Interview 1902 – Government Hurricanes? (NWNW 567)

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Interview 1752 – James Corbett Discusses Al Qaeda on Holding The Line

Interview 1752 – James Corbett Discusses Al Qaeda on Holding The Line

In the interview with Rusere Shoniwa, James discussed one of his latest pieces of work – an epic three-part documentary series entitled False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. The trilogy is jaw-dropping and gut-wrenching in equal measure, even for those who already know about the vast holes in 9/11’s official narrative and the concept of false flag events. As James says in this interview with Rusere Shoniwa for HTL, we must learn from this history so it is not repeated.

Interview 1751 – Riley Waggaman Provides Updates from Russia

Interview 1751 – Riley Waggaman Provides Updates from Russia

Riley Waggaman of the Edward Slavsquat substack joins James once again to update The Corbett Report audience on the situation in Russia. From mandatory clot shot genetic slurry injections for conscripted Russian cannon fodder to the latest developments on the Ukrainian front, you won’t want to miss this important conversation.

Is the Empire Awakening? – Questions For Corbett #091

Is the Empire Awakening? – Questions For Corbett #091

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a poppy, eye-catching explainer video about the rising sun flag. . . . So why is it so creepy? Patrick writes in with the question about the rising imperial ambitions of Nippon and James supplies the answer in this data-packed edition of Questions For Corbett.

Episode 427 – Remembering Tim Ball

Episode 427 – Remembering Tim Ball

Today on the program James celebrates the life and work of Dr. Tim Ball, a man who devoted his retirement years to fighting the good fight against the agents of the climate scam and the green enslavement agenda. His fearless truthtelling in the face of so much adversity serves as an example to us all.

Flashback: Climategate (2009)

FROM 2009: Just as the oligarchs are moving to consolidate their power in a new global governmental scheme based on the manmade climate change scare, their fraud has been exposed. The source code doesn’t lie, unlike the scientists who have perverted the good name of science in the pursuit of their political goals.


Your Guide to Surviving A Crisis

. . . Yes, it has been a week of nonstop, wall-to-wall, over-the-top news that is enough to make even the sturdiest of information warriors feel queasy. It's not easy to look over the precipice of panic and not feel some vertigo from the view. It's at times like these...

The Rollercoaster Ride Has Begun

Last week in this column, as you might recall, I noted that the coronavirus panic had already produced "the worst week in the markets since the financial crisis, including the worst two-day point drop in Dow Jones history." And I also warned that "the economic effects...

Is the Korean War Over Yet?

So the Korean War ended this week. Or so you would believe if you scanned the headlines of the British tabloids. "North and South Korea have finally ended the Korean War after 65 years!" blares The Mirror. And reading from the article: North Korea's williingness to...

False Flags Over Syria

. . . As you can imagine, the gaggle of bloodthirsty neocons that infest Trump's war cabinet are unhappy about the prospect of their golden boys in Syria—those lovely child-beheading terrorists that they have been supporting for the last seven years—being vanquished...