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September Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

September Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

I’ve had a productive August but now it’s time to get back to the regular posts, starting with the September Open Thread. Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave your discussion in the comments below.

August Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

August Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

I’m off busy working on projects behind the scenes this month, but the open thread is now open for business! Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave your discussion in the comments below.


The Secret History of Hamas

The Secret History of Hamas

Isn't it funny how the establishment "news" makes its audience feel informed even when they're frighteningly ignorant? An event like the October 7th false flag takes place and suddenly the very same people who couldn't find Israel on a map are now self-proclaimed...

The REAL Solution to the UN Madness

The REAL Solution to the UN Madness

You'll never guess what just happened. Politico published an article about a real solution! Yes, an honest-to-goodness solution! Shocking, isn't it? Even more shocking: it's a solution that details how we can free ourselves from the clutches of the UN! And the most...

April Open Thread (2024)

April Open Thread (2024)

As you know, I've been off this past week and won't be posting anything for another couple of days. So, why don't we start the April Open Thread a day early? If you're a Corbett Report member, you're invited to log in to the site and leave your comments below on the...

New Year Open Thread (2024)

New Year Open Thread (2024)

Happy New Year, everyone. Thanks for the emails guys, but yes, my part of Japan is fine. I'll be back posting again in the coming week. In the meantime, Corbett Report members are invited to log in and post news, information, thoughts, ideas, solutions and whatever...

Reportage: Adventures in the New Media

Reportage: Adventures in the New Media

Could it be? Is it really true? Let me check . . . . . . Yes, there are the decorations in all of the stores. There are the trinkets and doodads festooning the local mecca of commerce, inviting credulous consumers to spend their hard-earned yen on cheap, slave-made...

The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

Have you ever seen a news story about something you yourself have gone through? Or read a magazine article about a subject you happen to be familiar with? If so, then you've likely experienced what most people have felt in that situation: anger and bemusement. "How...

December Open Thread (2023)

Ho ho ho! It's December. It's cold. It's about to get snowy. So why not pull the laptop up to the fire, kick back with some hot cocoa and share a bit of holiday joy with the Corbett Report community? So what's on your mind right now? The latest news from Gaza? The...