what someone says, and what they say they represent. I’ve found that merely quoting someone is enough to show that they’re not who they say. In that way, I’ve exposed Robert Malone, Charles Eisenstein, Sasha Latypova, RFK, Mathew Crawford.

    Are they controlling the opposition? I think it’s likely when someone has a leadership role because of their public persona but their actions and words don’t match.

    I don’t consider ‘guilt by association’ to be an indication because that makes it too easy to discredit anyone by planting someone who’ll later be revealed. And we should all fraternize with the enemy, yes? How better to convert them! Or at least catch them in their twisted logic.

    This goes into six tells for controlled op:

    And thanks James for the summary of your new book. Looking forward to reading it!

    • Terez,
      You have sculpted a thought here with the slaughterhouse images. It penetrates many layers of consciousness. It may be too complicated for me to fully understand . I am getting 2 views of this three dimensional work. That’s on me. I do want to get to that third side, to fully understand and comprehend. The two of three views I’m grasping is intriguing and stimulating. I find the same viewing with Camille at Please stop the Ride. There’s a work of art there and 2 out of three perspectives leaves me wanting more to complete the observations.
      See if this makes sense. I’m afraid to offer an opinion on this 3 dimensional work having only grasped 2 sides. I want to know more .

      PleaseStoptheRide. Jewish Eugenics.

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