Results for "eugenic"

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

As anyone who's been paying attention will know, Imperial College London played a key role in providing the justification for the scamdemic hysteria and Oxford University played a key role in providing the "solution" to that problem. Specifically, as you'll recall...

Interview With A Coma Victim

Do you remember how I opened my three-part series on The Year Ahead this past January? As Lenin rightly observed: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen. I imagine that...

Mind Control is NOT a Conspiracy Theory

When you hear the words "mind control," what do you think of? Conspiracy theorists in tinfoil hats trying to keep the aliens from beaming messages into their heads? Evil scientists using spinning pinwheels and special potions to brainwash their hapless victims into...

Interview 1632 – James Corbett on Unregistered

Interview 1632 – James Corbett on Unregistered

via The Unregistered Podcast: I was joined by James Corbett of The Corbett Report, which was just taken down from Youtube, to discuss open vs. closed conspiracies, the history of eugenics and other forms of social engineering, the ideology of scientism, and the...

Agorism in Japan

In this week's subscriber newsletter, James is interviewed by Graham Smith of about agorism, revolution and Japan. Also included this week is a test of a new subscriber exclusive video format and plenty of recommended reading, viewing and listening....


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