
Interview 1713 – James Gets His Portrait Painted

Interview 1713 – James Gets His Portrait Painted

In a Corbett Report first, Norway-based artist Chris Reddy of conducts a “portrait interview” of James Corbett. But this is no ordinary portrait: Reddy focuses on the inner mental landscape of the subject to create a “bigger image” of the person. Enjoy.

Interview 1712 – James Corbett on The End of the World

Interview 1712 – James Corbett on The End of the World

via The Delingpod: “James catches up with James Corbett and they discuss the psy-ops that we’re all currently experiencing. They talk about the predator class, how we’re all being manipulated into a 1984 state of never ending panic and how those who, two months ago couldn’t point to Ukraine on a map, are suddenly flying blue and yellow flags and screaming for Russian blood. It’s a great episode – enjoy!”

Interview 1711 – James Corbett Redpills the Dutch

Interview 1711 – James Corbett Redpills the Dutch

RECORDED ON JANUARY 21, 2022: Elze van Hamelen of De Andere Krant interviews James Corbett about 3D chess and geopolitical struggle and what it tells us about the larger struggle for societal control, from vaccine passports and pandemic treaties to central bank digital currencies and the digital ID grid.

Interview 1709 – James Corbett Redpills the Italians

Interview 1709 – James Corbett Redpills the Italians

In this edition of the Redpill series, James talks to Giulio Bona of ComeDonChisciotte to inform the wider Italian public about the work that The Corbett Report does. We talk about war, crisis and propaganda, from the Ukraine crisis to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset to the coming New World Order and what we can do to avoid it.


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