
Interview 1296 – Scott Horton on The Fool’s Errand in Afghanistan

Interview 1296 – Scott Horton on The Fool’s Errand in Afghanistan

Scott Horton of The Scott Horton Show and The Libertarian Institute joins us to discuss his new book, Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan. After discussing Trump’s plan to surge yet again, we get into the meat and potatoes of the book’s deep dive into the history and politics of the Afghanistan war before arriving at the inevitable “why” of this senseless and brutal military endeavour. We even broach the disagreement on Bin Laden and 9/11.
Interview 1294 – James Corbett on Declare Your Independence

Interview 1293 – James Corbett on The Gary Null Show

James Corbett appears on The Gary Null Show for a detailed conversation on the history, function, and future of The Federal Reserve system. James and Gary discuss the history of the Fed as detailed in Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve, dissect the Fed’s role in creating the financial crisis as it exists today and point to the real solution to this crisis.
Interview 1294 – James Corbett on Declare Your Independence

Interview 1289 – James Corbett on Cyber 9/11

The global war on terror has entered the digital age and it’s no longer a question of if there will be an attack on the world wide web but when! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about what a possible cyber attack scenario might look like, who the perpetrators are likely to be, who the scapegoat will be to take the fall and most importantly what we all can do about it BEFORE it happens.


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