Results for "interview of doug valentine"

Episode 357 – Language is a Weapon

Episode 357 – Language is a Weapon

"In our time it is broadly true that political writing is bad writing" wrote George Orwell 70 years ago, and the observation remains true today. But bad writing is not just bad writing; the language employed by politicians (and their string pullers) can literally be a...

Episode 315 – Meet Goldman Sachs, the Vampire Squid

Episode 315 – Meet Goldman Sachs, the Vampire Squid

We all know Goldman Sachs is the very embodiment of evil...or do we? What is Goldman Sachs? What does it do? Where did it come from and where is it going, and is there anything that can be done to stop it? Buckle in for this edition of The Corbett Report where James...

Blackwater Heads to China

by James Corbett February 21, 2017 OK, OK, not Blackwater. That's the mercenary force of convicted war criminals founded by Erik Prince that will never outrun its infamy no matter how many times it changes its name. No, no, no! Not Blackwater! It's...

Maybe Government Death Squads Are A Bad Idea

Remember when I warned about the worrying signs that Filipino President Rodrigo "Dirty Harry" Duterte was setting up a police state, including deputizing the public to kill suspected criminals, threatening martial law if the judiciary tried to stop him and endorsing...

Episode 314 – How Trump Filled the Swamp

Episode 314 – How Trump Filled the Swamp

With promises to "drain the swamp!" still ringing in our ears, we have watched Trump appoint nothing but Goldman banksters, Soros stooges, neocon war hawks and police state zealots to head his cabinet. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we examine the...


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