Results for "amazon"

How Vanguard Conquered the World

So, you've watched How BlackRock Conquered the World and you're now aware of how this financial behemoth with trillions of dollars of assets under management has taken over vast swaths of the economy. You know how BlackRock is one of the top institutional investors in...

The Looting Conspiracy

If you've been following the news, you'll know that shoplifting and looting have been on the rise across the US in recent months, with retailers from San Francisco to Portland to Washington, D.C., forced to close up shop in the face of mounting losses from the spate...

Episode 448 – Tell-Lie-Vision

Episode 448 – Tell-Lie-Vision

How has television been used as a vehicle of propaganda? What psychological techniques are deployed in media manipulation? What is the future of media? Join James for this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast on the past, present and future of television,...

Laughing At Tyrants – #SolutionsWatch

Laughing At Tyrants – #SolutionsWatch

Stop me if you've heard this before: the best way to disarm a tyrant is to laugh at him. Of course, you have heard this before, but you're going to hear it again, goshdarnit, because it bears repeating. Today, let's all enjoy a peculiarly mirthless exploration of...

FLASHBACK: The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat (2018)

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack  FROM 2018: There is in fact a Middle Eastern nation that is in fact in control of a vast, undeclared stockpile of nuclear weapons. This nation does have the capability of deploying those weapons...


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