Results for "kakistocracy"

Interview 1055 – James Corbett on Jay’s Analysis

Interview 1055 – James Corbett on Jay’s Analysis

via James Corbett joined me to discuss 9/11 and its lesser-known connections to tech and economic scams and scandals, as well as the suspicious aspects of big insurance companies, global banking, and the rise of the technological control grid. The...

Political Pedophilia: An open source investigation

As more and more information surfaces on both sides of the Atlantic about the pedophilia rings operating in the highest echelons of political, business and entertainment circles, even the establishment press is being forced to cover the story. But is the very same...

Episode 304 – Political Pedophilia

Episode 304 – Political Pedophilia

As more and more information surfaces on both sides of the Atlantic about the pedophilia rings operating in the highest echelons of political, business and entertainment circles, even the establishment press is being forced to cover the story. But is the very same...


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