Results for "isis"

Hillary Clinton Is A Threat To All Of Humanity

by James Corbett July 24, 2016 Hillary Rodham Clinton is a Wall Street-backed warmonger whose potential election as President of the United States this November poses an existential threat not just to Americans but to all of humanity. As First Lady and then as...

About those Turkish nukes…

The actual nukes (about 50 of them) stored at the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey are B61 gravity bombs. They are "dumb" bombs first developed back in the days when a tactical nuclear bomber raid of the Soviet Union's Eastern European flank was a plan kicking around the...

Weekend Open Thread

by The Corbett Report community July 16, 2016 I thought I'd use the slow news days of the mid-summer doldrums to take a weekend off writing the newsletter. "What could possibly happen on a weekend in July?" I thought. Boy did I time that one wrong. First we had the...

5 Reasons This Will Be The Summer of Rage…

The events of the past few days have played out like a slowly unfolding nightmare. A nightmare where you know the next bad thing is about to happen and all you can do is wait for it. Well, as of press time that "next bad thing" is the carnage we witnessed in Dallas on...

Dallas Ambush Follows Pattern of Provocateured False Flags

In February 2014 paramilitary snipers (later identified as Gladio operatives) opened fire on protestors and police forces in Ukraine, escalating the crisis and putting the final nail in the coffin of Yanukovych's rule. In March 2011 the "spontaneous democratic...

Brexit: What Does It Mean?

Congratulations, Britain! You've thrown off the yoke of the EUreaucrats! Now go out and celebrate! ...But before you go, we have a few things to discuss. Like the Brexit-geddon tearing its way through the markets. Or the EUpocalypse of disintegrating unions and crisis...


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