Results for "syria false flag"

Your Guide to the Grand Chessboard’s Pawns

The observation that the great geopolitical struggle between nations is akin to a grand game of chess is hardly a novel one. After all, Khosrau II, the ancient Sasanian king, saw the connection over 1,400 years ago: "If a ruler does not understand chess, how can he...

Flashback: Torture is Bad (2008)

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack FROM 2008: Extraordinary rendition is a euphemism for a CIA program to kidnap people and fly them to secret prisons around the world for torture. We are being told this is a good thing. Documentation Documentation -...

Episode 425 – Blood on the Cutting Room Floor

Episode 425 – Blood on the Cutting Room Floor

Do you think The Corbett Report's new 5+ hour, 50,000 word documentary, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda, wasn't long enough? Do you think it missed key parts of the Al Qaeda myth and failed to document important parts of the War of Terror story? Well, so...

2022: The Year Ahead

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there are many ways that the current global crisis could play out in 2022 and, sadly, none of them involve everyone joining hands and singing "Kumbaya" until the Gateses and the Schwabs of the world have a change of heart about...

“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim

The war in Afghanistan is over! Long live the war in Afghanistan! Yes, in case you haven't heard, the US Armed Forces are withdrawing from Afghanistan at the end of the month, and NATO's "Resolute Support" mission—which took over from the NATO combat mission that...

Episode 404 – A Brief History of Hopium

Episode 404 – A Brief History of Hopium

With all these decades and—in the case of the oldest democracies—centuries of broken political promises, you'd think that the public would have caught on to the game by now. But, if anything, recent events have revealed that people are becoming more addicted to this...

How to Play 3D Chess

It's a ridiculous, no good, stupid, rotten meme. You know, the idea that every horrible move that Precedent Trump ever made (like appointing John Bolton or launching Operation Warp Speed) was actually some super-complicated three-dimensional chess move intended to...


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