Results for "Chossudovsky"

What You Are Not Being Told About the Afghanistan War

October 7, 2016 marks the 15th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by US-led NATO forces. 15 years since the bombs began raining down on the country. 15 years of drone strikes and civilian massacres, detainees and prison torture, insurgency and...

Why Are We Still in Afghanistan? (video)

15 years later, the US and its NATO allies still have troops in Afghanistan with no plans on leaving. We were told this was about 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden, but these were lies. So why are the troops still there? What was the war in Afghanistan really about? Michel...

Hillary Clinton Is A Threat To All Of Humanity

by James Corbett July 24, 2016 Hillary Rodham Clinton is a Wall Street-backed warmonger whose potential election as President of the United States this November poses an existential threat not just to Americans but to all of humanity. As First Lady and then as...

Why Brexit Is A Blow to the Oligarchs

In order to understand Brexit in its full historical context, we must know about the origins and motivations for the formation of the European Union and the forces that have shaped the EU bureaucracy into an arm of the IMF/World Bank-led Wall Street hegemon. Today...

America’s Global War: Strategy and Empire

As NATO forces conduct full-scale military exercises on Russia’s doorstep, the world’s attention once again turns to Eastern Europe. But as Professor Michel Chossudovsky, author of Towards A WWIII Scenario and The Globalization of War points out, in this era of total...

The US and China: Putting the “Con” in “Conflict”

With reports emerging that China has signed on to Russia’s military coalition in Syria, at the same time that the Chinese are signing new cooperation agreements with the U.S., the question is once again being raised. What is the nature of China/U.S. rivalry? Today on...


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