
Teaching Children About History – #SolutionsWatch

Teaching Children About History – #SolutionsWatch

As concerned parents know all too well, the revolution of the mind that is the only thing that will really change the world for the better is an intergenerational project. It is more important than ever that we take back the responsibility of educating our children about history and about the way the world really works. There are many tools we can use to help us in that task, and today Connor Boyack introduces us to another one: a Tuttle Twins story-based American history textbook called America’s History: A Tuttle Twins Series of Stories.

Fairy Tales and Children’s Stories – #SolutionsWatch

Fairy Tales and Children’s Stories – #SolutionsWatch

In this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Frode Burdal Klevstul about his new self-published book, Bill Goats and the Forest. We discuss the power of narrative in helping children (and adults) to understand world events in their proper context and we talk about the process of conceptualizing, writing and self-publishing a book.

FLASHBACK: Shut Up and Eat Your GMOs (2007)

FROM 2007: Tinkering with the building blocks of life is more than just child play, it’s big business. Today we examine the consequences, intended and unintended of chimera cross-species genetic engineering.

FLASHBACK: Feudalism 2.0 (2007)

FROM 2007: Today we examine the implications of a fearful new religion that is being promoted in the mainstream media to introduce a new feudal society to the public.


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