Interview 1905 – FAANG Goes Nuclear (NWNW 569)

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Freedom Cells 2.0 – #SolutionsWatch

Freedom Cells 2.0 – #SolutionsWatch

Frequent Corbett Report guest Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us once again to discuss the newly revised and updated website. We also talk about updates to Translate the Truth , the next installment of The Pyramid of Power series, updates to How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State, and the next edition of The Greater Reset Activation.

Episode 426 – Who Controls the News Controls the World

Episode 426 – Who Controls the News Controls the World

I noticed a funny thing when browsing the propaganda newswires lately: all of the stories about the Queen’s death said the exact same thing! What’s going on here, and why does it matter? Join James for a wild ride through the history of newswires and the formation of the fire-induced collapse hypothesis as he explores the dictum Who Controls the News Controls the World on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.

“Green” Energy Is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.

In truth, the green energy sustainable enslavement grid is a scam from top to bottom. But it is not simply a pie-in-the-sky pipe dream being sold to a gullible and ignorant public. It’s worse than that. It is a carefully crafted lie that is designed to lead us into our new role as serfs on the neofeudal plantation in the coming green dystopia.

FLASHBACK: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health (2020)

FROM 2020: In light of the recent Politico/Welt whitewash on “How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight,” it’s a good time to re-visit “How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health,” the first part of The Corbett Report’ four part 2020 documentary, Who Is Bill Gates? In this edition of the flashback series, James breaks down how the latest Gates “exposé” from the MSM only further bolsters the mainstream “vaccine” narrative and we refresh our memory about how this serial software scammer became a central figure in the global public “health” space.

Interview 1750 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Interview 1749 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

This week on the New World Next Week: the US Senate’s CIA torture report will remain classified for national security reasons; Biden issues an executive order to start a whole-of-government effort to push transhuman biodigital convergence; and Beyond Meat’s COO tries to bite someone’s face off, presumably from a lack of real protein in his diet.


The CIA, the NY Times, and the Art of the Limited Hangout

Viewers of my recent #PropagandaWatch episode on The CIA’s Global Propaganda Network will know all about the interesting 1977 article from the good ol’ New York Times, “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the CIA.” If you haven’t watched my video yet, you should...

Did Russia Just Undergo Regime Change?

Good morning, students. It's time for Media Literacy 101. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let's begin. Have you ever heard of Betteridge's Law of Headlines? It is a journalistic maxim, formulated by Ian Betteridge, holding that "any headline which ends in a question...

Square One: US Negotiating Peace With Taliban

It's not often that you see an MSM headline that tells an entire story, complete with a plot and sub-plot, but when you do it's usually in a tabloid. Such is the case with this whopper from The Daily Fail: America is talking to the Taliban in a bid to end 17 years of...

How to Bet on Absolutely Anything

So, you know how decentralized technologies are making it possible to do things that were completely impossible before? Like creating uncensorable information storage and retrieval networks or circumventing the gun laws of the would-be tyrants? Well, how about if...

Universal Basic Enslavement

TANSTAAFL. As you may or may not know, depending on how much anarchist sci-fi literature you consume, "TANSTAAFL" is an acronym meaning "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch." But while TANSTAAFL may have been popularized by Robert Heinlein in his 1966 classic,...

5 Conspiracy “Theories” That Became Conspiracy FACTS

Long-time listeners/readers/viewers of mine will be very familiar with the old "conspiracy theorist" smear and how it is used to stop any would-be truth seekers from questioning the official explanation of contentious events. They will also know how the term can be...