Interview 1904 – The Internet Archive Hack (NWNW 568)

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Banning Chemtrails – #SolutionsWatch

Banning Chemtrails – #SolutionsWatch

Today chemtrails researcher and author Peter Kirby joins us to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails, from the legislation that’s been popping up in various states to criminalize geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to Save Our Skies.

Episode 462 – The Corbett Report Hall of Shame

Episode 462 – The Corbett Report Hall of Shame

Today, James begins inducting MSM liars, dodgy politicians and intelligence agency scoundrels into The Corbett Report Hall of Shame. Simultaneously, he begins inducting truth-telling whistleblowers and courageous journalists into The Corbett Report Hall of Fame. Who...


May Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

May Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

Happy Golden Week, everybody! Yes, believe it or not, May is already upon us. To celebrate that fact, I'll officially open the May Open Thread for discussion. And this month there is no shortage of world-shaking developments to talk about. Will the ICC issue an arrest...

Epstein Eugenics: The Plan to Seed the Human Race

Epstein Eugenics: The Plan to Seed the Human Race

Remember the summer of 2019? Remember when—after months of growing awareness of the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, rising concern over the blatantly illegal cover-up of those crimes, and renewed scrutiny of his "philanthropic" efforts—Epstein was finally arrested in New...

This Is What The Globalists REALLY Fear

This Is What The Globalists REALLY Fear

Would you like to see what the globalists really fear? OK, here's a picture: "What? A protest? Pffff. The controllers of the global conspiracy don't care about a little protest, James," you scoff, scrolling on to the next post in your never-ending feed of doomporn....

No World This Week

No World This Week

As you know by now, James Evan Pilato got sick last week so we weren't able to record New World Next Week as scheduled. And as you're already aware, I'm going to be off this coming week working on some administrative duties and longer-term projects. So you know what...

The Globalist’s SECRET Message!

The Globalist’s SECRET Message!

Psssst. You. Yeah, you! Wanna know a secret? OK, but you gotta promise not to tell anyone. Here it is: the inbred eugenicist elitist globalist technocrats that presume to rule over humanity are speaking in subtle code. If you listen extra carefully and you think very...

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping

Have you heard the latest nonsense from the climate cultists? No, I'm not talking about recycling human hair to change the weather. And I'm not talking about the hot new fad of defacing works of art (and the US constitution) to end climate change. No, I'm talking...

March Open Thread (2024)

March Open Thread (2024)

Can you believe it's March already? I, for one, absolutely and categorically refuse to believe it. But still, the calendar insists otherwise so here we are in the March Open Thread. What's on your mind this month? Are you keeping up with the latest events in Gaza? Are...