Look Out, Libtards! There’s A New Boss In Town! (Same As The Old Boss)

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Low-tech / No-tech – #SolutionsWatch

Low-tech / No-tech – #SolutionsWatch

From the humble fax machine to call-to-listen podcasts and shortwave broadcasts to the dependable old printed word, today James explores ways to spread information that don’t require digital devices or Big Tech surveillance apps.


The Chicoms are Coming! Quick, Close the “AI” Gap!

The Chicoms are Coming! Quick, Close the “AI” Gap!

By now everyone and their dog has heard about the existential threat of the Chinese bulk carrier fleet. The People of the Free World™ are rightfully cowering in fear of the diabolical Chinese plot to plunge Europe back into the pre-digital Dark Ages by cutting their...

How to Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID

How to Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID

Breaking news, guys! I found this manual for how the globalists plan to implement their digital ID control grid in . . . in a . . . uhm . . . an abandoned photocopier? And now I'm going to reveal it to you! Just don't ask to see the original document. My dog ate it....

The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

What do you call someone who identifies as a "vegetarian" but who consistently chows down on veal, mutton and ribeye steaks? Whatever you call that person, it's not "vegetarian." And what do you call someone who identifies as a "libertarian" but who has spent his...

I, Sandwich

I, Sandwich

Have you ever asked someone to make you a sandwich? What?? You have??! You heartless monster! Do you have any idea how unbelievably difficult it is to make a sandwich? Do you have the slightest clue how much backbreaking labour goes into the construction of that...

October Open Thread

October Open Thread

It's October again already, so you know what that means: James Evan Pilato is beginning his Shocktober streaming activities over in the Media Monarchy subscriber community! (And I'll be a special guest for a stream later this month, doing a watch-along of a Danny...