Episode 467 – Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda

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Episode 446 – Finding The Better Way

Episode 446 – Finding The Better Way

In June of 2023, James Corbett delivered two presentations at The Better Way conference in Bath, England: “Between The Raindrops” on the topic “From Electrosmog to Nature’s Frequencies” and “The Limits of My Language” on the topic “From Thought Control to Free Thought.” This is the recording of those presentations.

Carbon Pawprints and the Rationing of Life

. . . This is the logical next step in the escalation ladder leading us toward outright carbon eugenics. My long-term viewers will already know what that means, but for anyone who doesn’t understand the importance of this story (and the many, many more like it that we will doubtless be subjected to in the near future), allow me to explain. . . .

FLASHBACK: Guerrilla Gardening (2015)

FROM 2015: The problems are obvious: food safety scandals, the death of family farming, food supply insecurity, the revolving door between corporate lobbyists and government regulators, and many more. The solution should be equally obvious: rolling up our sleeves and getting in the garden. Join us today as we explore this simple, natural solution to one of our most fundamental problems.

Interview 1810 – Wildfires From Climate Liars! – #NewWorldNextWeek

Interview 1810 – Wildfires From Climate Liars! – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the usual suspects trot out their climate change lies in the face of the Canadian wildfires despite the evidence; the mainstream finally picks up on the guerrilla gardening revolution; and Mexico seeks to block GMO corn.

Episode 445 – James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry

Episode 445 – James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry

On May 18, 2023, James Corbett testified to the National Citizens Inquiry in Ottawa on the subject of the WHO’s looming global pandemic treaty, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, and the One Health approach that is being used to justify an even greater centralization of power in the hands of unaccountable institutions in the name of “global health.” The presentation also includes information on the prospect of Canada or other member states withdrawing from the WHO, information on the technocratic roots of the One Health agenda, how states of exception are used to undermine constitutional rights, and much, much more.


Online Media: The Promise and the Peril

In preparation for my upcoming course on The History of the Media, The Corbett Report Subscriber is presenting a three-part series on the past, present and future of mass media. In the first edition I examined How the First Media Moguls Shaped History. Last week I...

The Idiot Box: How TV Hypnotizes You

In preparation for James Corbett's upcoming course on The History of the Media, The Corbett Report Subscriber is presenting a three-part series on the past, present and future of mass media. Last week we examined How the First Media Moguls Shaped History. This week we...

When False Flags Go Virtual

Imagine this: you wake up to the blaring of your alarm clock and immediately reach for your smartphone to scroll your Insta feed before getting out of bed. But instead of the usual delightful and informative Instagram posts, today you're greeted by a "server not...

How to Save the World (in One Easy Step!)

Pop quiz: What's the most powerful weapon ever invented? The MOAB? you ask, quizzically. No, I respond authoritatively. The H-bomb? Of course not. The A-bomb, then. Wrong again. The neutron bomb? No. I'll give you a hint: it's not a bomb at all. Ahhh, the Rods from...

The Chaos IS The Plan

Congratulations, America! The media that declares the winners of your (s)elections have reported that the voting machines that decide the winner of your (s)elections have (s)elected Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to become the 46th President of the good ol' US of A in...