Is It Pyramids All The Way Up? – Questions For Corbett

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Banning Chemtrails – #SolutionsWatch

Banning Chemtrails – #SolutionsWatch

Today chemtrails researcher and author Peter Kirby joins us to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails, from the legislation that’s been popping up in various states to criminalize geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to Save Our Skies.

Episode 462 – The Corbett Report Hall of Shame

Episode 462 – The Corbett Report Hall of Shame

Today, James begins inducting MSM liars, dodgy politicians and intelligence agency scoundrels into The Corbett Report Hall of Shame. Simultaneously, he begins inducting truth-telling whistleblowers and courageous journalists into The Corbett Report Hall of Fame. Who...

Interview 1891 – Canada Prepares to Flush Turdeau (NWNW 560)

Interview 1891 – Canada Prepares to Flush Turdeau (NWNW 560)

This week on the New World Next Week: Trudeau (and every other incumbent) is in trouble as half the world goes to the polls this year to throw the bums out; Monsanto drops its lawsuit against the Mexican government over its GM corn ban; and a convicted rapper is ordered to submit his song lyrics to the US government for approval.


June Open Thread (2024)

June Open Thread (2024)

The time has come for the monthly open thread. So, what's on your mind this month? Cows. It's cows, isn't it? Maybe you want to discuss the "techno-cows" that are being bioengineered to squirt insulin from their teets. Or maybe you're here to ponder why Bill Gates is...

The Fed’s “Doomsday Book” Has Been Revealed

The Fed’s “Doomsday Book” Has Been Revealed

Back in 2011, shareholders of insurance giant American International Group (AIG) filed a $40 billion class action lawsuit against the US government over the terms of its controversial bailout of AIG during the 2008 financial crisis. In 2014, the trial case came to...

What The Hell is Happening in Africa?

What The Hell is Happening in Africa?

Six years ago, I wrote "The Secret Battle for Africa." In that editorial, I noted the extent of US Special Forces penetration into Africa and examined the geopolitical reality underlying this covert invasion: Even a cursory review of the evidence shows that one...

Epstein Eugenics: The Plan to Seed the Human Race

Epstein Eugenics: The Plan to Seed the Human Race

Remember the summer of 2019? Remember when—after months of growing awareness of the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, rising concern over the blatantly illegal cover-up of those crimes, and renewed scrutiny of his "philanthropic" efforts—Epstein was finally arrested in New...

This Is What The Globalists REALLY Fear

This Is What The Globalists REALLY Fear

Would you like to see what the globalists really fear? OK, here's a picture: "What? A protest? Pffff. The controllers of the global conspiracy don't care about a little protest, James," you scoff, scrolling on to the next post in your never-ending feed of doomporn....

The Secret History of Hamas

The Secret History of Hamas

Isn't it funny how the establishment "news" makes its audience feel informed even when they're frighteningly ignorant? An event like the October 7th false flag takes place and suddenly the very same people who couldn't find Israel on a map are now self-proclaimed...

The REAL Solution to the UN Madness

The REAL Solution to the UN Madness

You'll never guess what just happened. Politico published an article about a real solution! Yes, an honest-to-goodness solution! Shocking, isn't it? Even more shocking: it's a solution that details how we can free ourselves from the clutches of the UN! And the most...