Results for "rozoff"

France Pretends NATO is About the North Atlantic

Someone must have bought Emmanuel Macron a map. How else to explain his amazing geographical discovery that Japan is not, in fact, located in the North Atlantic? For those not keeping up with the wild, wooly world of geopolitricks, this latest round of cartographic...

NATO 2030: Global Domination or Bust

It's like something out of a comic book. Speaking from his billion-dollar fortress, the Overlord of the dreaded military alliance, S.N.A.K.E. (Supreme Nasty Alliance for Killing Everyone) delivered his starkest threat yet, declaring a "S.N.A.K.E. 2030" vision that...

Too Little, Too Late? India Stands Up to the CDC

Flying completely under the radar of the various crises that have come to define 2020, an interesting story is playing out in India. This story shines a light on the increasingly globalized nature of medical research and on the dark practice of using poor people in...

Terror in Central Asia: NATO’s Great Game

Terror in Central Asia: NATO’s Great Game

by James Corbett March 13, 2013 Ever since the staged false flag attacks of 9/11, the US government and its complicit corporate media have focused their attention on fighting the shadowy, all-pervasive, all-powerful, ill-defined and undefeatable “Al Qaeda”...


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