Results for "eugenic"

Interview 1712 – James Corbett on The End of the World

Interview 1712 – James Corbett on The End of the World

via The Delingpod: "James catches up with James Corbett and they discuss the psy-ops that we're all currently experiencing. They talk about the predator class, how we're all being manipulated into a 1984 state of never ending panic and how those who, two months ago...

Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare

We're in the middle of a world-changing war right now. Oh, I don't mean the war in Ukraine, the one that all the media are asking you to focus your attention on. Yes, that conflict continues to escalate. and every day there are new stories about provocations and...

Interview 1706 – James Corbett on Holding the Line

Interview 1706 – James Corbett on Holding the Line

via Holding the Line: Journalists Against Covid Censorship (RECORDED FEBRUARY 28, 2022): Independent journalist James Corbett and HTL's Rusere Shoniwa discuss war, Covid-19, climate change and the economy and how those four themes are being used to erode human...

How to Survive Regime Change

Is your country on the hit list of Soros and/or Omidyar and/or USAID and/or the NED and/or any of the other deep state Trojan horses hiding behind their convenient "NGO" cutouts? Are you worried that a regime change operation is in the offing? Well, fret not! Here's...


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