Interview 1900 – James Corbett Dissects the Food Crisis on the SLOBODNI Podcast

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Interview 1815 – Defeating Globalism on Declare Your Independence

Interview 1815 – Defeating Globalism on Declare Your Independence

via James joins Ernest Hancock for their regular, bi-monthly conversation on the Declare Your Independence radio broadcast to discuss nationalism, regionalism, globalism and how to really oppose the ideology of collectivism. With a significant detour into yeoman farmers and (un)intentional community, you won’t want to miss this thought-provoking chat.

Stop Buying Their Crap! – #SolutionsWatch

Stop Buying Their Crap! – #SolutionsWatch

Boycotting evil companies and institutions isn’t a new idea, of course, but as you may or may not have noticed, the idea has come back to the forefront of the public consciousness in recent months. Today, James explores the boycott solution, examines their effectiveness and ponders how they can be used to go beyond the divide-and-conquer culture wars and hit the oligarchs where it really counts.

Are Sanctions War? – Questions For Corbett

Are Sanctions War? – Questions For Corbett

Did you know that a third of the planet is under some form of economic sanctions at the moment? And, more to the point, do you know what that really means? Join James for this edition of Questions For Corbett as he delves into the horrors of economic warfare and clears up the confusion between (voluntary) boycotts and (government-imposed) sanctions.

FLASHBACK FUNNY: “Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist!!!”

A public service announcement on how to talk to conspiracy theorists. Brought to you by the Friends of the Department of Homeland Security, the Information Awareness Office, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the President’s Working Group on Financial Matters, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rhodes roundtable group and the Bohemian Club.

July Open Thread (2023)

Ladies and gentlemen, today marking the 1st day of the month we call July, I present to you (without further ado than is reasonably necessary ((considering the monumental importance of such an event))) the one, the only, the much anticipated . . . July Open Thread.

Episode 447 – Further Down the David Kelly Rabbit Hole

Episode 447 – Further Down the David Kelly Rabbit Hole

Dr. David Kelly did not commit suicide on Harrowdown Hill in Oxfordshire 20 years ago. He was murdered. We all know that by now, or at least we should know that by now. But the real question is: why was he murdered. Was it really about sexed-up dossiers and 45 minute claims? Or were there even darker secrets to be concealed? As old hands of The Corbett Report will know by now, the rabbit hole goes deep, and today we go even further into the rabbit hole of David Kelly’s death.


How to Win the War on Cash

What was the last thing you bought? A stick of gum at the convenience store? A meal out at your favourite steakhouse? A new vacuum cleaner from the department store? A new car? And how did you pay for that purchase? If you're like the majority of people, chances are...

December Open Thread (2021)

Happy December! Can you believe another year is almost over? If not, you might want to parse that quirk of time relativity with your fellow Corbett Report subscribers. Or perhaps you want to discuss The Return of the Lockdown Left. Or maybe you want to discuss...

The Next Threat: DNA Exploitation

Look out, everybody! There's a new threat that the US intelligence agencies (and their mouthpieces in the corporate-controlled media) want you to be afraid of: DNA exploitation. Yes, the US National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) released a report...

5 Ways Biometric Security Can Be Spoofed

Remember when you were a kid and you tried to imagine what the world was going to look like in the far-off, sci-fi-sounding year of 2021? What did you imagine? Weekend trips to the moon? Flying cars and jetpacks to take you around elevated cities? Robot butlers? The...

February Open Thread

It's the first weekend of the month and it's a busy one for my family here in Japan so let's start the monthly members open thread. Corbett Report members are invited to log in and discuss anything happening in the world right now, ask any burning questions you may...

The Year Ahead – Part 3: Geopolitics

I don't need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing. As Lenin rightly observed: "There are decades where...