Interview 1900 – James Corbett Dissects the Food Crisis on the SLOBODNI Podcast

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July Open Thread (2024)

July Open Thread (2024)

Happy Canada Day, everyone! That’s right, July is upon us already, so it’s time for the July Open Thread.

Interview 1889 – Assange is Free, But Speech…? Not so much. (NWNW 559)

Interview 1889 – Assange is Free, But Speech…? Not so much. (NWNW 559)

This week on the New World Next Week: Assange is free but speech isn’t as the 9/11 denier pleads guilty to espionage; a new video shows a tourist in Washington as Uncle Sam plays the Get Into Saudi Arabia Free card; and the US psyops teams are exposed for spreading mis(?) dis(?) or just plain old information about the Chinese clot shots.

Episode 461 – I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition (And You Can, Too!)

Episode 461 – I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition (And You Can, Too!)

In the EXACT OPPOSITE of the tradition of the “I Read . . . So You Don’t Have To” series of podcasts, today James presents a read-through / exploration of a book you actually really SHOULD read: The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose! Strap in and get ready for a data dump. And then get ready to read the book yourself!


This Is What The Globalists REALLY Fear

This Is What The Globalists REALLY Fear

Would you like to see what the globalists really fear? OK, here's a picture: "What? A protest? Pffff. The controllers of the global conspiracy don't care about a little protest, James," you scoff, scrolling on to the next post in your never-ending feed of doomporn....

The Secret History of Hamas

The Secret History of Hamas

Isn't it funny how the establishment "news" makes its audience feel informed even when they're frighteningly ignorant? An event like the October 7th false flag takes place and suddenly the very same people who couldn't find Israel on a map are now self-proclaimed...

The REAL Solution to the UN Madness

The REAL Solution to the UN Madness

You'll never guess what just happened. Politico published an article about a real solution! Yes, an honest-to-goodness solution! Shocking, isn't it? Even more shocking: it's a solution that details how we can free ourselves from the clutches of the UN! And the most...

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping

Have you heard the latest nonsense from the climate cultists? No, I'm not talking about recycling human hair to change the weather. And I'm not talking about the hot new fad of defacing works of art (and the US constitution) to end climate change. No, I'm talking...

March Open Thread (2024)

March Open Thread (2024)

Can you believe it's March already? I, for one, absolutely and categorically refuse to believe it. But still, the calendar insists otherwise so here we are in the March Open Thread. What's on your mind this month? Are you keeping up with the latest events in Gaza? Are...

A Brief History of Ukraine

A Brief History of Ukraine

The full-on hysteria that surrounded the announcement of Tucker Carlson's arrival in Moscow and his subsequent interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin—including Hillary Clinton branding Carlson a "useful idiot" and Bill Kristol's call to bar him from...