The Strange Story of Peter Thiel – Part Two: Buying Politicians is Easy

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Nullification – #SolutionsWatch

Nullification – #SolutionsWatch

Joining us today to discuss the latest wins for the nullification movement is Michael Boldin (NOT Boldrin!) of In this jam-packed conversation, James and Michael examine the historical and philosophical roots of nullification and how the idea is being used to derail federal government tyranny.

Episode 438 – The Future Food False Flag

Episode 438 – The Future Food False Flag

The food supply is under attack. But by whom? And for what purpose? Find out the dirty truth about the global food crisis and how the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are trying to use this crisis as an opportunity to usher in the Great Food Reset on today’s fast-paced edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

FLASHBACK: The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat (2018)

FROM 2018: There is in fact a Middle Eastern nation that is in fact in control of a vast, undeclared stockpile of nuclear weapons. This nation does have the capability of deploying those weapons anywhere in the region. It is not a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and its arsenal has never been inspected by any international agency. But this nation is not Iran. It’s Israel.


How to Play 3D Chess

It's a ridiculous, no good, stupid, rotten meme. You know, the idea that every horrible move that Precedent Trump ever made (like appointing John Bolton or launching Operation Warp Speed) was actually some super-complicated three-dimensional chess move intended to...

5 Ways Biometric Security Can Be Spoofed

Remember when you were a kid and you tried to imagine what the world was going to look like in the far-off, sci-fi-sounding year of 2021? What did you imagine? Weekend trips to the moon? Flying cars and jetpacks to take you around elevated cities? Robot butlers? The...

Did Russia Just Undergo Regime Change?

Good morning, students. It's time for Media Literacy 101. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let's begin. Have you ever heard of Betteridge's Law of Headlines? It is a journalistic maxim, formulated by Ian Betteridge, holding that "any headline which ends in a question...

When Is A Camera Not A Camera?

Here's a riddle for you: When is a camera not a camera? It may not sound as important as The Riddle of the Sphinx, but let me assure you it speaks to the very nature of the reality we live in. And it has a simple answer: When is a camera not a camera? When the EU says...

The 2020s: A Peek at the Decade Ahead

Well, that didn't take long. You'll recall that it was mere weeks ago that I predicted that the trend of 2020 would be "The End of the Internet (as we've known it)," and, sadly, before 2019 was even finished a steady stream of stories flooded the newswires to prove me...

Iran Missile Strike Open Thread

I'm sure you've all seen the latest developments in the Middle East by now, and their strange denouement(?) Unfortunately I'm sick in bed today with the tail end of a flu bug and unable to produce an analysis of these events right now. I am, however, starting this...