I, Sandwich

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Truth Art – #SolutionsWatch

Truth Art – #SolutionsWatch

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then it stands to reason that truth art can be as good as a podcast for waking people up to the bigger agenda. On this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James explores the ways the visual media can be used to communicate ideas, from the cerebral to the satirical to the emotional. He also explores how creative play in the visual arts can be a highly effective way to de-stress, to focus the mind, and to foster habits that don’t rely on screen time and electronic devices.

Interview 1715 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Interview 1715 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

This week on the New World Next Week: the digital ID grid rolls out in country after country; the dumbphone revolution sees people ditching their smartphones in growing numbers; and performers are dropping like flies as the Foo Pfizers drummer becomes the latest in the string of celebrity deaths.

Interview 1714 – Iain Davis on the New World Order and How to Oppose It

Interview 1714 – Iain Davis on the New World Order and How to Oppose It

Biden has warned that there is going to be a New World Order. Putin and Xi are writing joint statements about the creation of a New World Order. In fact, all of the globalists are interested in a New World Order. Today, Iain Davis of In-This-Together.com joins us to discuss the history of the “International Rules-Based Order,” reveal its “operating system” (technocracy), and discuss how we can fruitfully oppose it.

Interview 1713 – James Gets His Portrait Painted

Interview 1713 – James Gets His Portrait Painted

In a Corbett Report first, Norway-based artist Chris Reddy of reddymade.com conducts a “portrait interview” of James Corbett. But this is no ordinary portrait: Reddy focuses on the inner mental landscape of the subject to create a “bigger image” of the person. Enjoy.

Interview 1712 – James Corbett on The End of the World

Interview 1712 – James Corbett on The End of the World

via The Delingpod: “James catches up with James Corbett and they discuss the psy-ops that we’re all currently experiencing. They talk about the predator class, how we’re all being manipulated into a 1984 state of never ending panic and how those who, two months ago couldn’t point to Ukraine on a map, are suddenly flying blue and yellow flags and screaming for Russian blood. It’s a great episode – enjoy!”


Japan’s Emperor is Abdicating. Here’s What It Means.

Sometime this weekend, the cabinet members of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party will be locked in a room without communication devices of any kind. Not so much as a smartwatch will remain as they engage in deliberations, and they will stay locked in that room...

Do Humans Have Free Will? Not If Big Tech Wins!

Do humans have free will? That question has puzzled philosophers for millennia and has generated fierce debates. Perhaps the only thing more contentious than the question are the implications of its answer. If man has no free will, then how can there be moral...

This Is What A Demographic Crunch Looks Like

What comes to your mind when you hear the words "demographic crunch"? If you're like much of the general public, having been steeped their whole lives in propaganda pimping the debunked notion of an "overpopulation crisis," you probably won't even know what the term...

Strange Bedfellows: The India/Pakistan/China Triangle

They say politics makes for strange bedfellows, and if that's the case then perhaps we don't have to look any further than the images coming out of Astana last week for proof of that dictum. Astana, of course, is the capital of Kazakhstan, and last weekend it played...

Bombshell in the Gulf: The GCC/Qatar Crisis

So what does a geopolitical bombshell look like, exactly? Well, something like what took place this past week in the Gulf. Namely: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Egypt, Mauritania, Yemen, and the Bayda-based so-called "eastern" government in...

Open Thread

There is so much happening in the world today but I am very busy working on a number of things for this week and some longer-term projects, so I'm afraid I don't have time to cover them all. Just some of the bombshells from the last 24 hours: -Theresa May using the...

The Climate Hoax Tipping Point

If the blathering blowhards of the dinosaur media and the Chicken Littles of the Twitterverse are to be believed, the world has officially come to an end. And in a way, maybe it has. Not "the" world, of course, but their world. That's because, as you will no doubt...