Interview 1927 – DeepSeek and the “Sputnik Moment” (NWNW #579)

by | Jan 31, 2025 | Interviews, Videos | 85 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: DeepSeek – The Rise of China’s Open-Source AI Amid US Regulatory Shifts and Privacy Concerns

#MorningMonarchy: January 28, 2025

The Chicoms Are Coming! Quick, Close the “AI” Gap! (Nov. 2024)

White House “Looking Into” National Security Implications of DeepSeek’s AI

Italy Sends First Data Watchdog Request to DeepSeek: ‘The Data of Millions of Italians Is at Risk’

Bastion of Truthiness: DeepSeek

Marc Andreessen Warns Chinese ChatGPT Rival DeepSeek Is “AI’s Sputnik Moment”

Nvidia Stock Begins Recovery After DeepSeek AI Frenzy Prompted Near $600 Billion Loss

Story #2: NATO, Sweden, Latvia On High Alert After Baltic Undersea Data Cable “Damaged”

NATO Launches ‘Baltic Sentry’ to Increase Critical Infrastructure Security

Undersea Cable Damage in Baltic Sea the Result of Accidents, Not Russian Sabotage

Taiwan Reportedly Claims China-Linked Ship Damaged One Of Its Submarine Cables

Hackers Game Out Infowar Against China With the US Navy

#MorningMonarchy: January 29, 2018 – President Trump Has Dinner With European Business Leaders

Story #3: Trump’s 300 Executive Actions Made His First Week The Most Consequential In Presidential History

Trump Proved Democrats Want A Permanent Underclass Of Illegal Migrants To Exploit

Colombia to Accept All Deported Illegal Immigrants After Trump Tariff Threat

Kill the Penny? Elon Musk’s DOGE Found a Way to Save Money

US Orders Halt to Virtually All Foreign Aid Except for Israel, Egypt

SoftBank, OpenAI, Oracle to Invest $500 Billion on AI In U.S.

Trump Says He ‘Immediately Halted’ Hiring of 88,000 New IRS Agents

Trump Hints At Ending Income Tax, “We Should Tax Foreign Nations to Enrich Our Citizens”

Lenin Said, ‘There Are Decades Where Nothing Happens’ and ‘Weeks Where Decades Happen’?

William Faulkner’s Speech at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall In Stockholm, December 10, 1950

The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

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  1. Good day James and James,

    Sadly what is most important is that it is open source code. The code can be analyzed, and so if there is spy ware in the code true hackers can dump and fix the code. Then compile and run on their systems without fear.

    Remember Linus Torvalds who invented and coded the Linux operating system. Without GNU ( he said he could not have built Linux. GNU is free software. Free as in Freedom not beer. Later designated as FOSS (Free Open Source Software).

    Linux was just as disruptive the the UNIX model as it gave poor people like myself access to a UNIX like operating system call Linux. Thank you Linus. But it came from Finland not Russia or China. Still it wasn’t appreciated then or now.

    Since DeepSeek is open source it is very hard to prevent downloads. It also points to a way of doing business and coding that is not Big Tech. Is not proprietary etc.

    That is for me the biggest news of all. No one that I know of is doing any kind of a deep dive into FOSS and DeepSeek

    • If I understand it correctly the COST with AI is training the model…. You can’t just program you own version unless you have the money to run a big old system.

      I have heard that the Chinese may be Misrepresenting the true cost of creating Deepseak- the chap thought that it might possibly be an attempt to tank AI stocks in the US.

      I love Linux too, but the corporate world has been messing with it a great deal using donations to gin up divisive codes of conduct and political nonsense To disrupt the community, Bryan Lunduke talks a lot about the issues going on in the FOSS world. It’s the curse of getting big enough to matter I guess.

      • Good day Duck,

        The code is open for inspection. Why isn’t that sufficient to tell us how it was trained. You down load the code, inspect, compile and run on your system.

        My take maybe naive. I discovered, Richard Stahlman in the late 1990s from a co-worker who spoke of free software and open source software. I am no Geek. I have been following AI type computing since the summer of 1969.

        Your argument rests on a lot of assumptions as does mine. One thing I know for sure is the UK and US did their best to destroy China via opium. Get rich (some Ivy league schools are build on opium money). What did China ever do to the UK or US to deserve that treatment.

        So if China has the money to release an open source DeepSeek what is wrong with the West. After China released DeepSeek ChatGPT freely gave the US Navy free subscription to ChatGPT.

        If you have time read the book the Embodied Mind by Varela Thompson and Roach. Intelligence is embodied. When I encountered AI (Standford) it was stuck. The book Embodied Mind encouraged and the robotic evolution and AI began being embodied via robots. Chipping humans would be a real upgrade to AI embodiment.

        I don’t really know.

        • As I understand it, in my limited way, AI of this type is a black box and even the people who build it can’t just decompile the code or predict what it will output.

          It can do many cool and unexpected things- such as being able to differentiate between black and white peoples bones via x rays, and allegedly pick out pedophiles via their facial physiognomy. Exactly HOW it does these two things is unknown afaik.

          I guess I’m one of those cynical doomsayers in that I don’t think AI will create as much revenue as the hype suggests and the current drive has more to do with blowing a stock market bubble, lol. But I don’t know who, since I thought the internet (which is another thing that runs on the scale it does on fake money) would never be a commercial thing and that bitcoin was a scam (which tbh I still think it mostly is)

          At the end of the day what will most people use AI for? Making endless porn and fake social interactions might be in high demand but are hard to make a profit from. AI can probably be used to spy on people by looking for patterns of dissent, but sucking up that much energy is imo a loosing strategy in the long term. Advertising won’t pay for endless storage of YouTube videos and free services when money gets tight. Clifford Stoll wrote “Silicon snake oil” about how the intywpild never amount to
          Much and while he was wrong in practice most of his points are bang on and the coats of running it will imo grow faster then it can produce real profits.

          If uou think I am wrong I welcome corrections to my assumptions

          The AI hype is Kinda like how for all the war talk coming out of Europe their energy systems are not on anything like a war footing imo.

          • Hi again Duck,

            Decompile is not necessary as DeepSeek is Open Source. That means anyone anywhere in the world can down load the source code and hack the code as they wish. Still fully understanding that code is a major undertaking.

            Money, you mention several times. What is money if it is not a mental construct. A donkey will follow a carrot, we humans will chase a mirage. What is money really?

            Duck I am not in your league. I barely have the brains god gave a turnip. I have nothing more to add or say.

            Best to you.

            • This guy just posted the first of a two parted on the deepseek thing

              And is one of the people I follow who thinks AI is mostly a bubble. He kinda rants but when he gets to the point is interesting

  2. Hi again James and James,

    What you said about Faulkner is the heart of the story of Linus Torvalds’ Linux, and FOSS.

    It may not be obvious to you. But it is to me.

  3. I always thought things had to go before the House O ‘representin and then through the senate for approval.

    But now they just have one guy wielding supreme executive power, kind of like Russia and China and other places? Just sayin’

    • True, President was once a nothing job unless there was a war on. Lincoln and FDR both killed the old system though TBH in the Imperial / Atomic age a stronger president was bound to happen sadly

  4. When James inferred the supremacy of Zeitgeist it struck a cord with me. Some time ago I came to the realisation that politics is downstream of culture. It’s our mindsets, our attitudes, our temperaments, that dictate the course of events. The power rests with us. It always has.

    Concentrated political power travels on a tightrope – dependent on general public consent.

    Public consent is maintained through state media and education. The Internet is challenging that indoctrination. But it is also a source of it.

    I must ask, is the entire digital medium a trap? A false step? A folly? A place where our greatest successes will remain virtual and artificial in an increasingly dysfunctional civilisation?

    I’m concerned about the seductive time-holing aspect of the digital world.

    I have no SMART devices, just an old desktop running on Debian in an EMF-free house. Do I suffer from digitalophobia? Or could I be on to something?

    • No, you’re right.

      The Internet was a disaster as soon as they let normal people in it. As soon as stupid people could get on it via smartphones it started to become a trap…I think it was always intended as a trap TBH, a way to personalize mass media and allow power to look in to your life in minute detail impossible before.

      It makes a tiny fraction of people smarter and soaks up the time of the vast majority and deadens the development of thinking abilities and skills that people had no choice but to learn unless they were a Sad’o who’d sit for hours on a sofa looking at rubbish TV. For most people the Internet is crack to TV’s coke.

      I love some things about it, but even alt media is mostly under control nowadays via controlled noise makers…. The most hilarious part is I was listening to a left guy talking about how bad it is now that it’s no longer on “his side” (tech won’t save us podcast today) and how the tech Bros now need to be reined in by Gov. lololol.

    • You know I thought about what you said and while politics is down stream of culture FOR MOST people culture is downstream of politics.

      Consider the abortion and gay rights thing- MOST people thought they were disgusting ideas until the law was changed and now many people LIKE them…. That’s scary to think- if they ever get their wish and legalize pedo scum then in a generation MOST people will probably be ok with it.

      Honestly when you realize most people will just bend their ideas to power uou realize what a bad idea democracy can be

  5. @kumro
    >>I must ask, is the entire digital medium a trap? A false step? A folly? A place where our greatest successes will remain virtual and artificial in an increasingly dysfunctional civilisation?>>

    From my research and experience it has been quite obvious since the 60’s a very concerted effort has been put on the normal evolutionary expansion or growth of humans.

    The collusive effort of the controller’s owned media, TV, movies, print, etc. has been to sell people on old is bad and new is good. Thus before the digital madness cancel culture was in progress. Wear the right clothes, drive the right vehicle, etc.

    Plus the exploration of inner knowledge was hammered on by “drugs bad” propaganda while pushing bad pharmaceuticals on people. Using the teacher plants of mescaline, peyote, hashish/pot, pure LSD, etc. people were opening up to so many other layers of reality that the controllers feared the eventual push for sovernigty of humans away from their “products” and nonsense.

    Thus no more free analog airwaves and the push for the digital. TV sets with cameras and mics in them “only to help bring better programing” and the such.

    The book burning of “Fahrenheit 451” is in progress. No longer opening up and old book with that great smell and going at one’s own pace from line to line, chapter to chapter, using our imagination as to what “…a beautiful day at the beach” is. Now it is 1 sec image editing, loud music, and agonizing repetition of things.

    I also have no SMART tech and talk about it in my song:

    I’m renting now totally off the grid 6000+ feet in the AZ White Mountains. When I lived in Navajo County at 7000+ feet in our own house I forced the Nav/Apache Electric company to take away the SMART meter. I covered it with an aluminum cake saver and to read the meter they had to get out of their truck, hop the fence and lift up the hinged cover 🙂 Eventually one guy said “I’m going to install an analog meter.”

    >>The power rests with us. It always has.>>
    Indeed friend.

    • Don’t forget about DMT, in whatever form floats your boat. Anyone who doesn’t believe in extraterrestrial or interdimensional intelligent life forms will soon come face to face with the strongest possible argument and have the opportunity to have a conversation with one or many. Doesn’t happen in every experience, but it happens frequently and eventually, with the proper dose.

      • It’s probably not a great idea to chat with beings you meet on drugs….i don’t invite internet strangers into my home and inviting random enities into your brain sounds like a bad idea to me.

        What could you have that such an entity wants? Nothing you want to give probably.

        Chris Knowles over at secret sun blog has some ideas what the end result might be
        Full show now posted at Higherside chats

        • I’ve been sober for nearly a decade. But having those experiences is something I don’t regret.

          Not a fan of Knowles.

          • Might I ask why you’re not a fan?

            I think he is kinda an odd chap, and don’t like his take on some things but this one I think he is pulling a real thread

            • Duck.
              Have you ever had a perspective of all in one bag?
              Do Americans have bags? Bags of stuff that commonly defined them as American or do they share equally around the world having a bag.
              The medicine bag of the Native Americans came up in my mind as I was reading your, ej’s, Mag.Rev’ s line.
              Seems we have a bag we carry with us . We pull things out of our bags to comprehend the world around us.
              What’s your bag?Papas got a brand new bag and other American nomenclatures lend to my thought. Seems to me we have spiritual, mysticism, health, medicine, identity, thought, company, humor,hate love, cruelty , arrows, a soul, knowledge and protection, though we are all different and odd we all pretty much have that bag.
              This zionist jew deal of , no more foreign add except to Israel, is not in the bag of most all the world. It seems they ,the zionists, have only a wallet, What’s in your wallet, pales in comparison to what’s in your bag.

              • I think you’re talking about cultural assumptions?

                I don’t have too many of my own, since I have moved around a lot. I think most Americans have a “bag” stuffed by Hollywood, hence the number of people that are getting black pilled because there is neither a mass “awakening” nor a heroic savior.

                I guess I have some middle Euro stuff in the bag, since those people had to live with life as it was rather then build a perfect utopian new world. … England shipped most of its weirdos off to the new world, lol lol, so they could run round and wag their tails in all the space.

                I started out reading Greek philosophy and science and that was a good foundation for getting religious and seeing there is a spiritual side to things, and history leads to Conspiracy and politics, which are also subject to spiritual forces imo.

                I guess my bag is licorice allsorts, 😉

                What about you?

              • Duck,
                “What about you?”
                That part about Hollywood is probably an accurate assessment.The bindle on the shoulder of the wandering Jew is full of lies, Charlie Chaplin’s little tramp comes strongly to mind. Maybe in our earliest years the bag is empty and we quickly learn through experience what belongs in the bag as we age. Hollywood certainly has financial incentives for putting false value of what even a child would know is false value. How many times must we be told we are free to believe it even though it doesn’t line up with reality. It’s funny the adult hobo with a bindle on a shoulder is the icon of being truly free. That takes the perverted cake.

            • I’ve heard at least half a dozen of his interviews with the Carlwood, of mixed reviews, and I remember visiting his website and deciding it wasn’t worth bookmarking or adding to a home screen among other weirdos more to my liking.

              Some of his research and ideas are worth a listen, but overall I don’t jive with his opinions and I don’t trust him as a researcher.

              • Thanks.
                I can see how you get that feeling from him since he is an odd guy.

                I will say that he has never blurted out a false fact that I noticed, but I don’t always like his takes on things. His long form stuff is better when he’s talking on a particular subject rather then rambling- his Lucifer’s Tech stuff fits in well with other things I have read though so on that I think he is correct. His blog IS all over the place, lol. I kinda hate blog format stuff for that reason

            • No option to reply to most recent, so I’ll go with this one.

              The whole anthropomorphic identification of “Lucifer,” where does that come from? Is Knowles building on Steiner’s viewpoint, ie Lucifer/Ahriman? Because if he’s building on the biblical narrative, he’s making the same mistake most people do – he’s inventing what was never in the text to begin with. That’s maybe not so important to folks who haven’t dedicated much time to studying the Tanakh in Hebrew and the Septuagint and NT in Greek, along with the historical context of the periods in which the individual books were written (which is often far different from the times the authors write *about*), but as someone who has been doing that arduous study for many years, all I can say is that it’s sloppy conjecture, not research. That’s one example of why I don’t trust him as a researcher.

              • He tends to have an loose view of the Bible, which is where she and I part company, but I would say that he sees such things in an almost pagan way- making mention of Greek and Egyptian gods and such though he does have a thing in the Watchers and stuff like that.

  6. Something JEP said needs to be addressed –

    He said something along the lines of trump’s decision to hault the hiring of some 88,000 new IRS employees being a good thing.

    Here’s why that sort of thinking is dangerous in 2025 –

    DOGE+AI+programmable digital currency


    If extortion (i.e. ‘taxation’) is automated at the base layer of a programmable digital currency, whether a CBDC or ‘private sector’ digital currency, there’s no need to hire humans to count the beans. It’s automatic. And for the larger accounting issues, there’s AI to do the work, for the cost of running the server farms.

    I’m not saying that one should actually be sad that the IRS is not becoming even more bloated. I’m simply saying that the digital version is going to be even worse. The IRS currently lets millions of people get away with not paying any taxes on income (most people don’t generate income, but receive wages, but that’s another conversation altogether…), ostensibly because they just can’t keep track of all the transactions. But with digital currency, that all flies out the window. All transactions can be very tightly controlled – and ‘taxed.’

    A related issue – the underwater internet cables…

    Who wants that infrastructure to be damaged or abandoned?

    People who want all internet traffic to be channeled exclusively via AI autonomous satellites.

    When autonomous AI satellites control all internet traffic (other than that of a handful of very clever tech geeks who will find ways around it), privacy based cryptocurrencies like Monero can be detected, flagged, and shut down before transactions can take place. So there won’t be truly private options, and old fashioned dollars will not be accepted, have no value.

    Trump surely is not doing what he’s doing for reasons that will benefit us. Sounds like JEP might be turning a bit orange. Sad to see.

  7. Provoked by your comments on Faulkner’s speech, I am reposting a link I posted earlier on the January Open Thread. Since posting, I have noticed this link on half a dozen or more other news outlets, so apparently others are moved by the author’s words. (Thank you for the link to Faulkner’s speech.)

    The Will to Live or the Will to Die — Julian Rose

    • Jo-ann,
      what Faulkner brings to your mind is quite beautiful. As I said above, it’s in the bag. The will to live is in the bag. Seems most all have a bag and some reprobates have wallets instead. Your man Rose could be paraphrasing Mary Baker Eddy from some 100 years ago. That’s the strongest medicine in my bag. As I asked Those other gentleman, what’s in your bag?
      I hope you can answer but you don’t really have to. This episode of reporting seems to have brought this out in people. Infinite mind and it’s infinite creation. Is that what Faulkner is saying?

  8. JEP – Have you looked up tank man recently? Sounds like no…

    Well…. it got Mandella Effected sometime in the past 10 years.

    Look and see for yourself.

    • I looked up tank man and people say they recall him being run over by the Chinese tank…. Personally I recall wondering why the tank did NOT squish him.
      Pretty sure the news back then would not show the strawberry jam being made, lol, and the people that say they saw him squished in class are misremembering.

      This video talks about an explanation for the Mandela effect that makes sense- the mind fills in bits of memory as we recreate it in our minds in the process of recall. I have had a few things like that- for example bereStain bears which I recall as berestein but the explanation given below looks about correct

      • The VME tests were pretty interesting

        • Here’s the thing, though: literally thousands (possibly 10x or 100x thousands) of people who DO remember him getting run over.

          I come from the Berenstein Bears universe, literally hundreds of thousands of us, too.

          I’m joking / not joking. Seriously, how can that be?

          • Did you watch the video linked?

            The section on VME experiments shows how people fill in the blanks in their memory with context- thus the tendency to fill in bits with what we EXPECT to happen.

            The experiments even found the pattern in HOW thats done… you must remember (pun,lol) that when you bring up. Memory you are RE-creating it inside your brain, hence the malebility of memory- this is IF I understand it right how recalling traumatic experiences in a calm setting to be used as a PTSD therapy.

            The expectation of seeing him run over is probably why people fill that in… but what are the Chan that a school would show a video of him being crunched to kids, as one person claimed??? Even seeing him getting turned to jam onnTV would have been odd back then.

            The Mandela effect thing is interesting to me in that it appears to take an effect of memory and then hypes it up into an attack on the idea of reality in the minds on people… what was it called , the “Alice in wonderland “ technique of destabilizing peoples understanding of reality to make them more malleable? Something like that.

            Seriously, Nostalgia Nerd waffles for a bit but the section where he shows the experiments is the most probable way the Mandela effect works.

            In the same way imo they dosed kids being abused with psycodelic drugs so their grip on reality is loose- our enemies have been working a LONG time to unmoor us from a tight grip on reality because their project is basically anti the creation. Gnostic BS with a code of paint.

            Seriously watch the video, at least the experiment parts

      • My mom is a walking Mandela effect generator. She doesn’t have dementia, but always gets the details wrong. Sending a message through her is asking for trouble. She sees things as she’d like them to be, and doesn’t like not having “the answer,” so she makes things up on the spot, rather than admitting that she doesn’t know. Also, being dishonest becomes such an intractable pattern that it can take over the subconscious mind and assert itself even when not called forth by conscious intention.

        I use her as an extreme example, but the principle is universal. All sorts of trauma linger in each person – ancestral trauma, societal trauma, personal trauma, all of which can make swiss cheese of memories.

        I think the Mandela effect is 100% artificially synthesized as a means of psychological manipulation.

        • lol I know someone like that, but as I get older it makes me wonder what parts of my own life I’ve edited.
          For example I recall reading a fiction book in a setting that took places years before that book was published…. I read that young people are having issues with their sense of time, esp since the coof. The writer thought it was because we are living more and more online and in social media sensations and memes and the like time gets all wibbly wobbly because inputs are not tied to anything real.

  9. Holy fur bating mammalian skunk spanking!
    That animal seems to be attached to your face. Does it hurt Pilato?

    • Addressing some of Pilatos’ parting comments

      You got to ask me, what do you mean by that?
      What! That critter on Pilatos face? Yes. Well he should wear a large black fedora when he speaks of Israel that way. Talk about stealing jew valor. What? Get a hat, visual aids help.
      Listen,are we repeating the Vietnam debacle of some vague, obscure and occulted cartel of industrialists and International bankers shaking the dog to and fro so we the tax cattle will thank that sweet dog is wagging its tail. Talk about a shake down! And please we should be talking about nothing else. How did that Vietnam thing end? Do what worked historically. Music was a part of it. Can the entertainment dog bite the hand that created it? You are on to something there Pilato.

      • Oh, and I might add it was 4 dead in Ohio then; and now 45,000 dead in o’ Gazo. Slain, genocidal like. I don’t know how else to explain it. Has this country gone insane to let this occur? Makes me wonder.
        The Propaganda machine is in Tulsa on the speaker trail. Defending Israel , in public even.

          • I believe most of what America deals with are aspects of the creation of Eretz Israel, including the Noahide Laws.

            The big question is, will this be a slow steady slide into the “panopticon”, or a fast Earth shattering event, like a war with China? It can certainly go either way. They control ALL levers of power, entertainment, politics, news…they have all the money, and have fully monetized the planet.

            But one aspect of the Noahide paradigm which already exists is the aspect that Jews and “gentiles” live under a different set of laws. Jewish lives matter, while ours, not so much.

            Even though more Christians have died and churches burned, Jewish concerns take up the lion’s share of Home Land Security grants (I think it was 97% last I checked, very much like where most of our foreign aid goes, considering of course Ukraine is a totally Zionist project)

            When a Christian Church burns it is vandalism, yet, just that church burning will nevertheless be used to secure more funding for Jewish temples.

            Syria, Iraq, Libya…if they try and defend their countries from Israeli funded terrorists/insurgents, it is used as a pretense to literally destroy those nations, while Israel can conduct an IN YOUR FACE genocide, with even more funding from the ZOG nations, such as America. They do it IN YOU FACE to show you who is in control, that we have two sets of rules.

            When any number of Jewish men do anything unsavory: Jeffery Epstein, Donald Sterling, Jonathan Pollard, Michael Milken, Ivan Bosky, Bernie Madoff, Harvey Weinstein.. they are used as examples of corruption in the “white dominated system”. (if you point out the power of Jews in these systems, THAT is “anti-semetic”, but you can hate on Europeans all day long). I remember when the Donald Sterling racist incident was first reported on ESPN, there was a part of the story about how he said, “blacks were treated like dogs in Israel”. The story was played from a “he is a rich Jewish racist” angle. But by the time the story went mainstream, CNN and Fox, the comment about blacks in Israel was gone, as was any reference to him being Jewish, now it was all about an example of “white racism”.

            That only scratches the surface of the duality in which our world is under, and it is going to get worse…This is what happens when you give TOTAL control over to people that hate you and are working to destroy you.

            To be clear, this is not about Jewish people, though they certainly do benefit from much of the graph nepotism and the like from being Jewish, nevertheless, this is a top down phenonium. Most Jewish people, I would imagine, are totally unware of this situation, though again, someone is killing those Palestinians and it ain’t Netanyahu that is actually pulling the trigger, or setting the explosives.

  10. Thank you James, yes, it is all good when Trump is doing that which APEARS to be beneficial. They are building Trump up, all this is nothing but Talmudic prophesy BS, “The highest high, before the lowest low”.

    Oh yes and “Soft Bank”, that guy has been involved in so many of the tech fraud, investing billions only to lose his shirt.

    There is a lot going on, the passenger plane the “crashes into a helicopter”. How exactly does a plane coming in for a landing crash into a helicopter…More like a remote controlled helicopter crashes into a plane. Which does not seem to be an assignation, they just use bombs for that. This seems more like the event itself was the agenda, the whole DEI/Dems are the root of all evil, for which Trump will be our savior.

  11. Oh give me a break, “new media” is same as the old media…We are so past he concept of getting real anything from the establishment.

    SO much of what they are doing today, they have done many many times throughout history. They KNOW how to play the ignorant masses, they only keep getting better.

    Like DEI, instead of looking under the rug at Newsom and the whole mass murder using fire in Los Angeles, it all just gets blamed on DEI…the scam is all so obvious when you check your prejudices at the door, pathetic.

  12. “Trump’s executive actions”, those actions originate with Trump, no more than Biden’s.

    This is all ZOG theatrics for the hard of thinking.

    They are setting us up…while making us think “we are winning”, check back in four years, lets see how this plays out.

    • Hey, look on the bright side….while I am not thinking Trump is a massive friend of mine if we get some good things why not be happy about it??

      Even in a bad situation there is better and worse states.

      If they put less poison in the food and thrown out some red meat for us JUST because they want healthy goy to fight their wars most people will STILL be better off then before.

      It’s surly more hopeful then if they were ignoring and discounting our desires totally

      The Hollywood program ing makes everyone think that there will be a definitive conclusion to the movie…. But really it’s just a long struggle that never ends. Pete Quinones (who is more hopeful then me) makes a good point that constantly looking at the bad side is bad for our health, and also morale.

      And if in four years nothing at all is better it’s not like we’ve lost anything…. Assuming we’ve been doing our own things in the meantime

      • Trump has thrown people a few bones but considering his affiliation with Zionists and anti-freedom tech bro’s among other serious detractors, I’d say people who are hoping he’s going to do anything substantial are a bit delusional unfortunately.

        It’s possible to be highly intelligent and wrong. Delusional thinking can coexist with intellect, which I think what might be going on with Mr. Quinones a little bit. I’m not saying I’m above this type of delusional thinking by any means because every human being is imperfect, but it is important to look at facts in the coming years.

        Trumps “anti-semitism” laws infringe on the 1st amendment. Not to mention his Trump coin that was pretty shady.

        • Probably nothing substantial, certainly not on the level most people would like, but if the bad is going to be happening anyway the good is a bonus.

          Like I said about food, if they put less toxic chemicals in it why not be happy about it?

          I mean, I’d not suggest people wait for Trump to save us but if he happens to be putting fewer holes in the boat your building what’s not to be happy about? He is not a solution but if he is less of a problem that’s at least something to smile about.

          It’s not like the other guys are less in the pockets of Zionism is it? And listening to what’s left of the mainstream media, such as Tucker Carlson, talk about stuff that was totally off limits a couple of years ago is a promising sign

          • Have you read the new anti-Semitism executive order? Trump has way more open Zionists in his 2024 administration than he had in 2016.

            These people are crazy. And I mean that, actually insane.

            That real issue must be kept in mind even if some good things come to pass.

            I do think Trump is much more demonstrably Zionist.

            So, it is good to enjoy good things but to turn off ones brain is not a good idea.

            I am strongly opposed to any infringement of 1st and 2nd amendments of the constitution. Once those go, the PR will go away and it will be open season on regular people IMO.

          • But it is a healthy thing to acknowledge the good, to be grateful for good things in ones life. I am so thankful every day that I can see and walk around and am healthy.

            To ignore positive things in life is also an imbalanced existence.

            So I do hope RFK Jr. is confirmed. Although his support of AI government and AI nurses is very bizarre. Not to mention his zealous support for Israel. He flew on the Epstein plane. So, there’s that. But who knows.

            He’s a mixed bag too. I just think people should be grounded and not turn off their mind and be able to look at facts and points of view outside of their world view.

            • With all do respect, I think Kennedy is a fraud, I watched him march arm in arm with some of the most ravenous rabbis such as Shmuley Boteach, and the like.

              Kennedy is a controlled opposition, is my understanding, not that it really makes a difference.

              The Trump project is all encompassing, there is NOTHING going on in Washington that is not pure theatrics meant to deceive the masses while they set up the next event, whatever F that is.

              The truly scary part of all this for me is how innocuous people treat Zionism, like it is some benign force which simply has an exaggerated love for Israel. Zionism is about world domination and the subjugation and destruction of its people.

        • Exactly cu.h.j. a pig being fattened for slaughter should not rejoice at being fed.

          Intelligence speaks to a persons ability to acquire and apply knowledge, it has no bearing whatsoever on one’s psychological state.

          I remember living in DC at a fund raiser for a NASA educational program. I was talking to a few NASA scientists, the were discussing how wonderful Obama was. That was when I learned the uselessness of intelligence if there is not wisdom behind it. I did try and “educate” them about Obama’s actual duplicity, of which they were not receptive. Ego trumps intelligence every time.

          I don’t know exactly what Trump is up to, but the fact that so many of the top officials he is inserting are HARD CORE Zionist fanatics does not bode well.

  13. LOL, oh boy…

    They make the boogeyman, that they come in and save us from. Holy crap, do you really THINK the ruling powers change when Presidents come and go. You think Joe Biden and Trump actually make decisions are you freaking kidding me?

    Biden and Trump are actors, nothing more, sad that that is not more than obvious. BIDEN was WEIMAR 2.0, Trump will be Hitler. All that Biden did: DEI, immigration, even his senility was all about making America look bad, so Chump could come in and “MAGA”, ALL THEATRICS. While the window dressing changes, for those who a Zionist oblivious, what NEVER changes, our support for Israel…oh but there is no reason for that other than donations (Trillions of dollars in debt America those two nations we are giving money we had to borrow from Zionist Jewish bankers, at interest. Those two nations are building huge infrastructure projects, while America is literally falling apart. Oh but Zionists don’t control America…some people will believe anything if it makes them feel better…that is, until they are lined up against the wall, then they MAY see reality.

  14. NO, it is about theatrics, it is about giving false hope. You do not understand the enemy, it RELISHES giving people false hope. They will dangle it in front of you, as they pull the rug out from under you. How they love when Europeans, who have forsaken their culture and religion, have prayed for a savior which they know will never come…

    These “people” are not just into winning, but instilling as much paid suffering and anguish as possible, that is why they love fire and starvation as modes of sacrifice to their blood god.

    Just like with the LA Fires, what is the harm in seeing it as a Zionist/Globalist plan to remove people from California? No, people would rather just blame it on DEI. Just like so many problems, something TOTALLY created from those who are working to destroy us, is NOT seen as a Marxist plot, but “liberals/Democrats”, thus we will continue to fight each other while ignoring them, well done.

    • On an “interesting” side note, I remember watching “The Golden Girls”, back in the day, and their answer to solving the Middle East conflict was moving the Palestinians to Greenland…I thought then, what a BS concept, so the Palestinians are the problem? Of course, American entertainment is infested with Zionist propaganda, “but that is not a sign of control”, just another coincidence.

      • Blackpilled, over on odyssey, did a thing on the Golden Girls- it was made by Sam Harris mom.

        He is the best at breaking propaganda down and pointing out what it tells you… he has a good heuristic on long running shows- watch the first and the last episode and you will see how far they carried the audience along the path in that time period.

        It’s not a big surprise that a maker or propaganda had a son who carried in the family biz,lol

        • Very true.

          And I know all about Ms. Harris and her fraud of a son.

  15. Thanks for the shout out for storm ravaged Ireland at the end of the video James. Whilst the vast majority of households / premises which lost power have now been restored, a rump of 50,000+ rural households / premises are still without electricity on Day 9 after the storm. I have the honour of being part of that rump and am looking at another few days of outage; or is that outrage? It has been an interesting time. Media muttering is all about the “resilience” of the infrastructure or rather the lack of it e.g. how can the power be out for nine or more days just because a few thousands trees fell over? Not to worry, the Guv is onto it but I suspect that their understanding of resilience is that they know from experience that it’s the majority of the people who are resilient i.e. they will put up with almost anything most of the time.

    • Much of the resilience (lack of thereof) is due to power lines hanging and being exposed all over the place.

      If your area has seen switching over to green power sources, harvesting wind energy has proven very inefficient when there is no wind, but also when there is too much of it.

  16. James,
    The Odysee link currently goes to last week’s NWNW.
    I caught it on day one, but am just now getting to the comment section.

    Correct link
    DeepSeek and the “Sputnik Moment” (NWNW #579)

  17. ”They” created a Narrative to move markets… – TIMELINE

    Story #1: DeepSeek – The Rise of China’s Open-Source AI Amid US Regulatory Shifts and Privacy Concerns

    I want to point out a few things…

    ~~~ The PayPal Mafia and Big Tech friends swamp the White House.~~~
    Corbett quotes Marc Andreessen on Story #1.
    Last week with all the Trump Executive Orders, it was David Sachs who was handing those orders to Trump.
    Derrick Broze writes about both characters and others here…
    For example – Broze QUOTE ”In 2019, Vance would found his own venture firm, Narya Capital, with financial backing from the former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, the billionaire investor Marc Andreessen, and Peter Thiel.”

    ~~~NARRATIVE and Stock Market – TIMELINE~~~
    –See link above and this Tuesday 1/21/2025 DeepSeek article
    Zero Hedge QUOTE:
    “But when President Trump announced the launching of a $500 billion AI infrastructure project (Stargate) on Tuesday 1/21 just hours after China had released its DeepSeek R1—which “outperforms its rivals in advanced coding, math, and general knowledge capabilities”—it became painfully obvious that the battle for the future ‘is on’ in a big way.”

    Following the Stargate announcement Tuesday afternoon 1/21 (OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son and Chairman of Oracle Larry Ellison), Big Tech stocks roared to the upside.
    The market narrative ignored DeepSeek.

    Marc Andreessen Friday January 24, 2025 tweets “Deepseek R1 is one of the most amazing and impressive breakthroughs I’ve ever seen — and as open source, a profound gift to the world.”

    On Friday January 24, the BOJ (Central Bank of Japan) raised interest rates by 25 basis points to 0.5%, marking the highest short-term borrowing costs in 16 years. [July 31/August 2024 when the BOJ raised rates, stock markets went nuts and crashed with the “carry trade”.] January 2025 – Hardly a peep about the carry trade in the media.

    Monday January 27, 2025 – U.S. Stock Market NARRATIVE shift with ‘suddenly’ China’s DeepSeek AI provoking a huge Big Tech selloff.

    • ”Somebody always knows what’s fixing to happen.”
      ”Welcome to the Trump Stock Market” — Mike Jones Investing – Thur Jan 30, 2025

      In the first 100 seconds of this video, Mike Jones shows that someone ‘KNEW’ ten minutes before that Trump was gonna tweet a statement.

      James Evan Pilato points out that on Monday with the DeepSeek narrative, Big Tech stocks cratered.
      “US stocks erased more than $1 trillion in market cap on Monday January 27 amid the DeepSeek-fueled sell-off. … with Nvidia losing around $589 billion in market cap. … while Alphabet lost 4%.”

      Pilato is right that Nvidia had a one day bounce on Tuesday, but they are still now in a lower range ($120 share) at the end of January, losing about 12% for the month of January.
      Mike Jones often points out on market trading days, that if Nvidia is up, typically Tesla is down. Options often drive Tesla’s stock price.

      As of February 2025 NVIDIA has a market cap of $2.940 Trillion USD. This makes NVIDIA the world’s 3rd most valuable company according to our data.”

  18. RE: Story #3
    At the 15:10 minute mark, James Evan Pilato talks about the
    NEW MEDIA LANDSCAPE via the White House

    Tuesday January 28, 2025
    White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt holds her first briefing.

    TRANSCRIPT here…

    ”…White House will speak to ALL Media Outlets and Personalities — not just the Legacy Media…”
    ”the New Media Landscape in 2025.”
    “…restore the Press Passes of the 440 journalists whose passes were wrongly revoked…”
    “We’re also opening up this briefing room to New Media voices…”
    “…We welcome independent journalists, podcasters, social media influencers, and content creators to apply….”

    I feel that this is a very significant event in the public narrative.
    It re-affirms what we all know.
    It adds further credibility and altitude to alternative content by independent, decentralized sources.
    Even more so, it puts the lame-stream legacy media on notice that their lying narratives will be publicly challenged.
    At the very least, it will become more difficult for the (PTSNB) Powers That Should Not Be to carve narratives.

  19. On the third story…As an American, I’m 100% unimpressed, disturbed, and cynical about the things happening in Trump’s first days. It’s not that I hate the (stated) aims of his executive orders (though do some of them). Before I left the two-party circus in 2008, I was an ardent Republican.

    In addition to the Israel-pandering Republicans proudly trumpet, what disturbs me is exactly what James C. said. We’re all supposed to clap when a new president swoops in and issues hundreds of executive orders? Both major parties do it and have been doing it for a long time. Presidents aren’t supposed to act like dictators. People seem to care about that only if the executive orders contradict their beliefs.

    In 4 years, after people are again fed up with yet another would-be savior-charlatan who was never interested in solving their problems (and couldn’t if he wanted to), the zeitgeist will change and we’ll get another flurry of executive orders to overturn these. If judges’ signatures haven’t done so already.

    Love the Faulkner quote. I love music but hate when it’s politicized. Songs that speak to universal human experience and can stand the test of time are far better than ephemeral lyrics that take potshots against politicians.

    • All-True

      Americans are well trained to only care about abuse of power when the other side does it. The problem with relative morality, is that there are no “two parties”, just one Zionist monstrosity.

      They LOVE creating these boogeymen for us to hate and accept the evils done to them. I am most anti Christian because I find this tactic of divide and conquer seems to work on them the best, quite curious. Who is leading the charge against Muslims but Christians crusaders, with their Jewish masters urging them on from behind.
      Who is it that decries trans and imaginary “global homo”, as a sign of the “End of Days”, while ignoring true evil like war and murderous sanctions, Christians. Such blatant hypocrisy and bigotry will ALWAYS end badly.

      Nevertheless, Americans are saps, no matter how many times they are played, they fall for the same BS, but I fear this time, our willful ignorance will be our end.

      • I very much consider myself a Christian, but I agree with what you said if we’re talking about church people. I used to sit in church (by force) and wonder why what I was seeing and hearing didn’t align with the Bible. Quit going to church even before I withdrew from politics. Religion nailed Christ to the cross, and it’s no different today.

        Some family members are exactly as you described. It’s especially hard to listen to their praises of mass-murderer Bibi, and I’ll never get why they think Orange Man is anything other than an opportunistic charlatan. They’re clapping for the flurry of executive orders, too. They wouldn’t if the orders came from a president from the “other” party. Yeah, they care a lot more about what restroom someone uses than mass murder around the globe.

  20. I was once “Catholic”, like most I was born into it, with the barbaric circumcision (based on JEWISH LAW) and Baptism, indoctrinating me before I could even consider what religion was. Extremely cultish. Something more real would foster personal choice, development of true conviction, before you would be BRANDED Christian. The very idea you need to Baptize a baby because of “original sin”, utter lunacy. Where is the fasts to support any of it, people believe becase they wish to believe.

    My best freind and I both did not Baptize our kids, giving THEM the choice we never had. We did not perform genital mutilation on our kids, even though we both got flack from our families. Our kids make THEIR own choices, we did not make it for them.

    Christianity and the like, work because the system wants them to work, they are indoctrination into Jewish world view.

    In any real world, not our Jewish Matrix, nonsense like Christianity would fall to the waist side as a barbaric cult. Instead there are some 40,000 assorted Christians denominations…exemplifying the ease to which such a religion can be bent to fit any perspective, a true mark of a tool of manipulation.

    As I progressed, my beliefs started needed facts to back them up. “Global Warming” is a great example, insofar as it started to show me the power of propaganda on the masses. One by one those things that I held as fact, I challenged to prove their credibility and one after another they failed.

    Christianity is a bridge too far for most Christians. While there continues to be no proof of it, it is Jewish centric AND gave Jews a monopoly on money lending, it is nevertheless, something not questioned. Like all beliefs, they are based on blind faith, not facts and reason. Thus, to question is to be unfaithful. Sounds pretty cultish to me.

    We are in a Jewish Matrix, and that Matrix has our destruction as its ultimate goal, Christianity was used to destroy so called Pagan religions, yet it left JEWS ALONE…

    Christianity is what people cling to as their heritage, instead of their true ancestral cultures and religions…it is sad, but most people truly are sheep.

    • Christianity only became Jewish centric in the last century because Americans read the Schofield Bible and had no background knowledge to understand that the notes were BS paid for by rich Jews….. pretty much every Christian Church (even most of the Protestant ones) were not keen on Jews most of the time.

      The loss of history and culture is what made Americans uniquely vulnerable to things like that….. the Puritans liked Jews but many changed their minds when they met real world ones

      • Going to use a lot of declarative “I” here.

        I don’t hate Christians, I was once one, I hate Christinaity, I hate the Abrahamic nonsense.

        I understand you believe in it, that is your right, but you nor I know EXACTLY its true origins.

        I am simply going on reason and logic:

        Jews are more than known for manipulation and deception.

        By deception we will wage war.
        Divide and conquer: Thus we get Christians and Muslims fighting for centuries, while the Jews secretly support control both sides.
        All wars truly are “bankers” wars.

        Christinaity, one way or the other, though the whole Bible thing, or through deception, was created by Jews.
        Christinaity DID destroy all other religions of the day, with similar tactics as ANTIFA uses today.

        And I could go on.

        I am saying, there is MORE than enough evidence, to at least be open to the idea that Christianity was create to deceive “Goyem” people’s.

        I’m simply looking at the consequence of religion, its origin and where the Abrahamic religions are taking us. I used the same reasoning to see right through the lie that was Covid, I never bought into it for a second. Same with treasonous Trump, I knew he was a POS from the start. I am not clairvoyant, I simply trust my instincts which are informed by observation and experience.

        I do not know for a fact, anything of what happened 2000-3500 years ago, I am simply saying everything should be questioned.

        • “….. am saying, there is MORE than enough evidence, to at least be open to the idea that Christianity was create to deceive “Goyem” people…..”

          I think that is not the case….. I will go back and listen to Adam Green embarrassing himself vs Cory Mahler but honestly the arguments for Christianity being either pro Jewish (only the post Schofield Bible American play churches) or a psyop are pretty weak

  21. … had to ‘phone this one in’

    Yesterday (02/05/2025) , before listening to this episode today, one of my grandchildren was relating a story about his friend who worked on an undersea cable installation ship – he on the ship, with divers down below securing the cable to the ocean floor.

    Lo and behold a school of whales entered their work area, one of whom took the cable in its mouth and started swimming away, towing the ship with it and pulling the cable from its ocean floor securements, while the divers feverishly attempted to release the securements before the cable broke during the whale tow

    So, perhaps all the who-dunit ballyhoo related in this episode could have another “who”
    … orrrr, could it be Satan?!?! (Church Lady) – could it be someone ‘steering’ the whales to do the deed?!

    • I looked at Wikipedia and it said

      “…..Studies carried out between 1877 and 1955 reported 16 cable ruptures caused by whale entanglement, 13 of them by sperm whales. Between 1907 and 2006, 39 such events were recorded.[125] Cable burial techniques are gradually being introduced to prevent such incident…….”

      Cool story to hear, thanks

      • Duck, et. All

        The sperm whale is one knarly beast. An apex predator. I can see how a cable in the jaws may seem like a giant squid in 1000m deep ravines.

    • BUMP
      That’s A Whale of a Story!

  22. Thanks Duck – cool info

  23. LOL…No matter what the topic, content or issue, we cannot let a video go by without making some comment about Israel. It’s quite amazing.

    • Actually if you think about it it IS amazing that when ever you poke into something nasty there is a pretty good chance that either Israel or some other Jewish group is mixed up in it somehow.

      I kinda think the whole JQ thing tends to drive folks a bit mad when they discover it because it really does appear like it’s is Every Single Time and you feel like you’ve found the secret key or something

      • My point was that there was nothing about any of the topics in this video that had anything to do with Israel, Jews, AIPAC or whatever……DeepSpeek? Ruptured cable in Latvia?? While Trump’s first weeks were highlighted, it was generally, with nothing to do with any Israeli issue. Yet the comments here, as well as JEP’s later comment, HAS to bring Israel into the picture. It’s almost like Israel Derangement Syndrome. Truly weird.

        • Yes.
          Like I said people go thru that stage when they see how much mischief the Jews get up to and then they go full sperg on it.

          That said, the whole Ukraine thing is super jewey what with the Neo Cons (mostly descendants of Trotskyite Jews) so the deep sea cables thing is LOOSELY linked to it. But yeah, people seeing Jews under ever rock is kinda annoying sometimes

          I think it’s just a bit lazy, I mean Jews are powerful and nasty but their not behind everything

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