
Interview 1761 – James Corbett Separates Climate Fact From Fiction

Interview 1761 – James Corbett Separates Climate Fact From Fiction

via The Activation Podcast: On this episode of The Activation podcast Derrick Broze interviews returning guest James Corbett regarding his work on climate change. James has been researching the claims about climate change since 2007 and has produced dozens of reports and podcast dissecting the various claims about anthropogenic climate change. Derrick and James discuss what the climate change propagandists have right and what they have dangerously wrong. They also discuss the agenda behind the climate change movement. You are not going to want to miss this informative and empowering episode!

Interview 1760 – We’re Telling You For the 500th Time! – #NewWorldNextWeek

Interview 1760 – We’re Telling You For the 500th Time! – #NewWorldNextWeek

In the 500th edition of New World Next Week, James and James kick it old style with a retro 10 minute episode! In this jam-packed edition, the Jameses cover: the new proposal for “pandemic amnesty” from the lockdown and jab advocates who don’t want to take responsibility for their actions; the growth of diy gardening efforts as people realize the controlled, centralized systems of the global supply chain and factory farm-to-fork food industry is not their friend; and Sweden ditching its climate minister as it restructures its government in defiance of the Agenda 2030 scam.

Interview 1759 – James Corbett on Deep State Consciousness

Interview 1759 – James Corbett on Deep State Consciousness

via The Deep State Consciousness Podcast: James Corbett joins me to talk about his five hour documentary series, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. In addition to asking James about the narrative of that history, I also inquire as to what he considers the big outstanding questions of the September 11th attacks to be, and whether the Truth movement is rising to the challenge of meeting them.

Interview 1758 – James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk

Interview 1758 – James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk

James appears on Declare Your Independence every other week to discuss news, current events and activism. In this discussion, James and Ernie debate whether or not Elon Musk represents a way forward for free humanity or a technocratic huckster selling the unwashed masses on the globalist agenda.

Interview 1760 – We’re Telling You For the 500th Time! – #NewWorldNextWeek

Interview 1757 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

This week on the New World Next Week: Russia and Nato hold simultaneous nuclear exercises as tensions reach levels not seen since the Cold War; the US military deepens its ties with Elon Musk and Starlink; and the New York Supreme Court orders New York City to reinstate all unvaccinated workers and give them backpay.

Interview 1756 – James Corbett on The Darkened Hour

Interview 1756 – James Corbett on The Darkened Hour

From The Darkened Hour: James Corbett is an award-winning investigative journalist,who has written, recorded and edited thousands of hours of audio and video media for The Corbett Report website, including a podcast and several regular online video series. His latest series False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda is a three part docu-series which details the initial and past history of the ultra-orthodox sect Al Qaeda led by Osama Bin Laden.

Interview 1754 – James Corbett on The Free Thought Project

Interview 1754 – James Corbett on The Free Thought Project

Corbett has long covered important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. On this week’s podcast, we take an eye-opening look into his epic three-part documentary series, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. The trilogy is a jaw-dropping deep dive into the decades-long history of the West’s intervention in Africa and the Middle East, which eventually led up to the creation of Al-Qaeda. We discuss how these pieces on the global chessboard have been moved to usher in a new dystopia in which freedom-loving citizens are considered the new “enemy of the state.” We also examine how this entire police and military state which has risen up since 9/11, will be turned inward to target those who will not comply with the state’s total control system.


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