Interview 1924 – California Sets Itself on Fire in Trump Protest (NWNW #577)

by | Jan 17, 2025 | Interviews, Videos | 29 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: How Wokeism Created the L.A. Wildfire Crisis

Army Approves Reduced Physical Fitness Standards For Women, Older Soldiers

Trump Blames Democrats for Protecting ‘Useless Fish’ Over Water for LA Fires; Donald Trump and Elon Musk Hit Out at Political Rivals Over the Blazes, Which Experts Have Pinned on High Winds and Low Rainfall

#MorningMonarchy: January 13, 2025 – Burning Down Diversity Boulevard

Israel, Hamas Agree to Gaza Ceasefire and Hostage Deal

Interview 1514 – Jo Nova on the Australian Bushfires

California Insurer Canceled Policies Months Before Los Angeles Wildfires

Story #2: National Review Prevails Against Michael Mann

Mark Zuckerberg Praises ‘Masculine’ Corporate Energy Amid Meta’s DEI Policy Reversal

Pay Up, Mr. Mann

Nichecasting – #SolutionsWatch

BlackRock Leaves Major Climate Group Amid Wall Street Exodus

The Last American Banker Rats Are Leaving the UN Net Zero Banking Club

From Idealism to Realism

Story #3: UK Unveils National AI Plan For Change

UK Gov. Report: AI Opportunities Action Plan

WEF: Technology convergence is leading the way for the fifth industrial revolution

Tony Blair: Digital ID Is the Disruption the UK Desperately Needs

Biden Opens Federal Land to Power-Hungry AI Datacenters

2025 Predictions

The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

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    • @ Vienticus Prime

      The open border issues, the LA fires due to ignorant decisions, the billions and billions of $$ and ammunition given to the Ukraine to murder Russians to finance the war machine; with homeless vets dying on the streets; the rapes and murders of our women; the outrageous taxation by ALL levels of government; automobiles that all look the same and track and trace you; men allowed to beat up women in WOMEN’s sports; horrible movies full of “leftist” dialog and characters; food processing plants burning up; pretend pandemics, etc.

      ALL of that and much more is diverting any REAL social dialog about how and why our nation is in some sort of intentional suicide mode, lowering the quality and safety of life for most everyone. Yes, Mr. Trump was elected to fight that, if his connection to Zionist Israel (not our friends) doesn’t get in the way.

      There are and have been plans for the takeover of republics world wide by nefarious, but brilliant, people with dark agendas for world domination. So IMO, perhaps putting lots of energy in discussing the very sad LA fires while showing concern for others may be a step to some real social/political activism and a wake up call for many, we’ll see. We’re NOT in a natural evolutionary process, rather the result of the controller’s interference.

      IT IS THE HIDDEN HAND (song)

  1. One place that seems to have been doing a lot of good legal work lately is the Institute for Justice. They might be worth checking out.

  2. So, where’s the video? It says “VIDEO AVAILABLE SHORTLY” but it’s been HOURS already.

    (This has happened before, too).

  3. There are ways to get open-source, isolated LLMs on your computer. Unfortunately, as much as I would prefer not to use such a thing as a LLM or any sort of actual AI, you gotta pick your battles. Ultimately, I would argue that something that is run by a black box which functions on randomization, despite being weighted randomization should not have control over things of consequence. However, for stuff that doesn’t matter… well, it does matter.

    For me, someone who is better at lyrics and direction rather than music itself, I use it for music generation:

    Some of the things I’ve spawned from it I want to take to professional music creators in the future, have a few tweaks performed, and have quality tracks made from me. When it comes to things like art, I’m not so much concerned with “who created thing”, but rather “does thing exist?”. Although, there is one thing I’ve noticed with some of the models recently. Just as human art has gone from highly detailed and extravagant with a lot of things going on in whatever artwork was created to now more simplistic and minimalist, the generated art seems to be going in the same direction.
    Kinda funny if you ask me.

    • This dude has a good over view for setting up a Local AI and doing stuff with it.

      Honestly you probably need to have a decent PC to get any useful work out of it, even though you can get by with a POS if you don’t mind waiting for a response…. If I was going to do it I’d build a new one or buy a System76 prebuilt machine.

      I would also put a creepy crystal skull on top of it and have it respond in a demonic hiss via text to speech….. 😉

      AI is probably a very good way to search for information but I don’t really see much of a use case for most people TBH…. I made a few songs on Suno and found that if you listen carefully you will hear the same phrases, vocal or musical, repeated a lot. Was kinda fun but it makes you think a lot of the generic music on the radio is AI.

      I kinda think the simplistic styles things get now are because people take less time to learn high skill levels and also maybe a rubbing off from the minimalism style…. I’d not considered the change before but I think you are correct that it’s happening

      • Rob Braxman is another good one that explains a lot about privacy.

        Yeah, the thing with Suno is that it has an idea of different music genres, but generic pop tends to get infused into everything.

        • I think Mr corbett had him on for an interview a while back.
          He is needed a really good resource in privacy

  4. James was quite emphatic with his prediction that 2025 would be an AI hyper-drive year. I too think it may be a memorable year for AI but for different reasons perhaps.

    One consideration is the fact (as I understand it) that the more of the internet is filled up by AI regurgitation, the more AI cannibalises itself – resulting in outputs containing more and more nonsense and falsehoods. It can only get worse. LLM AI is on an exponential curve to Idiocracy.

    Then there’s the growing collapse in many of the Grand Narratives. Woke is retreating fast. The dread of pandemics and love of vaccines have been blunted. Climate emergency is slowly turning into a shared joke.

    Perhaps what we’re looking at is not the Great Reset but the Great Fail. Including LLM AI.

    That’s not a prediction. But I’ll still say I told you so if it turns out to be reasonably accurate.

    • I read in a CS Lewis essay on education that the only way a country with bad education can survive by convincing all other countries to also adopt stupidity…. I think your right LLMs will fail to be anything like as lucrative as the bubble suggests. Pets . Com all over again

    • Thanks ya’ll for the conversation.
      For me, this stuck…

      “One consideration is…
      …the more of the internet is filled up by AI regurgitation, the more AI cannibalises itself – resulting in outputs containing more and more nonsense and falsehoods.
      It can only get worse.
      LLM AI is on an exponential curve to Idiocracy.”
      – kumro

  5. “Woke” is just the cover the Zionists who are removing the middle class from California.

    Note how much energy is focused on the DEI hires, instead of the environment that created this perfect storm:

    We get Newsom play hardball with insurance companies (they new dam well the consequence of that), giving the the opportunity to pull out of CA, leaving home owners vulnerable.

    We have record rains, which may have had some seeding help, then sending all that precocious water out to sea was again, Newsom. Oh yes, they blame that move on “environmentalists and salamanders”. The very idea Newsom and his Communist ilk give a shit about our environment or salamander is ludicrous, it is just cover for their, another misdirection. Dumping all that water, thus depriving CA farmers of water, and the ability to grow/raise crops/livestock.

    Because of the record rain, we saw exploding underbrush growth, which the state, Newsom, does nothing about. Instead he focuses the money on the homeless?

    Then we get some abnormally high Santa Anna winds, which I am sure the opportunistic ANTIFA commies were well ready for and used to those fires…

    This is negligent homicide at best, premeditated murder at worst. Newsom should be tried and sent to jail, but instead we get the influencers focusing our anger on DEI and WOKE, pathetic.

    They want Middle Class White Americans/Asians out of California. With all the activity with China’s military build up, I’m betting its got something to do with war with China. Who knows, still just speculation at this point, but you can bet we will see more Maui/Pacific Palisades style conflagrations, in the near future.

    This is NOT DEI, Wokism, or Incompetency, it is warfare, just like 9/11 and Covid, those too had their cover stories to hide the Zionist’s evil machinations.

    • What we see with this WAR on the West, is how skillful the Communists are at controlling the narrative.

      With 9/11 the media was out in front, giving us all the answers, making it easy for the sheep to drink in the disaster as a “Muslim act of terrorism”. Ignore all the obvious links to Israel, nothing to see there.

      With the Los Angeles fires, you are seeing this disaster being carefully molded to establish how we are to understand it. Principally, this was a case of “the perfect storm: nature, government incompetence with a little DEI added in”. “No crimes here, just bad choices.”

      Below is a clip from a popular show on YouTube. The show is all about pointing out “wokeness” in Hollywood (They make sure we focus our hate of “woke” on everyone but the studios who control Hollywood). During the most recent show, I observed a curious take on the people in Los Angeles who were just burned out of their homes, evidently they are nothing but rich liberal hypocrites. These “hypocrites” are happy to see the National Guard come to protect their homes from looters, but it seems when BLM/ANIFA were burning down cities during the 2019 riots, the clip states they were against THIS use of the National Guard. The clip does not offer ANY proof these people were against said use of the National Gard during the riots, it just relays on imbedded societal bias: “Rich California liberals”. Furthermore, Cololla does not say why these people’s opinion regarding how the National Guard is use during the riots, mattered, in other words, who cares. But that is not the point, the point is to demonize them, to paint them as some how deserving of their situation, they are not us, we don’t need to come together for them.

      In America, people are reduced down to mere labels, with those labels used to diminish and divide us. if someone is a Muslim, that is all the info we need, he must be a terrorist. If a person is gay, that is the only characteristic that is needed, he must be a “groomer”. You could have the greatest person in the world standing in front of you, yet he/she could be instantly diminished by associating them with a demonizing moniker. I mean, you could be guilty of “peeing in public” and you can be branded a “sex offender”, that is how easy it is to destroy someone’s standing in society. In America, it is not what you do that defines you, but the label(s) associated with you.

      All about biasing the masses: Far-left, Far-Right (extreme far-right), Muslim, Gay, Woke, Nazi, Anti-Semite…all these dumbed down terms to represent individuals. They are so generalized they are meaningless.

      This can work to elevate a persons too, we see this with Trump, where his loyalty to Israel is absolute, but because he is associated with MAGA, that is all his supporters need to see him as a patriot. His actions mean nothing, only what moniker he is branded with.

      Americans have been dumbed down much further than is understood.

    • DEI & Wokism are meaningless, just a smoke screen. Don’t be so freaking gullible.

      DEI and Woke are just made up nonsense to cover up Marxism. The Zionists use these terms to make us cheer for our own destruction, while scapegoating these willful dupes.

      “Go woke, go broke”, while Hollywood is willfully destroyed from the inside, slow motion 9/11, perpetrated by the same ZioComs, while America is supposed to cheer this on, the loss of untold billions of dollars and millions of jobs…

      The reason they install a trans or gay person in such a position as leading the LAFD, to distract from the real issues. The LA Fires were planned out some time ago, each piece unfolded like clockwork. The purposeful plan to uninsure CA home owners, the dumping of rain water into the ocean, the deliberate allowance of brush to grow up and become the foundation for these fires. The lighting of fires during the seasonal Santa Anna winds.

      These DEI hires are hired to fail, that is the purpose, to fail and thus be the lightning rod for public outrage, when the real rage should be against the government itself.

      There is a move to “recall Newsom”, you can’t vote your way out of a corrupt system. The government burned down home and lives, you trust them to carry out a fair election?

      Newsom should be tried for negligent homicide, JUST LIKE Cuomo. Cuomo did his evil during Covid, bowed out because of some BS sex scandal, then gets a $10,000,000.oo book deal for his work for the Zionists. They removed Cuomo, like they removed Epstein, out of sight, out of mind as far as Americans are concerned. With Cuomo gone, no inquiry as to why he forced sick patients into nursing homes…

      Newsom will skate free, these fires and their causes will be convoluted, diluted and forgotten, until they happen again.

      We ARE at war, and now with Zion Don coming into office, these ZioComs will be moving into high gear. It is such a scary time, I can imagine this is how Iraqis felt when they had the Eye of Sauron on them. Unlike Iraqis, Americans are oblivious, we will gladly pay for the bullets they will be using to kill us…

      • I forgot, then we are treated to Trump, who was “fooled” during his first term on just about every issue, is nevertheless the wise sage when it comes to land management and wild fires.

        All the World is a stage, they love to make Trump the abature of knowledge and wisdom, always a the buttress against DEI and Wokism, except for when he isn’t, then he is a babe in the woods.

        Trump is the apodeme of 1984’s “double though” and “double speak”, it is up to us to see through it.

        Everything we see on the boob tube during these events is STAGED, each talking head has their script, and we are to be entertained and guided to the proper responses: Trump good, California is getting what it deserves because it is woke/liberal, Newsom is just an example of what liberals get you, the LA fires are just an example of the “perfect storm”, DEI and Woke are liberal ideas gone wrong…nothing to see here, don’t think for yourself, just accept this nonsense, and wait for the next strike, which too, will be carefully choreographed.

    • The cancellation of policies was predicated on the implementation of Prop 103, blocking Insurance Companies from raising rates. When they blocked insurance companies from raising rates, they KNEW the consequence, every body who was involved in that decision knew that not allowing price increases would lead to companies pulling out of the state. That WAS the plan, uninsure home owners, and light a fire. ala Maui.

      Prop 103 is a thing, seems DEI and Woke are easier to comprehend. Sad, when Reddit is more informed.

      Private Firefighting and Security move in to fill the gap, left by a purposely corrupted government.

      What we are seeing in America and around the World, is private companies filling in where governments are failing. Best example is South Africa, when the globalists took it down, they handed the reigns over to the ANC, which was corrupt to its core. Now, the state is quickly failing in every way, and private companies are moving in as a stop gap measure. So, people are thusly taxed twice, first by the state, which is quickly embezzles the money, and then by having to hire private firms, thus having to pay again. This is happening across America, right now. It is only the beginning.

      The destruction of food supplies, infrastructure, social cohesion, and the rise of Zionism…yeah, no conspiracy, just coincidence, all based on “incompetency”.

      The only silver lining around Zion Don getting into office, it will likely hasten these types of terrorist events, thus making it a bit more difficult to continue with the “no conspiracy here” nonsense. There is a global conspiracy, it has been evident since WW2, (Central banking IS a global conspiracy, who would have thought) and while there have been MANY obvious indicators since, Covid was the clincher. But for me, Covid clinched different truth: “People will ALWAYS cling to the comforting lie, than believe in the uncomfortable truth.”

        • One might wonder why, why write all that I have, why share when it looks like all is lost, the reason is, this IS a war of attrition, they keep whittling away, piece by piece. The sooner people get that they are not going to stop, then people might push back. As long as this looks like some disorganized contagion of “incompetency caused by DEI/woke”, the longer they will buy into the Trump is the cure BS.

          The goal is to realize the water has started to boil, before it cooks us to death.

          It is important to remember, Dresden and Nuremburg were bombed after the war had ended, just like Nagasaki and Hiroshima did not lead to victory, it only served in making America the only nation to use Nukes on civilians, it was never about winning the war, it was about population destruction and removal of obstacles to the NWO.

    • On a side note, I posted here a couple weeks ago, how I was seeing videos debunking climate change being pushed on YouTube. I did not look for it, it was just offered up to me, which is very telling.

      If YouTube is pushing this with its algorithms, you know something is up.

  6. Thanks for the great update on global happenings guys.

    The last story about UK government bowing down to the AI overlords made me think of how many people here in Canada and in the US in the permaculture circles I interact with are idolizing and leaning into this tech.

    I get using it to make cover art images for a MM show that runs so often there is no way you could draw them out or hire someone to, but these guys I know that used to do amazing hand drawn food forest designs are now using AI generators to make them appear in a flash. They may look pretty, and it may be easy, but I think these people are making their brain and creative capacity atrophy.

    Then there are Anti-AI statists like this guy that are facing a real challenge with cognitive dissonance as their idols champion the very technology they have been working so hard to demonize.

    I also see that people like Jessica Rose are having conversations with this Musk program that is apparently called “Grok” asking it to look in the mirror and show her what it sees itself as getting weird results…

    All I know is I am fine being a regular old fashion human creating at the speed of organic thought. Maybe that will put the competition way ahead of me in the author or regenerative garden design game, but in all honesty I did not get into helping people create gardens that can feed them (while also giving back to nature) or writing about similar practical solutions based material for the money. So if I only get contracts and sell books locally via word of mouth because all the other designers and authors are doing AI supercharged writing of 3 books a year with AI supercharged publicity and graphics, I am okay with that.

    I have faith that if I put in the effort and remain true to myself that my written works will find their way to those that are meant to read them and my regenerative designs will speak for themselves locally.

    Maybe the government or some corporate hit squad will send a swarm of killer AI powered drones to take me out or what ever, but like I said elsewhere on here recently, stressing about that kinda stuff is like stressing about the potential of a ten thousand foot high tsunami coming to wash me away cuz of a pole shift or something, if it is gonna happen, it is gonna happen, I just do what I can to be in service of life while I am here and leave the rest in Gods hands.

  7. the snap cultural and (formerly known as) conspiratorial references you add to the main story as a quip are amazing.

  8. To me the most compelling part of the California wildfire story is the Water Wars part of it. For instance, the billionaire Resnick’s own a large amount of the state’s water and when the state of California uses that water the state has to pay them for it.

    • “Resnick ownership of water rights”

      Good point.

  9. As always, world misery is put on hold to a degree when I watch NWNW. Thank you gentlemen for the valuable relief!

  10. Assuming the story is true, Google’s AI thinks that some of the moon landing photos are synthetic, so one of two interesting things is probably true- 1. AI is currently not as smart as people say it is 2. The moon landing, or at least some of its photos, is fake.

  11. Regarding James C comment regarding how LLMs produce “whatever you want” is a bit naive. Working with LLMs is a form of art in itself. Once you get the ball rolling, you can get pretty much infinite variations on the given topic practically effortlessly, that part is true. But composite graphics spewed out by an LLM require quite a bit of back and forth. Using a local LLM also requires quite a lot of knowledge, patience and hardware.

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