Results for "privacy"

The Covid Protesters — Where Are They Now?

If you participated in the recent COVID-911 Watch Along then you'll have the trauma and tyranny of the darkest depths of the scamdemic fresh in your mind. Remember when they were arresting people for the "crime" of shopping while maskless? Remember when they were...

Take Back Our Tech – #SolutionsWatch

Take Back Our Tech – #SolutionsWatch

Ramiro Romani of and joins us today to discuss technology: what it is, how it works, and how we can make it work for us. We discuss how governments and big tech corporations are collaborating to undermine our rights to privacy, free...

The Internet Is Dead. Long Live the Internet.

Have you heard the latest? Canadians are losing their access to online news thanks to a new bill that would make tech companies liable for so much as linking to news stories. French President Macron is mulling a social media shutdown in the name of quelling France's...

Party Like It’s 1907

I know you're all patiently waiting for the conclusion of my Dissent Into Madness series . . . . . . but you're going to have to keep waiting another week. While I'm finishing up that editorial, I have an email interview to present to you. It was conducted by Graham...

How Palantir Conquered the World

Imagine a company that knows everything about everyone. A company that is equally at ease helping banks identify fraud as it is helping intelligence agencies track down enemies of the state. A company that can combine pictures of you with your cell phone location...


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