
Take Back Our Tech – #SolutionsWatch

Take Back Our Tech – #SolutionsWatch

Ramiro Romani of and joins us today to discuss technology: what it is, how it works, and how we can make it work for us. We discuss how governments and big tech corporations are collaborating to undermine our rights to privacy, free expression and even freedom of travel and how we can remove the Big Brother surveillance and controls from our devices.

See James Corbett’s Censored TedX Talk! (2014)

FROM 2014: Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.

Interview 1826 – Jones Plantation with Larken and Amanda Rose

Interview 1826 – Jones Plantation with Larken and Amanda Rose

In January 2020, Larken and Amanda Rose appeared on The Corbett Report to discuss their plan to turn Larken’s short fable, “The Jones Plantation,” into a feature-length film. Well, guess what? It’s 2023 and that film is now here. Appropriately enough, it’s called Jones Plantation and it’s available online now. Joining us today to talk about the film is Larken and Amanda Rose.

The Dutch School of Understanding – #SolutionsWatch

The Dutch School of Understanding – #SolutionsWatch

Tjeerd Andringa joins James on #SolutionsWatch to discuss his cancellation from his former position at the University of Groningen and, more importantly, how that prompted him to create the School of Understanding. Designed as a small-scale, decentralized, effective, and cheap solution to the problems of our current schooling, the School of Understanding that Andringa is creating promises to serve as a model for an alternative post-secondary education system.

Interview 1825 – James Corbett on You’re The Voice

Interview 1825 – James Corbett on You’re The Voice

via Efrat Fenigson: ?️My guest today is James Corbett: an award-winning investigative journalist, and a lecturer on geopolitics and open source journalism. James started The Corbett Report website ( in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. I truly think James is some sort of human encyclopedia, and a genius investigative journalist. I had a blast talking to him.


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