Results for "china"

India and China Announce The “Oil Buyers Club”

I've been looking at some of the globalist summits around the world lately, but here's one that slipped under the radar: the International Energy Forum. The IEF's 16th bienniel energy ministers meeting took place in New Delhi this past April and brought together 50 of...

Defusing China’s “Nuclear Option” Myth

Tariffs, counter-tariffs and headlines about trade wars are flowing like wine as the long-anticipated Trump campaign against China is finally shaping up. Given that futures are tumbling, the US trade deficit has just hit a decade low, and, oh yeah, we haven't seen...

UPDATE – China to start paying yuan for oil

No sooner had I penned my editorial on how "The Petroyuan Was Born This Week" than the next piece of the puzzle arrived: China is set to start buying oil directly with yuan this year. You may not know it, but this could be one of the most important stories of the...


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