Interview 1904 – The Internet Archive Hack (NWNW 568)

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Oh Goodie! Now Scammers Are Impersonating Me Online!

Public service announcement: online scambots are now stealing my name and likeness to entice people to email them (at a gmail account, no less!) for financial advice. NEWSFLASH: I don’t hang around comments sections asking people to email me for financial advice. It’s a scam. Don’t fall for it. By the way, were you aware that I’m not on Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Telegram or any other major social media app? Well, you do now! (The more you know…)

Interview 1856 – The Global WHO Uprising Has Begun! on CHD TV

Interview 1856 – The Global WHO Uprising Has Begun! on CHD TV

via CHD TV: Dr. Meryl Nass returns from 27 days of international advocacy to catch up with James Corbett on evidence of the WHO’s house of cards is collapsing worldwide. It’s no wonder that countries like Slovakia, Estonia, Romania, New Zealand, South Africa + more are rejecting the IHR amendments amid the WHO’s December deadline, “It’s the perfect system of control .. This story is so horrendous, all it needs is a few sparks in the right place, and the fire will come.” After all — would YOU give a blank check to an organization with no accountability?

Reportage: Adventures in the New Media

Reportage: Adventures in the New Media

Since your newsfeed is probably already full of those ubiquitous Year In Review-type articles, here’s a more philosophical piece about the work I do and how I do it. Enjoy!

Rosa Koire Exposes the UN Agenda (2012)

FROM 2012: Tonight we talk to Rosa Koire, author of Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 about the ideology and people behind Agenda 21. Topics discussed include: What is Agenda 21? What is communitarianism? What is the history of this agenda? How is it being implemented? And what can people do to combat it?


The Future of Food (Is Ours to Decide)

From GMOs and lab-grown meat to the "Eat Ze Bugs" agenda and molecular gastronomy, readers of What is the Future of Food? will know that the global cabal is busy cooking up nefarious plans for reengineering our food supply. And, as readers of Who Is Behind the Great...

Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

Last week we looked at the ways that an engineered food crisis (or the perception of a crisis) is being used as an excuse to reengineer our food supply. From cricket powder dumplings and bug burgers to GMOs and glyphosate to bioreactors and designer microbes to...

What is the Future of Food?

If "you are what you eat," as the old adage has it, then what does that make us? As consumers of heavily processed, chemically treated, GMO-infested gunk, we in the modern, developed world have "solved" the problem of hunger that plagued our forebears since time...

We’re All Dutch Farmers Now

For weeks now, farmers in the Netherlands have been engaging in fierce protests over their government's plan to halve the country's nitrogen and ammonia pollution by 2030. It is estimated that this plan—which will mandate emissions cuts of 95% in some provinces—will...

The Assassination of Abe

As you no doubt know by now, Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan, was assassinated in broad daylight on Friday. So what happened? Who was responsible? And what does it mean? Following are the results of an open source investigation conducted by The Corbett...

July Open Thread (2022)

Don't look now, but the year is half over already. Can it be that a mere 6 months ago the scamdemic was still our biggest concern, the Canadian trucker protest hadn't happened yet, Russia's imminent invasion of Ukraine was still fake news and we had yet to see the...

The OTHER Globalist Summit

There was no shortage of coverage in the independent media of the recent World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, the first in-person gathering of so-called "Davos man" since the beginning of the scamdemic. Similarly—as noted in a recent edition of New World Next...