Today on The Corbett Report podcast, James dives through The Corbett Report’s 13-year long archives on the Syrian war to bring recent events into focus.
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Our Summit For Our Future – #SolutionsWatch
Today we talk to Dan Astin-Gregory about Our Summit For Our Future, the UK edition of The People’s Reset that will be taking place in Bath, England from September 27 to 29, 2024.
Who Had Access to the Twin Towers? – Questions For Corbett
If you, like Ancap94, have been getting into 9/11 Truth lately, you might want to know who had demolition access to the Twin Towers before 9/11. If so, boy does Kevin Ryan have some answers for you!
They’re Finally Revealing the Deep State . . . Here’s Why!
Well, it’s official: the geriatric husk of a man occupying the Oval Office is in fact not the “leader of the free world.” So, what on earth is really going on here? Read on to find out!
Interview 1892 – NATO Stooges Gather in Their Masses for 75th Anniversary (NWNW 561)
This week on the New World Next Week: The Lancet estimates 186,000 Palestinians will die as a result of Israel’s Gaza holocaust; the NATO leaders descend on Washington to hatch schemes for launching wars around the globe; and from Europe to Japan, people are getting sick of overtourism.
Banning Chemtrails – #SolutionsWatch
Today chemtrails researcher and author Peter Kirby joins us to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails, from the legislation that’s been popping up in various states to criminalize geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to Save Our Skies.
Scientists Create Organic Slave Computers! (What Could Go Wrong?)
A Swiss tech startup has just announced the first “bioprocessor” constructed from 16 “human brain organoids.” Wait until you hear what that means.
Welcome to Mixed Reality: A Fake Place Where Fake People Are Trapped Forever
"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." —Frank Herbert The worst thing in the world is to be right. No, that's not quite right. Let me amend that. The...
A Brief History of Ukraine
The full-on hysteria that surrounded the announcement of Tucker Carlson's arrival in Moscow and his subsequent interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin—including Hillary Clinton branding Carlson a "useful idiot" and Bill Kristol's call to bar him from...
February Open Thread
Can you believe it's February already? Neither can I. Nonetheless, the calendar seems to indicate we're already nearly halfway through it, so I suppose it's time for a February Open Thread. What's on your mind this month? What would you like to share with The Corbett...
History Repeating: The War on the Kulaks
If you've read We're All Dutch Farmers Now and We're All Sri Lankan Farmers Now, then you'll know all about the concerted war on farming that is taking place right now, not just in Holland or Sri Lanka but in Ireland and Argentina and Canada and Spain and seemingly...
The Beeb: Inside the UK’s coincidence theory broadcaster that shares violence and hate
Hey! Remember "Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers? I Will!!!," where I shone the spotlight of shame on Marianna Spring, the BBC's "specialist disinformation correspondent" who was recently busted for having lied about her own work history on her CV? And remember my...
October Open Thread (2023)
It's the first weekend of October so I'm opening up the October Open Thread for members to discuss the latest news and happenings from around the world, or just to share personal anecdotes or talk about life, music, the world and everything. There's also a bunch of...
How Vanguard Conquered the World
So, you've watched How BlackRock Conquered the World and you're now aware of how this financial behemoth with trillions of dollars of assets under management has taken over vast swaths of the economy. You know how BlackRock is one of the top institutional investors in...