
Meet J. P. Morgan, Bankster-in-Chief

How did John Pierpont Morgan’s life experiences shape a sickly young boy into the financial monarch he eventually became? And how did he, in turn, shape the world around him with the vast wealth that was at his disposal? Let’s find out.

The Revolt of the Pawns

Last week I revealed how the would-be rulers of the world see the grand struggle for geopolitical dominance as a type of chess game and how people around the globe (including the mujahideen in Afghanistan) are treated as mere pawns in that game, to be used, abused and sacrificed in pursuit of the grandmasters’ aims. This week I will examine the growing awareness of that game and what it looks like when the pawns start to strike back.

The Internet Is Dead. Long Live the Internet.

Yes, the Internet—the “Information Superhighway” version of the “Internet” that was sold as a digital panacea to a credulous public in the 1990s, that is—is now officially dead. So what does this mean? And where do we go from here? Today, I’ll get to the bottom of the dead internet theory and what conspiracy realists should make of this news.

July Open Thread (2023)

Ladies and gentlemen, today marking the 1st day of the month we call July, I present to you (without further ado than is reasonably necessary ((considering the monumental importance of such an event))) the one, the only, the much anticipated . . . July Open Thread.

France Pretends NATO is About the North Atlantic

That NATO would seek to extend its reach beyond its supposed North Atlantic regional remit is hardly surprising. In fact, as anyone following the rise of the Evil Empire will know all too well, NATO has been involved in a process of truly global expansion for decades now. But still, France’s objection to this brazen attempt by NATO to stray from its nominal North Atlantic confines presents a new twist on the story. So, what does all of this mean? And if it isn’t reined in, where will NATO be heading next? Let’s find out, shall we? . . .

Carbon Pawprints and the Rationing of Life

. . . This is the logical next step in the escalation ladder leading us toward outright carbon eugenics. My long-term viewers will already know what that means, but for anyone who doesn’t understand the importance of this story (and the many, many more like it that we will doubtless be subjected to in the near future), allow me to explain. . . .

Tales From the (Jet-lagged) Underground

For those who don’t know, I’ve been in the UK the past couple of weeks and I just returned a few days ago. I’m over the jet lag now (thanks for asking!) and thought I’d ease back in to the weekly newsletter with some random notes and observations from my travels. Also, for Corbett Report members, there’s a Subscriber Exclusive video with some more thoughts on my travel experience down below (you’ll have to be logged in to see it, though).


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