Results for "ipcc"

The Greatest Trick of All

Magic is the ability to make someone believe something that isn't true. It follows, then, that most great magicians are keen observers of human psychology and that magic routines are, at base, a skillfully arranged set of techniques for preying on our cognitive...

Interview 1706 – James Corbett on Holding the Line

Interview 1706 – James Corbett on Holding the Line

via Holding the Line: Journalists Against Covid Censorship (RECORDED FEBRUARY 28, 2022): Independent journalist James Corbett and HTL's Rusere Shoniwa discuss war, Covid-19, climate change and the economy and how those four themes are being used to erode human...

Welcome to the New Economy

We are plunging headlong into the greatest economic transition in history. We don't have to speculate about that, either. Back in 2015, Christina Figueres—then the UN's top climate change official—straight up told us that this was the end goal of the Great Resetters...

How To Protest (Extinction Rebellion Style!)

So you've decided to get off your butt and save the planet. About time! So, what was it that put you over the edge? Was it the impassioned plea to "Act Now" because "Our House is Flooding!" Or was it the finger-wagging "How dare you?" of everyone's favorite...

The Best of The Corbett Report

A lot of people have asked me to post a "Best of The Corbett Report" list so they can get a handle on the vast amount of material in the archives. Although this list is necessarily partial and arbitrary, it provides a window into the type of work...


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