
Interview 1780 – Media and Terror on Truth Over Comfort

via In todays video, I conducted an interview with James Corbett, about the Media, his recent video “The Media Are The Terrorists” and the Werther effect (copy cat effect ). We discuss the reasons why the media are seemingly incapable of telling the truth for certain subjects, the societal effect of the media and how tragic events are often a televised movie like event in peoples minds.

ContentSafe – #SolutionsWatch

ContentSafe – #SolutionsWatch

If the last few years of online censorship insanity have taught us anything, it is that storing all your content on a single social media platform and hoping that it will be there forever is a bad strategy. Today we talk to Matthew Raymer, the founder of ContentSafe, a company that helps content creators back up their content and automatically post it to multiple platforms.

Interview 1779 – WHO Sneak Attack on CHD TV

Interview 1779 – WHO Sneak Attack on CHD TV

via CHD.TV: “This is the big one. They’re going for broke… I think we may only have potentially until May before one or both of these documents gets voted on” — Meryl Nass, M.D. and James Corbett continue their discussion on the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulation Amendments + potentially legally-binding ‘Zero Draft Treaty’ currently being drawn up in secret meetings behind closed doors. As the WHO touts the solution to worldly problems as possible through their ‘One Health’ approach — one wonders if a world in which humans, animals, agriculture, and weather are dominated by state depicted notions of the highest attainable standard of ‘health’ may secretly be a trojan horse to dominate as much of the sovereign world as possible — usurping power from individual countries and thrusting it into the hands of a mad-with-power agency which seeks to control Earth’s resources, ecosystems, food, animals, and plants.

Truth Finds A Way – #SolutionsWatch

Truth Finds A Way – #SolutionsWatch

In this first #SolutionsWatch of the year, James highlights some creative and fun ways that people have circumvented the censors in the past. So put your thinking caps on, everyone: how can we employ these types of techniques to circumvent the censors of today?

Announcing the 6th Annual Fake News Awards

It’s January, and while the normies are busy breaking their resolutions and watching stupid entertainment awards shows, Corbett Reporteers know where the real action is: The Fake News Awards! That’s right, the Dinos are back in town and they’re ready to stomp on the mendacious mouthpieces of the mainstream mockingbirds! 

FLASHBACK: Take the #FedChallenge

FROM 2017: James Corbett responds to Jerry Day’s Federal Reserve challenge. If “End the Fed” is to be anything more than a mantra, then we must have a plan in place for how to actually end the fed and what we do after it’s gone. Find out James’ response in this edition of The Corbett Report.


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