
FLASHBACK: G20 Rules Make Bank Bail-ins a Reality (2015)

FROM 2015: Last month’s G20 Summit in Australia came and went without the protests and riots we’ve come to expect at the summit in recent years. But as author and researcher Ellen Brown notes, the real fireworks happened behind closed doors, where the group rubber stamped new regulations that will make Cyprus style bank bail-ins a worldwide reality.

Decentralized Communication – #SolutionsWatch

Decentralized Communication – #SolutionsWatch

As the internet clampdown begins, people are finally beginning to wake up to the need to find alternative communication platforms. But if the masses are just herded from one centralized platform to another, has anything really changed at all? Join James for today’s important edition of #SolutionsWatch where he examines some of the many decentralized communication networks, platforms and protocols that are being developed to address the root of the censorship problem.

Episode 439 – I Read Richard Haass’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)

Episode 439 – I Read Richard Haass’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)

Have you ever thought that the Bill of Rights was a bit lacking? Did you ever wish there was a list of obligations detailing those things we owe to the government for the privilege of being born into a certain political jurisdiction? Then, boy, do I have the perfect book for you! Join James for today’s dissection of The Bill of Obligations, the latest turgid tome of t from Richard Haas, the outgoing president of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Interview 1789 – The One Hell Agenda on CHD TV

Interview 1789 – The One Hell Agenda on CHD TV

via CHD.TV: James Corbett and Meryl Nass, M.D. return to “Good Morning CHD” to discuss the latest updates on the WHO’s IHR proposed amendments + Zero Draft Pandemic treaty, highlighting the latest meetings that took place from February 20 – 24, and laying particular emphasis on the proposed “One Health Approach” — a broad new landscape of interconnected and interdependent relationships with humans, animals and the environment. Touted as an ‘non-colonial’ solution to the current ‘anthropocentric’ view on the ecosystem, the proposed solutions are anything but holistic. New fast tracked mRNA products for livestock raise concerns of equity for animal rights, considering no adverse events reporting system structure for animals currently exists. As the reality of global vaccine passports draws nearer, is the “One Health Approach” really a “One Hell” power grab for all living beings and plants on earth, and will world domination of public health will now be sold to the public under the guise of “anti-colonialism”? Watch this episode featuring the movement’s most fascinating duo on CHD.TV to find out!

FLASHBACK: Requiem for the Suicided: Terrance Yeakey (2010)

FROM 2010: This week we turn the focus of our open source investigation to Sgt. Terrance Yeakey, one of the first responder heroes at the scene of the OKC bombing who discovered something that conflicted with the official story of the bombing…something that cost him his life.

Nullification – #SolutionsWatch

Nullification – #SolutionsWatch

Joining us today to discuss the latest wins for the nullification movement is Michael Boldin (NOT Boldrin!) of In this jam-packed conversation, James and Michael examine the historical and philosophical roots of nullification and how the idea is being used to derail federal government tyranny.


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