Interview 1890 – 9/11, Internet, Gates and Grub on The Jimmy Dore Show

by | Jul 3, 2024 | Interviews | 23 comments

via The Jimmy Dore Show: James joins Jimmy to discuss 9/11, internet censorship, Gates, the future of food and more.



Mission Accomplished: The Corbett Report Removed From YouTube

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

9/11 Whistleblowers: Michael Springmann

9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money

The Media Matrix

The Future of Vaccines

Problem Reaction Solution: Internet Censorship Edition

Who is Bill Gates?

What is Technocracy? – Questions For Corbett

The Future of Food

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

Is the IPCC Rigged? – Questions For Corbett

Interview 1261 – Judith Curry Explains Climate Modeling to the Layman

Interview 1676 – Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

How/Why Big Oil Conquered The World


  1. Great podcast. I hate to say it, but these big pro interviewers like Jimmy Dore and Glen Beck somehow bring out the best in people like James and Whitney, in terms of general public communication effectiveness at least.

    • I agree. It has to help increase the audience reach. A pleasure to watch.

  2. I remember how it was before the www when it was just the internet. I remember my favorite place to go back then was The Well. Jerry Garcia use to put up articles in fact I have a couple of his articles in print. You could enter the internet called the network through Outlook. Those were the days pf true freedom of speech. It still remains but it’s now called the Dark Web.
    Stay safe my friends

  3. Great interview, James. It should make a big impression on folks that are unaware of your work. Even I am still amazed by your ability to recall details and tie everything into the big picture. Wow!

  4. Enjoyed this very much. Jimmy Dore is nowhere near the researcher you are, but he’s always good for a laugh. Especially when he dissects mainstream media articles and stories. I’m glad he’s questioning more and more.

  5. Amazing discussion.
    It’s not only the debt, but the effects of the poisons they are dealing with. They are suicidal applications. One of my teachers said that any word ending in “icide” is a form of suicide.
    That concise brilliant no holds barred 9-11 video ought to be played in every classroom every morning, instead of the pledge of allegiance.
    It’s Big Oil which Makes the chemicals.
    They also eliminated access to local seed there in India when they rammed GMO down them to steal their land.
    Anyone unaware of this horror could watch the documentary “Bitter Seeds”, initiated by the daughter of a land owner who suicided with the chemicals that ruined their lives. That’s how the farmers ended their lives. They knew

    I can’t say why, but I’m not sure that’s Gates there.
    It’s not climate change, it’s climate destruction. And control. Bet he’s big into geoengineering, of course.IF what they are doing is not climate control, what is it? The climate is out of control as they knew it would be with all those Ionosphere Heaters (Haarp, Eiscat, etc. ), so they have to attempt to “control” it as that was their plan in the get go.
    Yes, all this microwave warfare for control is actually burning the planet down.
    If you can’t understand this, review Lahaina, and Paradise. And Redding. And ………

    Yeah, dude, if they cry wolf enough times, you’ll “ignore” them and become ignorant. Precisely their plan.
    Keep laughing, but make sure you know when the joke’s on you.
    I wonder how much “solar radiation management gunk” spray out of those “private jets”.

    As I’ve pointed out more than once recently, sorcery is the first technique/technology.

  6. Icke speaks to centralization of control also today. Interesting how this happens.

  7. Errr…. [hand raised]….

    Wasn’t Jimmy Dore a frequent contributor/guest on YouTube’s darling channel The Young Turks (TYT) for years?
    Just like gay conservative Dave Rubin, who also left TYT?

    Isn’t it odd that so many influential speakers start out on a “left” platform and then end up on a “right” one. One would think they might be…. pawns in the binary political systems that we are all increasingly being enveloped by.

    Avoid the binary.


    • I’m not going to die on a hill defending Jimmy Dore, but he often targets TYT and its views. I’d actually never heard of them until I saw his show.

      He still considers himself a “leftist,” though many of his views sound “right-wing” now. Honestly I think those terms are so convoluted we shouldn’t use them anymore.

      He does have a habit of looking to centralized so-called “solutions” (“free” health care for all is his biggest one), then turning around and berating the centralized government entities in existence.

      But I’ve watched him move further and further away from mainstream thought. He was injured by the covid “vaccine” and took 2 doses of it. It’s since then that I’ve seen him question more, though I’m not familiar with his work prior to 2020.

  8. Really hope this will bring more people to your brilliant work. Been watching since 2008. Never once disappointed me, hands down the most valuable site, and no GD clickbaits.
    Thanks james 🙂

  9. Loved this interview and seeing this combination, having been watching Jimmy for years and watching his evolution has been great. I think Jimmy also preparing himself for the potential of his channel getting pulled from YT, he has been pushing the censorship line to the limit throughout Covid period. I think YT knows if they cancel him, they risk significant blow back as well.

    Somewhere in this interview is the perfect formula of the Noticer and the deeper investigator which is a great dynamic in presenting content of these critical censored topics.

    Cheers to more collaboration hopefully!

    • I love that distinction: “Noticer” and “Deeper Investigator!”

      I’ve always been rather bookish but can’t stand when people put down “Noticers” because they’re not “Deeper Investigators.”

      I do have trouble with people who can’t distinguish between credible researchers and bombastic YouTubers, but that doesn’t apply here IMO.

      • jld44 says:
        I love that distinction: “Noticer” and “Deeper Investigator!”

        Ya’ll are dancing with an important, profound observation.
        Communicating to broad audiences is a tough go, but this duo approach targets a mix of audiences.

        The pairing works well together.
        It makes a topic conversational.
        And everyone is at home with conversations, but many folks would never attend a college lecture.
        With the “sound bite” culture, this pairing approach can penetrate.

        With NWNW, we have a duo act.

        Actually, ya’ll’s comments made me think of all kinds of pairings and how it set-up the communication. e.g. Bob Hope and Bing Crosby

  10. Whe Bill and Melinda Gates visited Norway twenty some years ago, the Norwegian government donated x million dollars to their fund, and shortly thereafter the seed bank construction on Spitsbergen, Svalbard started.

  11. I don’t trust Jimmy Dore, because he was/is TYT affiliated, making him possibly controlled opposition.
    I don’t trust Whitney Webb because she believes the official story of 9/11 and says “they allowed it to happen.”

    • So you haven’t watched jimmy dore in a while eh? He does nothing but throw TYT, cenk and anna under the bus for all their fake bullshit. He’s grateful that he left and nurtured his own show

      • Yeah, I stopped watching in 2016.
        I’m reluctant to listen to this podcast with Corbett, because I was disturbed that Corbett was being tainted by an association with someone from TYT.
        My initial take was a feeling of betrayal and nausea that Corbett is cavorting with agents of the WEF. Like, ick.
        But if Jimmy Dore has turned his back on Cenk and Anna, then it might be worth listening to.
        I hold grudges, though. I still don’t trust The Last American Vagabond for interviewing George Clooney without even grilling him for being a WEF Young Leader and pushing WEF agenda.
        I stopped watching that guy after I saw that.

        • Yeah Jimmy has talked openly for years about how he saw TYTs message shift to that of the oligarchs’. He berates them every chance he gets. And he left them in 2016 because Cenk & co were big Russia gaters, where he was trying to expose them on their own show.

  12. It was good to see James talking to someone in the public narrative ey and Jimmy asked questions that James needed to air to a wider audience, great to hear this Podcast lots of the most important questions of the day. My son was also injured from the 2 vaxes he had and since then has had his eyes widened – I said to him that the workplace should not make him – but he went along with it – never again.

  13. Great interview. I was waiting for the Eugenics shoe to drop, but hopefully new people will get up to speed by watching your Big Oil and Bill Gates docs.

  14. Good interview. A nice, wide audience. James was very well spoken and left a great impression. Jimmy and Kurt did their best, being jag off comedians and all that.

    BTW, extra kudos to whoever can fish out a comment I have posted several years back when someone on Dore’s live chat superchatted a plug for James Corbett.

    • mkey,
      I couldn’t find it, but I seem to remember something along those lines.

      But I found this relevant nugget…

      mkey says:
      “Jimmy Dore talks to Dr. Leroy Hulsey about building 7. Venerable dr. seems quite a bit disillusioned.
      It’s a solid 1 hour conversation that is seen by 100k people in the first 6 hours.
      At around 34 minute mark they play our’s truly 5 minute 9/11 gem.”

      Classic mkey humor:
      “Worth a watch, especially if you suffer from a bit of constipation, material like this will open you right up.”

      mkey is referring to a CNN reporter lady in Syria who closely sniffs a bag which might be contaminated with poison gas.
      Jimmy Dore featured the clip.

      • I could not find it, either. I think I had made a screenshot of the thing and posted the screenshot here, but the whole affairs seems to be deeply memoryholed. Oh well.

        Btw, you still get the extra kudos.

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