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Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: World Economic Forum Prioritizes “Disinformation” Over Economic, Global Stability Threats
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting; ‘Collaboration for the Intelligent Age’
Davos Shocker: Countries Around The World Eyeing Bitcoin Strategic Reserves Thanks To Trump
Davos to Welcome Trump Virtually As World Leaders Await New US President’s Policies
Hanging With The Banksters At #Davos2016! Spacey/Underwood Roasts Trump At Davos (Jan. 22, 2016)
“The Garden of Eden Is No More,” David Attenborough Warns Davos Summit (Jan. 22, 2019)
PDF: Global Risks Report 2025
Story #2: Trump Announces Pardon For Silk Road Founder Ross Ulbricht, Vacating Life Sentence
Corbett Report’s 2017 Interview With Lyn Ulbricht
Trump Signs Executive Order Pulling U.S. From Paris Climate Accord
Withdrawing The United States From The World Health Organization
Trump Revokes Security Clearances of 51 Intel Officials Who Signed Discredited Hunter Biden Laptop Letter
Trump Yanks John Bolton’s Biden-Approved Secret Service Detail Day After Pulling Former Adviser’s Security Clearance
Trump Pulls US Out Of Paris Climate Agreement Again
“I Was Frankly Impressed”: Bill Gates Dines With Trump
Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI
Trump Says He’ll Reinstate Troops Who Refused COVID-19 Vaccination
Story #3: Biden Commutes Life Sentence of Indigenous Activist Leonard Peltier, 80; Native American Activist Spent Half Century In Prison Over 1975 Murder Of Two FBI Agents In South Dakota
A Timeline of Young Thug’s YSL RICO Trial
Rage Against The Machine Reacts To Biden Commuting Leonard Peltier’s Sentence
Maynard James Keenan Teases New Puscifer Album Arriving In 2025
US Bans Red Dye 3 From Some Frosting, Candy and Medicine
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store
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What about Mumia?
For those who aren’t familiar…
Abu-Jamal (Mumia)became nationally prominent, however, when he was arrested for the murder of Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner.
On December 9, 1981, Faulkner was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop involving Jamal’s brother, William Cook. During the scuffle between Faulkner and Cook, Abu-Jamal also was shot and taken to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. He was treated and then arrested and charged with first-degree murder.
In 1999, Arnold Beverly admitted that he and an unnamed assailant, not Abu-Jamal, had shot Officer Faulkner as part of a contracted killing because the officer was interfering with graft and payoff to corrupt police.
Soon afterward some prosecutors’ witnesses in the trial came forward and admitted that they lied under oath. Abu-Jamal and his supporters pressed for a new trial based on these recent developments.
Their efforts paid off in 2008 when a three-judge panel reopened the case. The panel, however, chose to uphold the conviction, and Jamal is still in prison awaiting the death penalty.
There has been a 2-tier system for far too long. Where billionaires, celebrities, politicians, and key people get criminal charges dismissed, or pay a minimal fine, and serve little to no time,
The controllers have lied about Thalidomide, Tobacco, Asbestos, Mercury, Opioids, Aluminum/Talc in hygiene products, Lead in paint, Fluoride, Antibiotics, Saturated fats, Raw Milk, Pesticides, GMO’s, Natural Medicine, Sweeteners, Soy, LED bulbs and still lying about Processed foods, Anti-depressants, Chemtrails, 9/11, The Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, COVID, and on and on.
Hi James and James! Thanks for all your efforts.
Hate to say it, but I think Derrick may have got the GAVI funding story wrong, and Alexandros Marinos got it right. Seems when Trump announced the 1.16 billion funding it wasn’t really new or additional funding, it was just the old politcal trick of announcing continued future fuding at the same rate as if it were new funding. Could be wrong and there was some other funding, but the one announced in the TLAV article appears to be just the same level of funding that had been in place since 2018, not a boost based on the funding that would have gone to the WHO, not redirected funds.
And the link to the page showing consistent US funding the GAVI 2018-2023, no boost after the WHO funding withrawl. https://www.csis.org/analysis/advancing-research-and-planning-equitable-distribution-covid-19-vaccine
Millei’s support for a certain west Asian country is concerning, but his election and policies are undoubtedly a good thing for Argentina. No human deserves to live under the stupidity of socialism. And from what I have read, he has been deregulating the Argentinian economy (I do acknowledge, of course, that dollarizing Argentinia is probably a bad idea).
I respectfully disagree, AnCap94. Argentina was never under socialism, has a free market, elections, etc. in fact, I see like in the US, a continuation of a neoliberal agenda, or however you call it from one administration to the next.
Let me explain: After the 2001 economic crash, Nestor Kirchner (Justicialista’s party) in the mid-2000s open the doors to Monsanto, and Argentina switched from cattle and low-pesticide wheat to GMO gliphosate resistant soy beans. Kirchner made Argentina IMF and WB debt free, but paid with GMO soy bean switch. In 2010 Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (Justicialista’s party) opened the door to the Canadian and US big mining companies, and started a universal income program and other programs funded by this new addition to the economic program. Later, Mauricio Macri (made up party from Radicales’ party and neoliberal dissidents) opened the doors to cheap air companies, and continued with more mining and GMO-pesticide companies, closed many programs just to opposed the previous admin, and more importantly, started to grow and grow and grow the IMF/WB debt. Next, under Alberto Fernandez (Justicialista’s party) administration, among many other things, a corporation-university research cooperation resulted in the creation of HB4 wheat, glufosinate tolerant, and of course, this administration also increase the international funds. Javier Milei (nothing to do with the actual anarchist party in Argentina, long life to them), the dollarization is artificially sustained by more international debt, I think now to 22 billion dollars, he continues to live from the same GMO and mining revenue, but now one can buy French lemons (from France), and cannot afford lemons from Northwestern Argentina as they are too expensive. Intolerance and hate crimes have also increased since the current administration, and I know many violent anecdotes from the streets of Buenos Aires let alone the policy persecution of protesters since Milei is the president. It may sound promising what he says, but one needs to look at what he actually does.
Leonard Peltier, yes!! Saw it mentioned once on Rokfin & had to check that it was really so. Finally! Thank you for that & yes, what about Mumia.
James, the Evan Pilato one, has mentioned Maynard Keenan twice in the last while. Can someone fill me in on what the issue is with Maynard? Does he have TDS or something? Why is announcing an album near the inauguration significant? A while ago James mentioned Tool. What did they do?
Came here to find out this also- anybody have any recourses on Maynard. Pilato says he’s West Point, is that the jist of it?
I do not do social media or follow any celebrities, so i am out of the loop.
I know Maynard supported masks, this can be forgiven, it was at the beginning of when everyone went mental. I believe i saw a clip of him on Rogan saying this. But then on ‘Existential Reckoning: Rewired’ album there is a clip of an anti masker on the song Apocalyptical (Re-Imagined By Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross). This is from 2023, so a bit late to be still promoting masks, and it is remixed by NIN. So are Trent and Maynard both retarded?
Maynard plays with Josh Freese a lot. Josh is a funny guy, but I suspect he part of some “The Wrecking Crew!” type situations. Josh replaced the drummer in Foo Fighters, who suck. Where did their last drummer go, and why? Spoiler, he is dead. Anyone else die related to Foo Fighters? Also Josh replaced the drummer for Offspring when they booted the drummer for not getting vaxxed. I suspect you needed a vax ID to see them play. Offspring are a bunch of twats like Rage on behalf of the Machine. Maynard was on the first Rage album.
Maynard is also on tour with Primus. Their last single is “Conspiranoid” which promotes Fauci. Les Claypool is also in a band with Lennon’s child, which is the most occult thing i have ever heard.
Puscifer had a cartoon video making fun of Trump. This is fine, I would not call this derangement.
So Maynard hangs around some pretty suspect people, but also some very talented seemingly normal people. Henry Rollins is a funny one. A big tough dude. He was on a Tool album. Now this guy is a whiny little bitch.
I could go on forever. I still don’t know Pilato is going on about.
I wondered the same about RATM. I could not find that those guys promoted jibjabs, but these days it’s getting increasingly difficult to find anything.
Elon Musk is a transgenicist – although Google underlined it, i bet you you get this entry word.
*although Google DOES NOT underlined it
Much appreciated as always. As far as checking YouTube comments goes, be aware that my comments on any footage on YT are now automatically deleted. They show for about 30 seconds then magically disappear So much for judging a response by the comments.
I got an account to comment on a single video and my comment was edited when I went back to check- there were references actually removed while the non referential parts were still there.
That kinda surprised me, the partial changes rather then just removal or making it invisible to anyone other then me if I was signed in.
There is cause to raise an eyebrow and reach for reason when a technocratic, industrialist, data collecting, digital finance frontman performs a Nazi salute.
There are still a few “VIP’s” into fencing with disfiguring scars on their faces no thanks to horse hair.
The Elitists we need to worry about take advantage of not only a disparity of wealth but more importantly a significant disparity in knowledge.
The digital infrastructure, decentralised or other, will service these tools.
What’s that saying about horses and water?
As to the “disparity of knowledge”, I have always been fascinated with the idea of the exoteric vs the esoteric.
Innumerable examples, but I first started thinning about this with the US Dollar, and the “all seeing eye” and the pyramid…The sheep get pacified by being told it is about God and the “city on the hill”, but if you see the creation of a NWO being constructed around us by secrete societies which have been conniving for many centuries, you know that “all seeing eye” has nothing to do with what the Christians believe to be “God”.
All around us, the marks of the Satanic/Talmudic/Masonic death cult are there to see, if you want to see. They love their numbers 13, 8, 33…they love putting them right in front of our face and daring us to see them. But, like everything else, people will buy into the lie that lets them tune out, versus the truth that might actually force them into action.
If the ZioCom system does not like you, it can make up charges, lock you up and throw away the key…until they need to you make one of their puppets look good, like Zion Don.
Just like the poor Jan 6th saps, the masses just don’t get how gone the system truly is. The Jan 6th protesters never saw it coming, the fix was in. I remember hearing from the accounts of the protesters: first their phones stopped working as they approached the Congress building, and there was a group of “protesters” already staged near the entrance to the Congress, waiting to join them (these of course were your Zionist ANTIFA agent provocateurs (crisis actors), ready to act up for the ready TV cameras.
This was a set up from the start:
The made up election results, the commies can install whom they wish, but they purposely over did it to open the door for dumpy trumpy to set up his followers and call for the protests (Chump during his FIRST campaign was already setting the stage for this garbage talking about “how the Democrats will steal the election”-I could see it then, he was a POS), which is idiot followers were only too happy to comply. Then you had the Zionist agents waiting to join them, ready to be destructive for the cameras, just like they are always hidden within crowds to wave Nazi flags, break windows, be racist, always to discredit true protesters.
These protests were used to launch the “White Supremacists Nationalists” theme, that the media and the “left” (there is no left and right, just Zionist actors, playing made up roles) would run with: “Armed insurrection”. The system happily ignored all the imagined civil rights of these protesters. They were painted as “extreme-right”, and the media told Americans how to perceive them and their convictions, and Americans complied, as they always do…nothing to think about or question here.
Then, after 4 years of their civil rights being ignored, the Jan 6th protesters were used once more, this time to make Zion Don look good. The ZioComs don’t care one way or another about these Americans, they are all just theatrical props for their plays. Though, Zios would always rather have them die, burned alive or starved in their plays, this time it was just unjustly incarcerated for 4 years.
The only part of the 1/6 protests that was organic, was Trump’s protesters, their stupidity for marching for Trump was indeed real. The fake exaggerated elections results, Zion Dons shock and outrage at the results, his calling for protests, the protests themselves which were carefully infiltrated by crisis actors. It was all orchestrated: The coverage the media chose to show, the reaction from the left, the judges that handed down the absurd sentences. And now, Trump’s pardon of them.
When the system can use and abuse you, all for their theatrical machinations, tyranny is already here. This will be apparent more and more, and we will all just go along, better to go along than take a stand. That is the American way.
There are no wins, just the end of a particular “loss”.
These pardons are just more propaganda for the hard of thinking. Those Trump trials were meaningless nonsense, just fodder to be used by the fake “alt-right”, to make it look like the “Deep State” was out to get him. Just like HRC and her emails, it was used by both side to push a narrative. James often says, it is all about the narrative, yet so few truly understand that concept. Not only are these made up charges, like Zion Don storing “secrete documents in his garage next to his corvette”, they are often crimes that are only matter to the other side. And when the story no longer is needed, it just goes away. Nothing came of HRC’s emails, nothing care form Trump’s whatever crimes…all the while their real crimes go unreported and investigated. YET, the perception they are being hounded by the “other side” persists.
EVERY story that is reported, must fit the narrative, or it is not reported, period.
Rand Paul, Tucker Carlson, and every other talking head, in or out of government, at this point is well vetted operatives for the Zionist control system.
JC seems to get this, while many others do not, but they will.
Yes, Elon Musk and his “heil hitler” nonsense, oh yeah, that wasn’t choreographed. Just like the honk honk nonsense. Always about keeping the boogeyman of Nazis in the American mind, because this will be important soon. With Zion Don in office, they have many civil liberties to dismantle, all in the name of fighting “hate”.
Of course, the “anti-semitism” narrative is indeed multipurposed: It creates cohesion within the Jewish population, it is and will be used to drive Jews to Israel (see: The need for merciless sociopaths to operate the NWO from Israel), as well as great cover for their endless crimes. If you say, “Israel is perpetuating a genocide, you must be a Nazi”.
The fact that they are only going to push this narrative harder tells us they plan to do even great atrocities, that they will actually take credit for. I mean, they are behind all major atrocities, but they are masters of pinning those crimes on others. It seems they will expand criminalizing any criticism of Jews and ISRAEL. It tells us a great deal that the so called “working definition of anti-semitism” includes any critisism of Israel.
I am absolutist when describing Zionists and their control, because it is the one time it absolutely applies.
Ya know that there is cause for hope in future generations when your grandson excitedly texts the good news about Ross Ulbricht.
I never paid much attention to him other than reading about him here and the book Mr Corbett thinks is trash,TBH It it will be interesting to see what Mr Ulbricht does now.
I thought that his pardon was just about eating up the news cycle so other stuff gets ignored but it will be interesting if he starts cheerleading the Administration or bites the hand that freed him. On the other hand maybe he will dig out his crypto and live the mcafee life.
It will be interesting to see what happens. It seemed like PR to me. Politicians do that kind of thing for credibility.
Nevertheless he did follow through on some promises which even if they are PR are still good things.
But it’s true that someone who was pardoned and released from the hell hole of prison would be extremely thankful regardless of who pardoned them. If it were me, I would be overjoyed. Ross did issue a statement of gratitude and said “Trump is a man of his word…”
However, this does not mean that the administration is benevolent. It’s good to keep that in mind. But a pardon is not something that can be undone.
It is possible for a person to admit that someone has acted honorably in some ways and also point out flaws and very negative things that a person or administration does.
I suppose it’s an example of how no person is 100% good or 100% evil.
One of the good things it tells me is that the government seems to still depend on the support and consent of the population, that what we think matters to them. So they are not omnipotent. That means that we still have some control of the trajectory of future. So that does give me some hope.
If I were Ross, I would be very reluctant to break any laws that could result in a prison sentence. I think the guy is very intelligent and has a promising future. I do think a pardon restores a persons constitutional rights, according to this website:
The question is if he can declare his illegally earned money to the IRS…..if he is suddenly rich with unlundered money they can yank him back whenythey feel like it.
On the other hand, while I admit to not knowing everything about the guy I’m still not convinced by the country voices that he is actually a paragon of virtue or good sense. At the end of the day he spent a good deal of time as a criminal, then living with them for years, and every criminal I’ve known (even the rare smart ones) have had a self destructive quirk in their character.
If I were him I’d be leaving the US, because unless he has a patron someone in LE is going to make him their project.
I don’t think he tried to put hits out on people. He did take a transaction fee when people used the Silk Road. Silk road was mostly a drug marketplace as far as I know.
If we look at the way the medical industry operates, especially drug companies, I don’t think what he did was any worse. Except he dogged taxes and subverted the “legitimate” middle man. I mean just look at all the butchery with the trans insanity going on.
As far as drugs go, a lot of people got addicted to pain killers that drug companies denied were addictive, Oxycontin was a big one. There were doctors running “pill mills” who didn’t care one iota for their patients. And they took an oath to “do no harm”.
So while I don’t think he’s a paragon of virtue, I think his sentence was extreme and the degree of corruption involved in prosecution reveled how our “justice” system operates.
I also think his assets were seized so he would have had to be hiding cash somewhere. I think with his skill set he can secure a well paying job in the tech field now, especially since his felonies will be struck from his record. Plus he could probably write a book and generate money from that.
And I mean if he wanted to stash money, he’d have to have hidden it before he was arrested. They may have seized everything though. I’m not suggesting he hid money. An intelligent person in this situation would not touch any hidden assets if those actually exist. Especially if a person can work in the clear and earn a good living. It’s not worth the risk.
And I would expect to be under a microscope by the IRS if I were him.
I agree he got a stupid long sentence, and was mainly prosecuted so heavily because of political pressures.
While I don’t know enough to go to the mat on the issue I have no difficulty believing he ordered hits on people. I think in Scottish law it’s called “not proven” , where the jury won’t find not guilty but has not seen proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
The other options against his guilt would be
A) some one else ordered it (but as part of a conspiracy he is as guilty as his fellows)
B) cops framed him… possible since they got courupted by the money…. But I don’t see much evidence if it vs it being an inside deal
C) the argument that no one would pay for a hit does not hold water when people are paying online for expensive drugs
The fact that the charges were dropped by the prosecutor AFTER mr Ulbricht had no chance of getting out also means little…. Plenty of people doing time don’t get hit with all charges because it’s expensive and work for lazy gov workers to actually do it.
I would be surprised if he did not have a cold storage wallet stashed away…. But TBH he does not really appear to have been all that good at Opsec so maybe he did not think he would get caught.
The thing that just occurred to me is that he MAY be open to charges from other countries his clients shipped to…. Rather unfair but I hope he gets good legal advice on how to proceed.
Yeah, on opioids, those dirty Sacklers belong in jail or on the end of a rope for what they did. Good book on them is by tray Garrison “opioids for the masses”, he was on the Pete quinones show a while back too.
Like I said, glad he’s out and interested in what he is going to do now…. I wonder if people would still see him as a hero if he works with the Tech Bros? I personally must say he had vision- I never thought internet commerce would be a thing back in the day, let alone selling illigal stuff. lol, so I clearly don’t know everything. 🙂
I think with respect to ordering hits, there were other administrators who were operating under the name DPR. They had evidence this was the case, thus they had no proof it was him.
It was even claimed that law enforcement had access to the marketplace and might have been the ones to order hits under the DPR title.
If someone really tried to pay for a hit online, I do think that reveals a lack of intelligence. The penalties are just too high and the benefits of just taking the money outweigh the risks. I bet the “hit man” asked for money up front too.
Drug sellers want to establish a reputation so they are inclined to follow through. I think there is an escrow process also. I think many of the “legitimate” marketplaces banned the sale of guns or anything involving violence or exploitation.
Buying drugs online does not carry a significant legal penalty as far as I know if it is for personal use. Trying to buy a hit man on the other hand carries a potential murder charge. I would guess that people who have the technical skill to use the dark web, it requires some skill with encryption and what not, would have the ability to consider legal consequences also.
I just don’t see an intelligent person using that for murder. Way too many loose ends and unknown variables. Also by most accounts the guy was non violent.
Just my opinions though.
But, as you say, it will be interesting to see what he does with his life.
If he starts working for the anti-freedom tech bros, I think that would taint his reputation for sure. But I suppose we’ll see.
Regarding opioids, doctors have been cutting patients off because licensing boards have cracked down on excessive prescribing. This and the expense of the drugs have driven some addicts to start using illegal opioids with some very negative consequences like fentanyl contamination.
It’s really sad to see how this has afflicted young people in the US.
People should be made aware of the dangers of opioids prior to ingesting them, that they actually can change the brain significantly and cause damage resulting increasing pain rather than reducing it.
They should only be used short term in small amounts for real medical issues like after surgeries and such. Or in cancer or end of life conditions. They are extremely dangerous and counterproductive when used inappropriately.
I bet his gramps had something to do with it.
Yours is one perception, another would be to understand the fact that such a news story permeating young social media, could mean that story is being pushed on the youth as an example of “Trumps benevolence”.
They are pulling out all the stops to make Trump look MAGA…
We will see which perception stands the test of time.
You left out a part about the GAVI/WHO shell game. Last time this happened Trump shifted his funding from WHO to GAVI, who in turn increased their funding of the WHO. The Last American Vagabond covered this very well. Also check out Brett Weinstein going after Whitney Webb for pointing this out. Shameful.
I would think the WEF showing “State Based Armed Conflict” is predictive programming, one more indicator that is their plan
One thing I tell all my friends and family, do not let your kids go into the military, even if drafted. This war will be about wiping out Americans, just as the Ukrainian war was about genociding Ukrainians (Israeli’s need some place to summer). They have built up China to be their weapon, just like they built up America for WW1&2. They have kept China “pure” and highly nationalistic, while simultaneously weakening the West. The Chinese will be easily motivated to fight a barbaric war of destruction against US, as we done for the Zionist in the past. Funny how the greatest war crime in history, dropping two nukes on civilians, has been sanitized for Americans to so easily accept as “justified”. OMG
Right now, not one aspect of what we are seeing with the role out of Zion Don’s Administration is not being CAREFULLY orchestrated.
This is all about making Zion Don look good, “the highest high, before the lowest low”.
We are witnessing Talmudic prophesy played out right in front of our eyes.
Thank You James Corbett for not buying into the nonsense, truth is indeed a lonely warrior. The worse things get, the more people will cling to the CAREFULLY constructed fake life-rafts, that will insidiously guide people to their doom. You have to appreciate these monster’s ability to deceive: “For Christ to return, Jews need to return to Israel”…You could not make this stuff up, but if someone did, you would think they would see right through it, if only. Christianity was created to destroy all pagan religions (Jews are masters at having others fight their wars for them) but left Judaism alone, to become the most powerful religion on Earth. Funny how that worked out, guess that is just a coincidence, just like giving Jews a monopoly of usury…what could go wrong…
It may be difficult, to impossible to escape what they are constructing before us, but I will do my best not be fooled into embracing one of their nonsense saviors, Trump, Musk, Christ…The very idea that any of those is going to save any body, is laughable, if not so horrible. Many people actually think this is “God’s Plan” the “End of Days”, when every aspect is being choreographed, it is all just so ludicrous.
It astounds me that people will believe in the impossible, over the undeniable, yet still think themselves free thinking. It is hard to realize how real the Matrix actually is, and how difficult it is to truly be free of it.
Giving us your heart? How sweet. I had no idea you were such a big fan of Charlie Chaplin, James.
By the way, the “Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI” article is from 2020.
Jan 23 – See Fox News video
David Sacks, aka “AI & Crypto Czar” says:
“Mr. President, This is an Executive Order on AI.
We are basically announcing administration policy to make America the World Capital in Artificial Intelligence to DOMINATE and lead the world in AI.”
In December 2024, President-elect Donald Trump appointed David Sacks as the new “AI & Crypto Czar”.
Thursday January 23, 2025 – Fox News footage with over 4 million views
President Donald Trump signs more executive orders on Ai, cryptocurrency, pardons for pro-life protesters and orders to declassify the MLK, RFK, and JFK files.
Thursday August 1, 2024 – Derrick Broze
The Co-Opting of Bitcoin: BTC Nashville, Peter Thiel, Donald Trump, and Rumble
[The full article is enlightening.]
EXCERPTS taken from ‘Paypal’ SUBTHREAD (even to 9/11/01 with Cantor Fitzgerald)
In June, big tech venture capitalists David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya hosted a fundraiser for Trump at Sacks’ home in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. The meeting netted the Trump campaign $12 million after Trump reportedly said he would be “the crypto president”…
…David Sacks is most well-known for his involvement in the early days of PayPal, serving as the Chief Operating Officer. Sacks is also a member of the so-called “PayPal Mafia”…
…Howery co-founded the Founders Fund with Peter Thiel, another infamous big tech giant who is a member of the PayPal Mafia and has long been connected to intelligence networks via Palantir. Palantir also played a major role in COVID-19 surveillance. Thiel has recently gained well-deserved scrutiny for his role in financing the rise of Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, J.D. Vance.
J.D. Vance, the 39-year old Ohio Senator, was in attendance at David Sacks’ June fundraiser for Donald Trump.
In fact, according to “two people with knowledge of the exchange”, during the event Trump “informally polled the room” regarding who he should choose for his Vice Presidential running mate.
David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and others all told Trump he should choose Vance.
Elon Musk also reportedly encouraged Trump to pick Vance.
A few weeks later at the Republican National Convention that’s exactly what Donald Trump did.…
China’s DeepSeek versus Stargate AI (same week announcements)
ZeroHedge QUOTE
“But when President Trump announced the launching of a $500 billion AI infrastructure project (Stargate) on Tuesday just hours after China had released its DeepSeek R1—which “outperforms its rivals in advanced coding, math, and general knowledge capabilities”—it became painfully obvious that the battle for the future ‘is on’ in a big way.”
Long Article
“China’s DeepSeek released an opensource model that works on par with OpenAI’s latest models but costs a tiny fraction to operate.
Moreover, you can even download it and run it free (or the cost of your electricity) for yourself.” — Adam Button
“Deepseek R1 is one of the most amazing and impressive breakthroughs I’ve ever seen — and as open source, a profound gift to the world.” – Marc Andreessen Friday January 24, 2025
Derrick Broze article quote:
In 2019, Vance would found his own venture firm, Narya Capital, with financial backing from the former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, the billionaire investor Marc Andreessen, and Peter Thiel.
Wednesday November 27, 2024 – Joe Rogan interview
Marc Andreessen Describes “Alarming” Meeting With Biden Admin That Prompted His Trump Endorsement
Monday January 27, 2025 – U.S. Stock Market NARRATIVE shift
China’s DeepSeek AI
By James Hyerczyk at FX Empire
Nasdaq 100: Nvidia and Microsoft Lead Tech Sell-Off After DeepSeek’s Breakthrough
Key Points:
~~~ Nasdaq 100 futures drop 3.5% as DeepSeek’s AI model sparks doubts about the viability of massive AI investments.
~~~ Nvidia plunges 12% after DeepSeek’s low-cost AI model raises concerns about demand for high-end GPUs in future projects.
~~~ Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta lose up to 6% as investors reassess the scale of AI spending after DeepSeek’s latest breakthrough.
~~~ Global chipmakers fall sharply, with ASML and Broadcom sliding 7% and 12%, as AI infrastructure stocks face mounting pressure.
~~~ Traders brace for Big Tech earnings this week while the Federal Reserve’s rate decision looms large over stock market sentiment….
Nvidia does very poorly in the markets when there os competition. They really pumped up the prices.
yea! They had some glorious profit margins!
With billions in revenue, that was sweet.
Worth Noting (yen carry trade)
On Friday January 24, the BOJ raised interest rates by 25 basis points to 0.5%, marking the highest short-term borrowing costs in 16 years.
The Japanese yen strengthened to around 155.6 per dollar on Monday, extending gains from the previous two weeks after hawkish signals from the Bank of Japan.
The yen also gained from US President Donald Trump’s call for the Federal Reserve to cut rates, which weighed on the dollar. At the same time, the dollar found some support after Trump threatened Colombia with tariffs and sanctions, reigniting concerns over global trade.
Noting past July 31, 2024…
“In early August 2024, global markets saw a sharp downturn, with the S&P 500 plunging 325 points in just five days.
Carry traders scrambling to offset their losses following an unexpected shift in Japan’s monetary policy partly triggered the chaos.
Carry trading, a longstanding strategy for investors, played a central role in this market disruption.
This article unpacks how these trades work, the role Japan’s rate hike played, and how it amplified market disruptions….”
Thursday January 23 – By Justin Lee
The Unraveling of Carry Trading: How Rising Interest Rates and Yen Fluctuations Impacted Global Markets
I’m not a troll. Probably a pessimist, but not a troll.
They’re going to win. All signs point to it, unfortunately. Awareness movements are NOT new. It’s not that people don’t have enough information. Even if they don’t know everything, they know enough to have acted on it. It is the reason they are not acting that will be why, in one way or another, things WILL proceed.
Like Israel. Notice the support for Palestine is mostly rhetoric. The support for Israel is material. It’s financial, diplomatic, and militant. You could imagine there were people who complained about Native Americans. What happened to them? Despite the finger wagging and nagging…despite their reputation as brutal, genocidal, or whatever…they will proceed to succeed because other nations have done so fantastically. There’s people who are saying Israel is somehow in “BIG” trouble, on it’s last legs, the West is being forced to get ’em…right after we gave them billions in aid and weaponry? Doesn’t add. And we’re currently in the process of rewriting our laws on their behalf. Doesn’t add. From what I see their agenda moves on and grows stronger and it’s only a religious devotion to “hope” that keeps people mostly passive and in a position only to document it’s progress via criticism.
A fast moving freight train.
Thanks for expressing how you feel. I feel ya.
Here is my take…
I have long been a grunt-on-the-ground activist.
9/11 Truth and the Fluoride fight are two wars where I have invested countless hours and personal resources.
An incalculable number of people have felt the breath of my cohorts and I.
But, all in all, where we win is NARRATIVE, changing the public space STORY, even with small influences along the way.
James Corbett is correct when he pounds his fist on the table saying,
“Story is the most powerful weapon.
Ideas presented in such a way as to provoke certain thoughts or actions.”
This is worth a re-watch ‘cuz we do have power:
Dec 1, 2021
Writing A New Narrative – #SolutionsWatch
34 minute video
I have seen the change in the public space over the years with 9/11 Truth and the Fluoride fight.
The public perception has changed.
And it was due entirely because people like you and me got the word out.
We put out our own narrative, our own message.
A fast moving freight train derails when the public story starts to change.
”The Story itself will compel the public into action.” – James Corbett
Cynical mandate
Don’t worry too much. Life and history is a big cycle and no one stays on top forever.
The people running things are not anything like as in control as they wish to be because every time they get settled they get stabbed in the backside by their own underlings who want to be on top of the pyramid. The folks in power thought they could divide the world up in the 20s then the 40s then the 50s and every time it failed because no system is stable and the more anti human a system is the more energy and work is needed to hold it up.
They are scrambling to get on top of the next jenga tower because they know the one they built is coming down at some point
Entropy is sometimes our friend…. It’s just IMO we we also never reach the OTHER side of the equation where everyone is paying attention and lives freedom and doesn’t want to be led
People will rather believe in a comforting lie, than the uncomforting truth.
August 1945, America dropped two nuclear bombs on Japanese civilians, justified because “it would hasten the end of the war”. Checkmate: It is NEVER EVER acceptable to use nukes, let alone on civilians, period, FULL STOP. Not to mention the burning of many German cities AFTER THE END OF THE WAR.
Yet, we see trans used to signal the decay of American society…oh yes, accepting the mass murder of untold thousands, that is the sign of a healthy “Christian” society.
They have us do their dirty work for them, THEN foist those crimes around our necks.
How many millions have paid the price for America’s acquiescence to these Zionist psychopaths, all based on us believing lies. Abraham Lincoln said, ‘they would use our prejudices against us’. All they have to do is demonize any group, and Americans will be more than happy to do the killing.
I remember all too well the build up to the Iraq war, based on obvious lies. But obvious as those lies were, being told Saddam had WMDs was enough for Americans to justify the destruction of another peoples.
Americans are bullies and cowards, they will buy into absolute nonsense such as “global homo” and “woke” as threats to our society, but Jewish domination of EVERY aspect of our society and government, oh no, THAT is a “anti-sematic conspiracy theory”, even though it is endlessly demonstrable.
Look at the LA Fires, was it a conspiracy between governemnt and the Zionist Oligarchs to remove people from California, or just chalk it up to woke/DEI (The Woke and DEI narratives have been carefully constructed to be seen the bane of American society, the root of all America’s problems). You just have to be smarter than a self-cleaning oven to see through this nonsense, sadly, most Americans let media or some other carefully crafted influencer, do the thinking for them.
You see, I don’t think one should, of necessity, believe the LA Fires (or the Maui Fires for that matter), MUST be a Zionist conspiracy, but they should always be prime suspects. Just like the fake Trump assignation attempt. Must it be a fake, no, but it MUST be the most likely scenario considering historical facts.
One thing for sure, if per chance they “don’t win”, it will not be caused by some great awakening of the sheep, it will be something they could not have accounted for: The greater the complexity of a system, the greater the chance of an unseen problem within that system. If they fail, it is because such a system is bound to fail, but they are going to kill billions in the attempt.
Seriously, look at the responses to your comment, people who seemed to have slept through Covid.
Covid demonstrated how absolute their control is. This control has only grown since 2019, significantly.
The installing of Trump should not be seen in any fashion as positive, because it is all theatrical. The “positives” of an innocent man being released from jail, pale in comparison to the propaganda it is used for to make Trump look MAGA. Right now they ARE setting US up, for exactly what is anyone’s guess, but it is not pessimistic to see catastrophe when so much of what we are seeing today, mirrors Germany in the 1930s. These POS repeat their atrocities again and again.
Biden was our Weimar 2.0, Trump will be our Hitler. Hitler was NO friend to the Germans, quite to the contrary. I believe it will be war with China, not to win or lose, but to depopulate America, very much like the Ukrainian war was used to depopulate Ukraine.
There are tough times ahead, maybe we can ask the Syrians, the Iraqis, the Libyans, or the Palestinians, how it feels to have their civilizations destroyed…they should know, we destroyed them.
Not that I love Hitler or anything but he was a much better friend to the Germans then the opposition.
Even if I believed in the holocaust as it’s portrayed that would still be true….. life got better and people were happier under Hitler then they were before, and after. It’s not like the dude had magic eyes and just convinced everyone to go nuts for a decade. He was popular for a reason.
Again, not loving his political outlook but he was objectively a good leader who helped his people until forced into a war in the west that he did not want. Not saying he was a wonderful person (he seems to have been a real theater kid) and he did go round the bend when his doctor turned him into a speed freak.
Bull shit, Hitler set the German people up. As even this channel points out, Hitler was funded by New York banks.
I could go into the whole operation that was the destruction of Germany and how Hitler was part of that operation, but this site does the job for me:
Yes, after the Weimar Republic (which were a bunch of Communist Jews, look those running the Weimar Republic) anything would be better. Honestly, you act like these Jewish zionists are idiots, you underestimate them at every turn. It is impossible to make someone like you comprehend reality, when you can’t even acknowledge the power and evil genius these globalists have employed over the centuries. You seem to have no idea what we are up against.
Sorry, don’t mean to be so matter of fact, but we seem to be coming to the end of the line, at least as far as the America project is concerned and I am frustrated how few actually understand, not only what is going on, but more importantly who is behind it.
If people here are still so oblivious, it is highly unlikely, the so called “normies” have a chance of seeing it.
9/11 showed me, but Covid should have shown all of you their power. And even if it did not cement the idea in one’s mind, the absolute power they have, it should have planted the seeds of their level of control.
Like I said I don’t love Hitler… at the end of the day he was a politician.
I really don’t believe he “set up” the Germans, he had his own agenda. The fact that he took money for bankers (and some of his early German backers were also Jewish) is not really that different from a South American rebel taking Soviet aid.
Plenty of people will take money from people who have common interests…. Plenty of rich jews were not all that happy with the way the left Jews were doing stuff – maybe just because it was bad for business or maybe some other reason.
I don’t much like Hitler, but he did reverse the terrible economic situation in Germany and run out the worst of the open degeneracy. If there had been no Hitler Bolshevism would have over run Germany, and probably then Western Europe. What we GOT was bad enough, but it could have been way worse.
There was zero NEED auto install Hitler to destroy Germany, they just needed to Bolshevise Germany and Eastern, then Western, Europe would have been fked. An alliance between Germany and Russia would, is, and probably always will be the biggest player in the world.
It’s not that your wrong about the sneaky players, but your seeing them as Bond villains rather then Gangsters. They spend as much time fighting each other for control as they do plotting how to lord it over the rest big us.
Things ARE on a dangerous precipice now, but they have almost ALWAYS been like that. Trotsky got his ass run off by Stalin, which is why the Neo-con Jews hated the Soviet Union. They were both evil, but if Trotsky had stayed in power the USSR and New Deal (revolutionary) America would have ruled the world together and we’d all be screwed….they are in no way infallible or even as smart as they pretend.
They leave themselves many “out” …. Many ways to “win” even if they don’t get what they really wanted they pretend to have planned it all out…. But’s it’s just gaslighting.
I mean no offense, but if you don’t see how WW1 and 2 were all about getting rid of Germany and creating the state of Israel, we have nothing to discuss. No one in WW2 had their “own agenda”.
The Versailles treaty was seen, even then, as a tool for another war. It was a Zionist plan from the get go. AS George Patton said.
I used to think Hitler was ok, pro-German, but knowledge changed that.
I do wonder why, Zionist NY Bankers backed Hitler, they are not known for backing people they don’t own, just like TRUMP.
WW1 had MANY players wanting it, for many reasons.
The British have always had a fear of a power that could unite the continent and then build a navy to challenge the Royal Navy with the money saved by not arming against every one else. They Also were threatened by German industry and expansion.
(Hidden history by Docherty and Mcgregor goes into how they planned the war) even though Jews (inc Zionist ones) had a lot of sway they did not rule the British Gov at that time. They were still the servants, like they were in the US until the 70s, of the ruling class.
The zionists certainly wanted to benefit off the war but it was not their plan. German origin Bank Jews in the US were happy to help Germany fight that war, Esp since all Jews hated Russia.
The majority of German Jews who were not commies were pretty loyal to Germany UNTIL they were persuaded to flip and cause German collapse by Zionist promises. The “stab in the back” by left wing causising strikes was a real thing.
The treaty was the culmination of the British war aim of removing Germany as a competitor- Jews just tagged along for the looting. The majority of issues were caused by Commie Jews and foreign Jews from East Europe. Plenty of German Jews had the same aims as the early Nat socialists. Plenty served in the German armed forces or even Nazi party.
The US bankers backing Mr H probably wanted to make a quick buck and the US was already shaping itself up as the replacement for the British Empire after ww1…. The B Empire was dismantled by America and Jews were still the servants of the got rulers until they edged into top slot themselves.
Hitler was pro Hitler, but any good farmer wants his farm to be healthy. I see no way that he made any choices wiyh the international aim of destroying Germany…his position was pretty weak all along and he appears to have played his hand as well as he could.
Still not loving him.
Won’t get into a whole thing, but Britain was long been ruled by the bankers…
FDR was surrounded by communist Jews.
Russia was taken over by Bolsheviks , that were Jews
The French “Revolution” was the Jacobins, they were Jews.
They brought Opium to China
They spread the black plague in Europe. During the Spanish Inquisition, many confessed to dumping diseased bodies to poison wells.
I always look at who got what from an war or world event like 9/11.
Britain was well owned by the Rothchilds by WW1, but even so, WW2 marked the end of Britain dominance, and lead to America’s.
Thanks to Lend Lease, America built up Russia, just in time to be our enemy for the Cold War.
They got their Israel
they got the foundations of their NWO.
I am sure it is not easy to see this from your perspective, but there are endless sites that do the deep dives into the ins and outs of these events, and everywhere you go you see the Jewish Zionist bankers.
History is seemingly subjective, you don’t want to see the build of a Zionist NWO, you not going to see it, they make sure of that. But that is irrelevant, because it is coming whether you believe in it or not. Thankfully people are catching on, thanks to Adam Green for one.
I agree with MOST Of what you say, except I will quibble that while the British ruling class was indeed deep in debt to Jewish bankers and Britain was the nation with the most Jewish power in Europe the ruling class there had enough of a sense of itself that Jews did not rule there.
I also disagree that Jews did the French Revolution- they benefited greatly from Napoleon but before he emancipated them (so he could get money) they were still a 2nd or 3rd rate political force.
In the old days their power was constrained by aristocratic snobbery and monarchies that used but distrusted them.
Your bang on the nail with the rest of it though IMO…. They loved left wing police and open societies
That is certainly the PR they are putting out, for sure. But the very fact that they have to put out PR reveals their weakness. That is good for us.
I disagree with your thoughts on Israel. I certainly wish no ill will on innocent Israelis, none at all. In fact their government abuses them horribly. I do think there’s some truth to “demography being destiny.”
The population is declining there, Palestinians have a higher birth rate. That’s why the Zionists “mow the lawn” (yes it’s evil). Maybe Ukraine is Israel 2.0?
You should listen to Dr Raphael Johnson … I hear him talk a few times on the Pete quinones show and a couple of times elsewhere and he spoke of the Jewish colonization of Ukraine in the days before the war. Right now it did not go well due to the war but who knows if they will try again now there are fewer people?
Most Jews come from that part of the world and Israel is not really a great place to live so kahzaria 2.0 might be a thing one day…. They bought a bunch of the grain elevators and acc to dr Johnson were doing the same playbook as when they started moving to Palestine after ww1.
He is an interesting dude to hear but I don’t have the knot to judge what he says properly
“I certainly wish no ill will on innocent Israelis”, oh cry me a river, I don’t think ill will is the problem here, genocide IS. It simply astounds the kneejerk reaction to anything to do with Israel. Israel is a terrorist state, probably the only true one. It funds directly, or though its control of America, most terrorist organizations around the world.
Oh yes, “Iran Contra”, we heard all about America and weapons sales to Iran to fund Contra “rebels”, but left out of that story was Israel, how it was the organizer, the go between that managed the whole operation. America would give weapons to Israel, to be then sold to Iran. But Israel kept those American weapons and handed Iran Israel’s old crap weapons. When American officials complained, American military planes started falling out of the sky.
I wish ill on no people, but of all the victims in the world, Israel, and to a lesser degree Americans deserve the least consideration, considering the crimes of their perspective states. Yes, I know the Communist Zionists that run Israel don’t care about Israeli lives, but there is a difference between not caring for life, and actively genociding. What few can comprehend is they have been perpetrating genocide for hundreds of years, spreading the plague, spreading war, starvation…
No offense, but you have no idea what is going on in Israel, it is being expanded, Eretz Israel is a thing, and it is happening right in front of your eyes. What do you think Syria was about, “removing a tyrant”? They are expanding Israel to make room for returning Jews, who will flee the destruction of the West. This is the most likely scenario.
“Palestinians have a high birth rate”, oh do they, they also have a significant higher death rate, that is what happens when you drop bombs on hospitals and snipe pregnant mothers and children…seriously, “the government abuses them (Israeli citizens) horribly”, not in any way as bad as they treat Palestinians, and that has been true since Israel’s creation.
No offense taken and I agree that the Palestinians have suffered worse than anyone can probably imagine.
The Zionists are certainly trying to genocide the Palestinians to damage demographics and that is extremely evil and I am disgusted by it.
This does not change the fact that I don’t wish harm on any innocent people, including some Israelis. Some of them might be stuck there and oppose what their government is doing. That population, if I am not mistaken was one of the first to be forced jabbed, like a bunch of lab rats.
As far as birth rate and genetic health of a population, I think there is evidence to suggest (without the affect from genocide) Palestinians are a healthier population. This in part is why the Zionists are doing what they are doing.
You are one of the few here who actually understand the Israel situation.
Israel’s genocide not only showed us whom our politicians serve, as if that was ever in doubt, but it showed us to what degree.
The whole thing was theatrical, from the nonsense “Hamas attack” (Hamas which Israel created as a weapon against the PLO) was laughable. The most secure border in the world overrun by construction equipment and guys in home made helicopters, a total joke. Yet how many bought right into it. Why not, it is only Palestinians that are dying.
We had the protest on college campuses that were demonized by the Zionist controlled media, and beat up by the Zionist controlled police. Oh yeah, we do send our police to get trained in Israel…You can bet your ass if those were Jewish protesters, they would never been touched. I remember that one Jewish lady who screamed “you stabbed me in the eye”, yet it was on film, the ludicrous nature of her claim. Yet the media and politicians treater her claims as more than valid.
It is difficult to write about this issue because it is all so obvious. It is like trying to be critical of Monte Python, it is meant to be a joke, so it this Israel theatrical nonsense. The hypocrisy is in your face, meant to establish a two tier system, Jews with one set of laws, Goyem with another. Yet I see even here, people don’t have the wit to understand what is going on.
BTW, I do not believe it is possible to be a pessimist today, only a realist.
Most can’t comprehend it but to the Zionists, we are all Politicians, we just don’t know it, YET.
Anyone here have any thoughts on how this Trump / Panama situation is gonna unfold?
That is a good question, using history as our guide, it will likely be another “building the wall and Mexico will pay for it” nonsense. It is quite telling that, while Trump’s unfulfilled campaign are by no means unique, rather they are quite ubiquitous in American Presidential politics, those promises are still dealt with as actually policy agendas. In fact, these campaign promises have often served as an indication of precisely the opposite agenda, Obama and Trump were both great examples of this. A classic example of double speak, AND people only hearing just what they want to hear.
The Communists love to throw tons of complex ideas at us all at once, knowing they will just overwhelm a population that has been hard wired for short attention spans. The goal here is to simply give the appearance Trump is going to hit the ground running. Making him LOOK different than Sleepy Joe, but in reality, Biden is just handing off the baton to the next traitor in chief, in a race to destroy humanity.
The one absolute is whatever they are advertising, directly with their media, or indirectly as “leaks or through alt-right” mouth pieces, it will not be what they are actually agenda, which always will be horrific.
Thanks for the comment.
All I know is I have friends in Panama that are tryna help regenerate the rainforest, providing locals with regenerative farming jobs/education and growing some amazing food and medicine at the same time, so I hope that situation does not hinder their efforts or put them in danger.
I could certainly be wrong, I go on historical patterns and intuition, considering so much of what we get nowadays is pure propaganda. Only they know their true intentions.
Look like JC was not the only one who forced himself to watch that clown show. Larken’s rendition:
China has become the most free market capitalist, while the US Empire has become protectionist, totalitarian, unstable economic/politically. Prosperity comes from national assets. The biggest asset is human innovation/ingenuity. Social/psychological freedom creates. That is dying in the USA, due to the Prussian indoctrination system imported in the late 1800s. It took a century, but it destroyed individual sovereignty to make the populace easier to rule/control. Ed Snowden worried his expose of the Military/Industrial/Banking Complex would be ignored by political zombies (Americans). And so it was. Where is his pardon?
Is the claim that is being made here that China does not use the prussian schooling system, or something equivalent to it?
As far as I know they practice something like Prussian schooling, but on steroids.
China is not really known for its innovation, there is an argumet that Asian cultures tend to stifle innovation… I have even heard the argument made that the long practice of punishing families of those who step out of line has been something of a selective breeding program that’s weeded out genetics that produce genius since geniuses tend to be somewhat antisocial which allows them to ignore tradition and social pressure to conform to tradition
You are correct that the school system has made people dumber, but China is not exactly a hot bed of innovation either- they copy and improve what’s gone before but produce very little really new stuff
CATL leads the world in battery tech. Chinese EV makers will soon to take over the legacy car makers, bankrupting them by building superior cars. Also, PV panels are leading the world in supply and quality. There might be more but I only research this tech. China no longer subsidizes EVs.
China is the worst of both worlds, it is a Communist Capitalist system, the Zionist’s wet dream.
HOW is America “protectionist”, when it has free trade with China that directly funds many of its businesses. China uses slave labor, a fact that does not bother Americans or their leaders.
Not to mention, China was built up using money stolen from America, trillions were stolen from us and used to build China up (Catherine Austin Fitts)
China does nothing but steal tech from other nations, or in many cases, America gives the tech to Israel and THEY sell it to China. WE saw what China was during Covid, all these isms are nothing but a smoke screen, the bankers have built China up, as they have starved America of investment capital.
If you had a great invention, and wanted to manufacture it in America, you would get no help from the banks. In fact, if you actually tried to build a factory in America without their OK, they would kill you, no doubt about it. If the invention was ground breaking, they would probably have stolen it and killed you already, even before you tried to build a factory.
The system is not what most people believe it to be. People think China is the capital of manufacturing because of cheep labor and lax pollution laws. These are the same governments who are signing away their nations rights because of “global warming”, yet they don’t force China to sign.
They will starve their own people, but not force China to sign too, or face trade barriers?
It always astounds me, how people believe in obvious lies, instead of obvious truths. Is it more “carbon efficient” to ship American lumber to China for processing? So labor is more expensive, but shipping lumber around the world is cheaper? Instead of lumber factories located close to the forest being harvested. The lumber if loaded on trucks, taken to port to be unloaded, then loaded onto ships, which sail thousands of miles, to port, to be loaded onto trucks to be taken to lumber yards, to be processed, then loaded back onto trucks, back to the ports, then shipped back to America, to be unloaded at port, and transported to distribution centers…
I think it just comes down to, just give people some lie to cling to, so they don’t have to deal with reality.
Trump could still steal a march on Biden by giving Peltier a real and total pardon. The confinement to home shows how afraid they still are of Leonard. He should have the free range of Mother Earth that has been kept from him for 50 years.