
Freedom’s the Answer! (What’s the Question?) – #SolutionsWatch

Freedom’s the Answer! (What’s the Question?) – #SolutionsWatch

So you want to know the answer, do you? You know: The Answer. Well, freedom’s the answer! (What’s the question?) Joining me to demonstrate this point and discuss a few of the details are Keith Knight, Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute and editor of The Voluntaryist Handbook, and Larken Rose, author of The Most Dangerous Superstition and creator of Jones Plantation film.

Pick Your Pieces – #SolutionsWatch

Pick Your Pieces – #SolutionsWatch

Do you feel helpless? Powerless? Unable to achieve your goals? Is that because you are a weak, powerless, helpless good-for-nothing? Or because you have become stuck in a narrative frame that tells you that you are weak, powerless and helpless? And, if the latter, how do you rewire your cognitive circuitry to break you out of that habit of thinking? Joining us today to discuss his answer to these questions and other insights from his new book, Pick Your Pieces – Some Thoughts to Think About, is Joe Plummer of

…But How Do I Make Money? – Questions For Corbett

…But How Do I Make Money? – Questions For Corbett

“. . . but how do I make money from this information, James?” is a question I receive from time to time. Or, more charitably, “Given the conspiracy reality, how do I invest for my retirement?” That’s a better question, but still, it depends on what we mean by investment, and what it is we’re looking to achieve in the long run. No, I’m not an investment advisor and won’t give you the latest hot stock tip, but I do have some things to say about this topic.

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Think you’ve got The Great Travel Reset under control? Think you’re too smart to be fooled by the vaccine passports? Well, you’d better prepare yourself for the next Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop that’s coming along to convince you that you need to be herded into the digital ID gulag: the generated border crisis! Find out all about it in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.


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